Parallel Circuits Worksheet #1

Junction Transistor Worksheet

1) Calculate the power gain of an amplifier that has a voltage gain of 0.75 and a current gain of 150.

2) Calculate the current gain of an amplifier that has a power gain of 200 and a voltage gain of 0.2.

3) Calculate the voltage gain of an amplifier if it has an input signal of 50mV and an output signal of 2V.

4) Calculate the output signal of an amplifier if it has a voltage gain of 100 with an input signal of 20mV.

5) Calculate the emitter current in a transistor when the base current is 50μA and the collector current is 125μA.

6) Calculate the collector current in a transistor when the emitter current is 150mA and the base current is 15mA.

7) Calculate the base current in a transistor when the collector current is 66μA and the emitter current is 69μA.

8) Calculate β for a transistor with a collector current of 75mA and a base current of 5mA.

9) Calculate the base current for a transistor if the collector current is 120mA with a β of 240.

10) A transistor has a base current of .2mA and an emitter current of 50mA. Calculate β.

11) A transistor has a emitter current of 250mA and a collector current of 248mA. Calculate β.

12) If a transistor junction is good, the ohmmeter will show a _____________ resistance.

13) BJT stands for _____________________________________.

14) A positive base region between two negative regions is called a ________transistor.

15) A negative base region between two positive regions is called a ________transistor.

16) The collector-base junction must be _______________-biased for proper operation.

17) The emitter-base junction must be ________________-biased for proper operation.


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