General princip[les of considering income




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-97-4 P-8080.50


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 A. General Principles for Considering Income

1. Use the same principles and procedures followed in the AFDC program when considering income and deciding if it is accessible.

2. Review all accessible income to determine whether it is counted or excluded from further consideration.

3. Exclude all income which meets the appropriate criteria for exclusion when determining eligibility, calculating benefits, or both.

4. Count all income which does not meet the criteria for exclusion.

5. Exclude from the deemors' income the same types of income which are excluded from that of the assistance unit members.

6. Calculate the amount of income to be deemed to the assistance unit using the formulas indicated for each deemor.

7. Do not deem any income from a child who receives federal, state, or local foster care maintenance payments or adoption assistance payments.

8. Deem income from recipients of SSI to the SCA or SMA assistance unit.

9. Deem income from recipients of a public assistance or general assistance cash program to the SCA or SMA assistance unit.

B. Formulas For Deeming Income

1. Deeming Income of Parents, Step-parents, and Spouses of Dependent Children

( Check that the potential deemors meet the following conditions:

* parents are living with a child under age twenty-one years of age;

* the step-parent is legally married to the parent of the child under age twenty-one and is living with the child;

* the spouse of a child under age twenty-one is living with the assistance unit but is not a member of the unit;




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-97-4 P-8080.50 page 2


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 B. 1. Formulas For Deeming Income (continued)

* the parent who is otherwise a mandated member has been excluded for not meeting an eligibility requirement.

( Calculate the amount of income to be deemed from each of the above deemors in the following manner:

* determine all earned income and subtract self-employment expenses, if appropriate, and a deduction for personal employment expenses;

* combine the remaining amount of earned income with the gross unearned income;

* subtract the amounts described in policy relative to the needs of the deemor, others in the assistance unit's home, and payments made by the deemor;

* deem the remaining amount to the assistance unit.

2. Sponsors of Non-citizens

( Check to see if the non-citizen meets the requirements outlined in policy.

( Determine if the sponsor of the non-citizen who meets the above requirements is an individual or an organization.

( If the sponsor is an individual, determine if he or she has signed an affidavit of support as described in policy. If not, stop here and do not deem income to the non-citizen.

( Determine if the sponsor's spouse is living with the sponsor:

* if the spouse of the sponsor is living with the sponsor, use the total of the income of the sponsor and his or her spouse;

* if there is no spouse or the sponsor and his or her spouse are not living together, count only the sponsor's income.

( Calculate the amount to be deemed to the non-citizen in the following way:




Date: 7-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 3


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 B. 2. Formulas For Deeming Income (continued)

* adjust any income from self-employment by subtracting self-employment expenses;

* add the remaining amount of earnings to the total of any unearned income the sponsor and/or sponsor's spouse has;

* deem this amount to the non-citizen.

3. Ineligible Parents and Siblings of Children Under Age Twenty-one

( Establish that the parent or sibling from whom income is to be deemed has been determined ineligible for reasons other than disqualification:

* if the individual has been disqualified, use the procedures for a disqualified person;

* if the individual is ineligible, but not disqualified, continue with these procedures.

( Calculate the amount of income to be deemed from the ineligible individual in the following manner:

* subtract self-employment expenses and the deduction for personal work expense from the individuals earned income;

* add the individual's net earnings to any gross unearned income he or she may have;

* determine the incremental difference between the AFDC payment standard of the parent and the children and the payment standard for just the children;

* subtract the incremental difference from the combined total income calculated above;

* deem the remaining amount as available to the assistance unit.




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 4


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 B. Formulas For Deeming Income (continued)

4. Disqualified Individuals

( Determine if the potential deemor is a mandatory assistance unit member who has been disqualified from receiving assistance for the reasons listed in policy.

* if the individual is not a mandatory unit member, do not deem his or her income to the unit;

* if the individual is a mandatory member and has been disqualified, continue with these procedures.

( Calculate the amount of income to be deemed as follows:

* subtract any self-employment expenses from any earnings from self-employment;

* add the total monthly gross earnings to the deemor's total gross unearned income;

* deem the entire combined gross income amount of income to the assistance unit.

5. Ineligible Spouses

( Establish that the potential deemor is a spouse of an applicant or recipient.

( Check to see if the potential deemor is living with his or her spouse;

( If the ineligible spouse lives with the applicant/recipient, continue with these procedures.

( Calculate the amount of income to be deemed as follows:

* subtract any self-employment expenses and the deduction for personal employment expenses from any earned income.

* add the total monthly gross earnings to the deemor's total gross unearned income;




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 5


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 B. 5. Formulas For Deeming Income (continued)

* deem the entire combined gross income amount of income to the assistance unit.

