Archive: Circuits Free Response - Weebly

Archive: Circuits Free ResponseContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Archive: Circuits Free Response PAGEREF _Toc379030459 \h 11976B3: Simple. Ohm’s Law, parallel circuits, find voltmeter reading PAGEREF _Toc379030460 \h 21976B3: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030461 \h 21981B4: Equivalent resistance, Kirchhoff’s, terminal voltage, power dissipated by resistor PAGEREF _Toc379030462 \h 31981B4: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030463 \h 31980B2: Mystery device, put into a set circuit, figure out what resistor to add with it, draw circuit, then you have to put it in a circuit with a set current, calculate power dissipated PAGEREF _Toc379030464 \h 3Solution 1980B2 PAGEREF _Toc379030465 \h 41982B4: Putting a clock and radio into a circuit with a set voltage. Draw them into the circuit, then find resistance, then calculate electrical energy per minute PAGEREF _Toc379030466 \h 51982B4: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030467 \h 61983B3: Kirchhoff. Given circuit with two batteries, series, parallel resistors, given a place on circuit that has V=0, must find the rest PAGEREF _Toc379030468 \h 61983B3: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030469 \h 71987B4: Combination circuit, voltage, equivalent resistance, power in a resistor, and charge passing a point. PAGEREF _Toc379030470 \h 71987B4: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030471 \h 71988B3: Combination circuit with capacitors and switch PAGEREF _Toc379030472 \h 81988B3: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030473 \h 81989B3: Motor Lifting a Mass with a Variable Resistor PAGEREF _Toc379030474 \h 91989B3: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030475 \h 91990B3: Combination circuit with internal resistance, potential, energy… PAGEREF _Toc379030476 \h 101990B3: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030478 \h 102002B3B PAGEREF _Toc379030479 \h 102002B3B: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030480 \h 111998B4: Real Circuit, brightness, removing bulbs, brightness PAGEREF _Toc379030481 \h 111998B4: Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030482 \h 122000B3: Capacitor in parallel with voltmeter PAGEREF _Toc379030483 \h 13Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030484 \h 142003B2: RC Circuit PAGEREF _Toc379030485 \h 14Solution PAGEREF _Toc379030486 \h 151976B3: Simple. Ohm’s Law, parallel circuits, find voltmeter reading1976B3. In the circuit shown above, the current delivered by the 9-volt battery of internal resistance 1 ohmis 3 amperes. The power dissipated in R2a. Determine the reading of voltmeter V in the 12 watts.b. Determine the resistance of R2c. Determine the resistance of R.1976B3: Solution1981B4: Equivalent resistance, Kirchhoff’s, terminal voltage, power dissipated by resistor1981B4: Solution1980B2: Mystery device, put into a set circuit, figure out what resistor to add with it, draw circuit, then you have to put it in a circuit with a set current, calculate power dissipated1980B2. The electrical device whose symbol is shown above requires a terminal voltage of 12 volts and acurrent of 2 amperes for proper operation.a. Using only this device and one or more 3-ohm resistors design a circuit so that the device will operateproperly when the circuit is connected across a battery of emf 24 volts and negligible internalresistance. Within the dashed-line box in the diagram below, draw the circuit using the symbol for thedevice and the appropriate symbol for each 3-ohm resistor.b. Using only this device and one or more 3-ohm resistors, design a circuit so that the device will operateproperly when connected to a source that supplies a fixed current of 6 amperes. Within the dashed-linebox in the diagram below, draw the circuit using the symbol for the device and the appropriate symbolc. Calculate the power dissipation In each 3-ohm resistor used in the circuit in part b.Solution 1980B2The resistance of the device is found from R = V/I = 6 Ω. With a 24 volt source, to provide a current of 2 Arequires a total resistance of 12 Ω. For the additional 6 Ω resistance, place two 3 Ω resistors in series with thedevice.b. Since the device requires 2 A, a resistor in parallel with the device must carry a current of 6 A – 2 A = 4 A. Inparallel with the device, the resistor will have a potential difference of 12 V so must have a resistance of V/I =3 Ω. Thus, a single 3 Ω resistor in parallel will suffice.c. P = I2R = 48 W1982B4: Putting a clock and radio into a circuit with a set voltage. Draw them into the circuit, then find resistance, then calculate electrical energy per minute1982B4. A cabin contains only two small electrical appliances: a radio that requires 10 milliamperes ofcurrent at 9 volts, and a clock that requires 