R&D/ Agile Innovation Project Plan - Home - Enterprise Ireland

R&D/ Agile Innovation Project PlanCompany Name:Windows & Glass Ltd.Project Title:Designing, developing, manufacturing and installing PVC Glazing Systems for Irish and UK markets.Contact Name:XXXXDate:XXXXProject Type: R&D/ Agile InnovationThe purpose of this document is to provide a detailed plan for the proposed project. The goal is to have a plan that could be used throughout the project. It should ideally be written by the person who will lead the project. This is not a business or marketing document and should not repeat anything already covered in the Application Form. The questions should be treated as prompts and can be ignored if not relevant. For R&D/ Agile Innovation projects, this document should be written by a technical person in the company. You can assume that the audience has a technical background. Use a separate document per project. 1Project Purpose & ObjectivesExplain the purpose of the project. (What is the problem to be solved? describe the current situation)This project aims to redesign Windows & Glass Ltd. products to achieve widespread acceptance for the Chinese market. Although European windows and glass systems are superior in terms of heat loss, solar gain and advanced glass technologies, Chinese fitting practices are different. The practice is to fit a fully-finished unit from the inside. To meet Chinese installation practices, it will be necessary to design a brand-new window system that can ship from our factory in Galway, fully glazed yet thin enough to be aesthetically pleasing. The new system must pass stringent testing to meet the requirements of the Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) and Chinese Rating Council (CRC).The proposed new window system will be composed of tall, narrow, modular components factory-fabricated to the highest build quality and certified to the Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) for structural & thermal performance. It will be rapidly installed with minimal labour and will be scalable and upgradable from double and triple glazing with a range of novel safety features. Windows & Glass Ltd. are proposing to develop new methods both for transportation and installation including a customised, highly-manoeuvrable racking system suitable for container shipping & fast unloading, and a method for safely hoisting the window module out of its rack and safely installing it into the window wall using flexible crawling cranes (below). This new rack will have a collapsible frame which can be stacked for the return journey to IrelandList the key objectives of the project;Design and develop a new window system, compatible with Chinese fitting practicesEnsure European standards are maintained in terms of heat loss, solar gain and advanced glass technologiesEnsure the windows and glass systems are developed to the highest build quality and certified to the Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) for structural & thermal performanceDevelop new methods both for transportation and installation of the windows and glass systems2Proposed SolutionDescribe in detail the solution you propose to implement. Please include diagrams if possible;Demonstrate Windows & Glass Ltd. systems are designed and developed to meet stringent performance standards with Chinese Manufacturers Association (CMA) for structural & thermal performance. This includes: Passing performance tests for resistance to air leakage, water penetration and wind pressureEnsure performance tests are conducted at an independent CMA-accredited laboratoryIndividual components used in the window and glass system pass separate performance tests3InnovationsList any innovative aspects of this project that will help differentiate you from competitors;Key design features of the new system will include:Increased strength because the window must leave the factory fully glazedTriple glazing systems (not used in the Chinese market but soon to become a requirement) Features to facilitate hoisting and lifting within the building shellThe development of a family of window productsDesigning custom modular racking to facilitate container shipment offloading and high manoeuvrability 4Technical UncertaintiesTo qualify as R&D there must be technical uncertainties that need to be resolved usually by test and measurement or trial and error. List here the technical uncertainties you plan to resolve. For BII projects list technical and other uncertainties that require resolutionRisks and uncertainties are considered:MEDIUM - The prototype unit might fail and require a redesign or third-party components might failLOW - European window standards are superior to those in China and the technology has been well tried3Project Activities / PlanDetail the activities and deliverables associated with the project; Start with a list of the high-level activities planned. For each activity include a clear description of the activity, a list of the expected deliverables and an estimate of the resources required (in days or months as applicable). About 10-20 activities is usually appropriate. The following table may be useful, but an alternative format is acceptable;ActivityDescriptionDeliverable(s) expectedResources Required (Estimate)Design a new window and glass systemDevelop conceptual hand sketches Develop first CAD drawingsIssue CAD drawings to various suppliers and component manufacturers for commentRevise CAD drawingsReissue CAD drawings for comment (may require multiple reviews)CAD drawings complete350 Person DaysOrder/ buy components Place orders with suppliers to produce dies for aluminum, plastic and gasketsPurchase third-party componentsPlace order for minimum extrusion quantitiesMaterials and equipment supplies40 Person DaysBuild a prototype window and glass systemDevelop computer systems and CAM to build the prototype window in the factoryBuild the first prototype and repeat build if puter systems finalised and first prototype complete 485 Person DaysFinalise design Sign-off die drawings and agree tolerances.All sign-offs finalised 4 Person DaysCarry out quality and assurances checks Check profiles for Quality ControlQ&A complete Build the Test Window and glass Using experience and lessons and learned from designing and building the prototype, build the Test WindowTest window and glass product 490 Person DaysCertificationCMA testing is carried out in Meath.Testing computer simulation is done in the UKCertification complete 20 Person DaysXXXXXXXXXXXXNote: Applicants may wish to insert a Gantt chart into this section to help illustrate the plan but that should not replace a detailed description of the activities to be carried out4Project TeamDescribe the project team (including levels of experience);The current senior management team is well positioned to develop the business and achieve the planned growth. Led by Managing Director Sean Filan and Project Manager Maria Feehily, the company has a well organised and experienced management team and technical group in place, including:MD – Sean Filan - Chartered engineer with 30 years’ experienceProject Manager – Maria Feehily – Chartered engineer, PRINCE II qualification, 20 years’ experience in R&DAutomation Engineer – Nick Byrne - Chartered engineer, 20 years’ experienceEngineer - Ritta Keating - Chartered engineer, 10 years’ experienceEngineer - Sarah Gately - Chartered engineer, 10 years’ experienceTechnician - Kevin DuffyTechnician - Sean LynchBusiness Development - Michele GrahamDo you plan to use external consultants and what is their expected role? Consultancy 1 Ltd. - Consulting Engineers - Test Protocols and Compliance Documentation.Consultancy 2 Ltd.Consulting Acoustic and Thermal Analysis - provide thermal and acoustic analysis services.If there are team members yet to be identified, explain the strategy to find them and the expected timeframe? Where will the team be located?XXXX, DublinWhat are the skill/capability gaps in the team and what is the strategy to build capability?N/A ................

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