What is R2B Coin | R2B Coin ReviewOver the past few weeks, one of the most common questions I get is, “What is R2B coin?”As many of you already know, Cryptocurrency has been the hottest topic on the internet since it’s value sky rocketed last year. It seems like everyone is suddenly hopping on the Bitcoin train, but little do they know that there are so many other types of Crypto-currency in the market place that are on the rise right now.What is R2B Coin?My personal favorite and one that I am heavily invested in right now is called?R2B Coin?which is also considered as “The Asian Currency!” R2B Coin is a NEW currency that was designed strictly for Asian markets but were recently expanded here to the states.SPECIAL PROMOTION : Sign up today & DOUBLE the value of your coins!It’s clear that Ethereum is the rising star in the Crypto market as it has quickly become the second largest valued coin behind Bitcoin. R2B Coin?is based on the same Ethereum Blockchain so it is totally legit!If you got $1000 worth of?Bitcoin?back in 2013, you’d have 3 million dollars today! With R2B coin still in pre-trade sale (Phase 1), we have the same opportunity right now to ride this wave from the very beginning. It’s crazy!Some Key Points About R2B CoinSecurely developed on the Ethereum BlockchainCoin value started from $0.008 an $188Pre trade sales expected to last till March or AprilTrading starts once total sale of coins reaches $188,888,888International debit card to be issued at $9.95R2B coins are Pre-Mined Coins. (They are registered as ERC20 tokens on Etherscan’s website. Pre-mined coins do not need a White Paper.)One key element that the R2B Coin website offers is probably the simplest way for a complete NEWBIE in this industry to invest in?Cryptocurrency?right away. One of the reasons I was hesitant about investing in Cryptocurrency was because I just didn’t understand how it all worked.How Did I Hear About R2B Coin?A few ago, a friend of mine recommended R2B Coin to me and I decided, why not? I haven’t invested in any types of Cryptocurrency before so I figured I might as well start somewhere, right? At the time, the value of 1 R2B Coin was worth about $4. Two weeks later, it already surpassed $9 (1/20/18).This is definitely something to look into. I recently put in a $650 investment and with the special promotion going on right now, I received double the value of my coins. If you want in on this promotion, it is extended till February 14, 2018!Below are some of the most common questions I get about R2B Coin. Commonly Asked QuestionsHow do I get started?If you’re ready to get started with R2B Coin,?CLICK HERE?to sign up and browse the website to see the types of packages offered.What is the minimum investment?The lowest investment you can make through the site is $28. This also offers you a subscription and allows you to become active in the affiliate program. (Optional) Then you can choose to purchase 1 of 6 different coin packages ranging from $100 to $50,000.How can I buy R2B Coin?Credit card or debit card to make instant purchases.Wire transfer from your bankBitcoin acceptedHow do I make money with R2B Coin?There are 2 ways to make money with R2B Coin.Passive – Buy any of the coin packages, watch your $$$ grow, and wait to sell them when it goes public.Active – When you become an affiliate, there are 3 different ways you can earn commissions. So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash, you should take advantage of this program.Have people already made money with R2B Coin?Yes! We have people who have already taken out $100 – $3,000 at one time from their account.What are the risks?Just like with any kind of investment, you only put in what you’re willing to lose. Invest at your own risk. That’s why it’s so important to do your own research or ask someone who is already in if you have any questions. At the end of the day, it’s all up to you.Are there any special offers when purchasing the coin?Yes! For every package that you buy until February 14, 2018, you will get DOUBLE (2x) the value of your coins. So if you put in $500, you will receive $1000 worth of R2B Coins. Pretty awesome!SPECIAL PROMOTION : Sign up today & DOUBLE the value of your coins!Is the affiliate program an MLM?No! No one is forced to sell anything, pay any fees, or stay in for a period of time. You can also make more money than your up-line if you’re an active affiliate, so you get what you earn and it doesn’t really benefit those above you so in my eyes no, this is not an MLM.What are vouchers?Vouchers are purchased in groups of 10 and give you $280.00 worth of coins at the current market price. If you gave someone a voucher, it pays for their IMP for 30 days and gives them $28 worth of coins.If you want to receive bonuses and commissions, there is a cost of $28 for the IMP (Income Maintenance Program) that must be renewed every 30 days.Everyone must make 2 personal coin package sales to be eligible for bonuses and commissions.Can I change my Username?Unfortunately, not at this time.Hopefully this information will be of help to you!Blessings,Randy Thomas ................

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