20 milliamperes at 15 volts. A 15-volt battery withnegligible internal resistance supplies the electrical energy to operate the radio and the clock.a. Complete the diagram below to show how the radio, the clock, and a single resistor R can be connectedbetween points A and B so that the correct potential difference is applied across each appliance. Usethe symbols in the diagram above to indicate the radio and the clock.b. Calculate the resistance of R.c. Calculate the electrical energy that must be supplied by the battery to operate the circuits for 1 minute.1982B4: Solution1983B3: Kirchhoff. Given circuit with two batteries, series, parallel resistors, given a place on circuit that has V=0, must find the rest1983B3. The circuit shown above is constructed with two batteries and three resistors. The connectingwires may be considered to have negligible resistance. The current I is 2 amperes.a. Calculate the resistance R.b. Calculate the current in thei. 6-ohm resistorii. 12-ohm resistorc. The potential at point X is 0 volts. Calculate the electric potential at points B. C, and D in the circuit.d. Calculate the power supplied by the 20-volt battery.1983B3: Solution1987B4: Combination circuit, voltage, equivalent resistance, power in a resistor, and charge passing a point.1987B4: Solution1988B3: Combination circuit with capacitors and switch1988B3: Solution1989B3: Motor Lifting a Mass with a Variable Resistor1989B3. A series circuit consists of a battery of negligible internal resistance, a variable resistor, and anelectric motor of negligible resistance. The current in the circuit is 2 amperes when the resistance in thecircuit is adjusted to 10 ohms. Under these conditions the motor lifts a l-kilogram mass vertically at aconstant speed of 2 meters per second.1989B3: Solution1990B3: Combination circuit with internal resistance, potential, energy…1990B3. A battery with an emf of 24 volts and an internal resistance of 1 ohm is connected to an externalcircuit as shown above. Determine each of the following:a. the equivalent resistance of the combination of the 4-ohm, 8-ohm, and 12-ohm resistorsb. the current in the 5-ohm resistorc. the terminal voltage, VACd. the rate at which energy is dissipated in the 12-ohm resistor of the batterye. the magnitude of the potential difference Vf. the power delivered by the battery to the external circuit1990B3: Solution2002B3B2002B3B. Lightbulbs of fixed resistance 3.0 Ω and 6.0 Ω, a 9.0 V battery, and a switch S are connected asshown in the schematic diagram above. The switch S is closed.a. Calculate the current in bulb A.b. Which lightbulb is brightest? Justify your answer.c. Switch S is then opened. By checking the appropriate spaces below, indicate whether the brightness ofeach lightbulb increases, decreases, or remains the same. Explain your reasoning for each lightbulb.i. Bulb A: The brightness increases decreases remains the sameExplanation:ii. Bulb B: The brightness increases decreases remains the sameExplanation:iii. Bulb C: The brightness increases decreases remains the sameExplanation:2002B3B: Solution1998B4: Real Circuit, brightness, removing bulbs, brightness1998B4 In the circuit shown above, A, B, C, and D are identical lightbulbs. Assume that the batterymaintains a constant potential difference between its terminals (i.e., the internal resistance of thebattery is assumed to be negligible) and the resistance of each lightbulb remains constant.a. Draw a diagram of the circuit in the box below, using the following symbols to represent thecomponents in your diagram. Label the resistors A, B. C, and D to refer to the correspondinglightbulbs. b. List the bulbs in order of their brightnesses, from brightest to least bright. If any two or more bulbshave the same brightness, state which ones. Justify your answer.c. Bulb D is then removed from its socket.i. Describe the change in the brightness, if any, of bulb A when bulb D is removed from its socket.Justify your answer.ii. Describe the change in the brightness, if any, of bulb B when bulb D is removed from its socket.Justify your answer.1998B4: Solution2000B3: Capacitor in parallel with voltmeterSolution2003B2: RC Circuit2003B2 A circuit contains two resistors (10 Ω and 20 Ω) and two capacitors (12 μF and 6 μF) connected toa 6 V battery, as shown in the diagram above. The circuit has been connected for a long time.a. Calculate the total capacitance of the circuit.b. Calculate the current in the 10 Ω resistor.c. Calculate the potential difference between points A and B.d. Calculate the charge stored on one plate of the 6 μF capacitor.e. The wire is cut at point P. Will the potential difference between points A and B increase, decrease, orremain the same?_____increase _____decrease _____remain the sameJustify your answer.Solution ................

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