Detail Gift Analysis (DGA)

Prospect Rating System™ (PRS)

When to use this tool:

• To identify the people who are most likely to support your organization (top 10% of your database), and focus on those who have the will and the means to become lifetime donors.

• To find and nurture constituents who are declining (“falling”) donors and cultivate constituents who are increasing (“rising”) donors.

Understanding this tool:

• The Prospect Rating System uses the 3C elements (Commitment, Concern, and Capacity) to arrive at a Rate and Rank for each constituent in system.

o It uses a combination of points and percentages in each of the 3C areas to calculate a constituent Rating.

o Then it compares (or Ranks) each constituent to one another.

Begin Setup

NOTE: If you sign into GiftMaker Pro with a password please check that your Security Setting allows you the ability to view/edit constituent PRS information.

To begin, go to File, System Preferences. Click the Additional Preferences button and pick Prospect Rating System. Type in Category Weights needed for the 3Cs. These must equal 100%.

• Commitment: How strong a tie or “connection” does this person have to your organization? This percentage is measured by Classification, Gift Recency, and Gift Frequency. (The default setting is 40%.)

• Concern: How interested is this person in your mission/purpose? This percentage is measured by Classification. (The default setting is 20%.)

• Capacity: What is their giving history? This percentage is measured by Average Gift, Largest Gift, and Total Giving. (The default setting is 40%.)

Set Parameters for Concern and Commitment:

• Determine what Class Codes should be Type Connection-Commitment items (i.e. Alumni), or Type Concern items (i.e. Scholarship Program). See above for description of Commitment and Concern.

• Assign point values per Classification Code. The stronger the connection, or the more tightly aligned the concern, the higher the number that should be set.

• Gift Recency – Tracking the recency of a constituent’s gift shows if they are still committed. This is a setting that looks at the Last Single most Recent Gift. Then the PRS system will automatically determine the point value.

• Gift Frequency – Tracking the regularity of a constituent’s giving also shows whether or not they are still committed to your organization. You determine the average number of gifts a donor normally gives to your organization, and then enter a Greater Than and Less Than setting. The PRS automatically determines the point value.

Set Parameters for Capacity Elements:

• Average Gift Size – Determine how many gifts your donors have given and then the up and down amount average. Enter a Greater Than and Less Than setting for average amount per donor. PRS automatically determines the point value.

• Largest Gift Size – Determine, on average, the single largest gift donors give. NOTE: Base this number on the average single largest gift based on gifts given by the entire database, not the one or two donors who gave a very large gift. Be careful setting this number. Enter a Greater Than and Less Than setting. The PRS automatically determines the point value.

• Total Gift Size – This is a donor’s average Gift History amount. NOTE: If you have been fundraising for years, the gift histories could be very large. Try to get an average for what you currently consider total giving for new and long-time donors. Enter a Greater Than and Less Than setting. The PRS automatically determines the point value.

• Click the Return to System Preferences button and the Save/Enter.

Setup is done; what’s next?

Once you have completed the PRS setup, you will need to run the tools to calculate the new Rating and Ranking. See the first page of this document for a description of each.

• Re-calculate Raw Ratings for all constituents: This is the number of PRS points a constituent has based on the 3Cs. The raw rating for a constituent will be re-calculated automatically upon Add, Update, or Deletion of record information.

o To run this process, go to the File menu and choose Re-calculate Raw Ratings.

• Re-assign Percentile Ranking: This measures a single constituent against all other constituents in your database. Run this ranking on a regular basis, such as weekly.

o To run this process, all users must Exit the program. Go to the File menu and choose Re-assign Percentile Rank. This process will take several minutes to complete.

• Run Top Percentile Report: This report helps determine if your above settings and calculations are correct. Look for the constituents you believe should be in the Top 10%. If you believe the report is incorrect, you can make adjustments to the PRS settings and run the recalculations until the reporting is correct. From there all future entries should work properly.

o Go to Analysis menu and choose Top Percentile Report. Choose to show constituents in the top 10%.

Constituent Maintenance Main Screen

Prospect Rating System information can be viewed on the Main tab of each record.

• The PRS Rating is the first number listed on the top menu bar and on the right side of the Main window. Again, the Rating is the calculation of points based on the 3Cs. The record shown below is set at 97%. This record shows the constituent has a high Commitment level (48%) to the organization based on her Classification Code assignments. Her Concern for the organization, or involvement in programs etc., is very low. However, her Capacity to give, based on her giving history, has potential.

• The PRS Rank is the second number listed on the top menu bar and the right side of Main window. Again, the Rank is the calculation of points when compared to others in the database.

o In the sample record above, this constituent ranks in the 64th percentile when compared to others in the database. This indicates she has potential, but is not yet in the Top 10%.

Constituent Maintenance PRS Summary Screen

Details of a constituent’s rating can be viewed by clicking PRS button on Main tab.

NOTE: There is an adjustment option if you wish to increase (+) or decrease (-) a default setting for a particular constituent. List a comment for each adjustment that is made manually.


There are three areas in which you can review your PRS information quickly and easily.

• Dashboard: On the GiftMaker Pro main dashboard, choose the option for PRS Changes. This report will show each time you sign into GiftMaker Pro and whether a Raw Rating has changed by the number of points you indicated.

• Profile Report: In a Constituent Record, choose the Profile button. Check the option to view Prospect Rating System and Display/Print.

• User Defined Retrieval: Create custom reports by criteria needed and Display/Print or Export the information.

o Choose New User Defined Retrieval. Double click on the Donor Summary header to see the searchable criteria options for PRS.


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