C. Converting Income Received Less Often than Monthly

1. Follow the procedures used in the AFDC program at P-5025.05 when converting income that:

( was earned over a past period of time;

( is received as an advance payment to meet future needs;

( is received on a periodic installment basis.

2. When no period of time is associated with the payments, treat payments received by SCA and SMA units as income in the month of receipt only, and as an asset in the following month to the extent to which any portion remains.

3. When the payment is retroactively prorated, recalculate the unit's eligibility and amount of benefits for each of the months affected by the income. Compute any resultant overpayments.

4. Continue to count income in the months for which the payment was prorated regardless of other changes which may occur.

D. Converting Self-employment Income Received Less Often Than Monthly

Use the procedures for the AFDC program at P-5025.15 to convert self-employment income or to annualize the income over a twelve-month period.

E. Calculating Applied Income for SCA and SMA Applicants and Recipients

1. Subject the earned income of each assistance unit member to the following calculations:

( Subtract the expenses of self-employment from the total income derived from self-employment, if applicable;

( From the member's gross earnings, subtract a deduction for personal work expenses;




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 6


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 E. Calculating Applied Income for SCA and SMA Applicants and Recipients (continued)

( Count the remainder as applied earned income when performing the net income eligibility test.

2. Count the total of all unearned income received each month by the assistance unit and add it to the total applied earned income.

3. Calculate the total applied income of each assistance unit member who is an applicant in the following manner:

( Add together the member's total applied unearned income, total applied earned income and all income deemed to the member;

( The resulting amount is the assistance unit member's total applied income.

4. Calculate the assistance unit's total applied income by adding all the members' applied income.

F. Calculating Applied Income for Residents of Chronic Disease or Free-standing Rehabilitation Hospitals

1. Determine if the individual is a resident of a Chronic disease or free-standing rehabilitation hospital. If yes, continue to step #2.

2. Follow the procedures for the MA program at P-5045.25 to determine the individual's applied income.

G. Considering Lump Sums

1. Follow the procedures at P-5050.10 for the AABD program when a SCA or SMA recipient receives a lump sum.

2. Subtract only the appropriate lump sum deductions allowed by policy for SCA and SMA to determine the net lump sum amount.

3. Determine if the lump sum is earned or unearned income:

( If the lump sum is earned income, add the net amount to any total gross amount of any other earnings the applicant or recipient has in the month of receipt before allowing any deductions on earnings allowed by SAGA policy.




Date: 4-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 7


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 G. Considering Lump Sums (continued)

( If the lump sum is unearned income, add the net amount to any other unearned income in the month of receipt. Remember there are no unearned income disregards for SCA or SMA.

4. Take the following steps when a SCA or SMA applicant receives a lump sum in the month of application:

( calculate the applied income for the month of receipt.

( treat the portion of the lump sum that is counted as income in the month of receipt.

( treat any portion that remains in the month following receipt as an asset.

H. Earned Income Received by Dependent Children

1. Determine whether the source of the earned income is JTPA or Non-JTPA.

2. Determine the student status of the dependent child.

3. When the child is a recipient and his or her earnings are from JTPA:

( exclude the earnings indefinitely as long as the child is either a full-time student or a part-time student who is not employed full-time;

( exclude the earnings for a maximum of six months per calendar year if the child is neither a full-time student nor a part-time student who is not employed full-time.

4. Do not exclude the child's income when his or her earnings are from a non-JTPA source.

I. Income From Roomers and Boarders

1. Use the procedures for the AFDC program at P-5050.25 to calculated the applied income from roomers and boarders.

2. Do not allow the deduction for personal work expenses.




Date: 7-1-97 Transmittal: UP-98-4 P-8080.50 page 8


Section: Type:

Special Programs PROCEDURES


Chapter: Program:

State-Administered General Assistance SCA

_______________________________________________________________ SMA


Treating Income


P-8080.50 J. Intermittent Income

1. Use the procedures for the AFDC program at P-5050.53 to determine if the income is intermittent or a lump sum.

2. If the income is a lump sum, follow the procedures in this subject for considering lump sum income.

3. If the income is intermittent income, continue using the AFDC procedures at P-5050.53.

K. Student Income

1. Determine if the payment to the individual is from a program administered or insured by the Commissioner of Education.

2. If the answer to step #1 is no, do not exclude the income and stop here.

3. If the answer to step #1 is yes:

( exclude any portion of the funds used for educational purposes according to policy;

( count any portion that is meant for a basic need according to policy as unearned income.

4. Make sure that the excluded funds are kept separate from other income or assets.


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