Advanced Quantitative Reasoning

|Final Grade Averages: |Grade Point Average: |

|Create a grading system for a class with weights for different categories. You |Research a college of choice and a degree plan that gives you a list of class |

|must have at least three categories, each weight must be at least 10%, and all |that you will need to take to get a degree that you are interested in. Make sure|

|weights must be different. Make up 10 different grades that you might have in |you cite all your reliable sources. Assign yourself grades in classes over two |

|this class, with at least 2 grades in each category. Calculate your current |years of this degree plan (not all 4.0s). Calculate your GPA for these two |

|average in the class. Show all work that leads to your final answer. Now |years. Show all work that leads to your final answer. |

|calculate what you would need to get on a final test so that your average in the | |

|class would be two points higher than you currently have in the class. | |

| | |

|Slugging Averages: |Quarterback Ratings: |

|Research the history of and information about slugging averages in baseball. |Research the history of and information about quarterback ratings in football. |

|Write a summary of your findings, and make sure you cite all of your reliable |Write a summary of your findings, and make sure you cite all of your reliable |

|sources. Choose a baseball player of interest. Calculate his slugging average |sources. Choose a football player of interest. Calculate his quarterback rating|

|for a game, season, or career. Show all work that leads to your final answer. |for a game, season, or career. Show all work that leads to your final answer. |

| | |

|Fan Cost Index |Universal Product Codes: |

|Research the history of and information about fan cost index. Write a summary of|Research the history of and information about UPCs and their significance for |

|your findings, and make sure you cite all of your reliable sources. Research ANY|retail products. Write a summary of your findings, and make sure you cite all of|

|one professional team (same or different from the given ones in the table) and |your reliable sources. Find a product in the classroom that contains a UPC. |

|find the dollar amounts for the same items in the table for a professional |Explain what the numbers in the code represent, by discussing the significance of|

|sporting event in 2013. Find the FCI for that event. Show all work that leads |the numbers in the UPC. Prove that the UPC is valid. Show all work that leads |

|to your final answer. How is this FCI compared to another FCI, by researching an|to your final answer. |

|FCI in a different sport? Justify why you think the dollar amount is more or | |

|less. | |

|Credit Card Numbers: | |

|Research the history of and information about credit card numbers. Discuss the | |

|significance of the numbers to specific credit card companies and other | |

|applicable meanings with the credit card numbers. Make sure you cite all your | |

|reliable sources. Create a credit card number (DO NOT give a number that | |

|actually belongs to you) and connect the numbers you have chosen with the | |

|parameters/meanings of the numbers on the card (giving information about what | |

|credit card company it would be with, state, etc.). Prove whether or not your | |

|card number is valid. Show all work that leads to your final answer. If the | |

|number is not valid, how could you change the numbers so that it is valid and | |

|still stay within the required parameters? Show all work that leads to this | |

|final answer. | |


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