Cash Withdrawal Letter of Indemnification - Bankers Online

Cash Withdrawal Letter of Indemnification

I, ____________________________, have made a request to withdraw

$_________________ from my account(s) in cash.

I acknowledge the bank has counseled me against making a large cash withdrawal because carrying large amounts of cash poses a danger to my personal safety.

I acknowledge that the bank has offered to provide a cashier's check or similar instrument, in lieu of cash, and I have declined that offer.

I acknowledge and understand that I am assuming full responsibility of loss in the event the cash is lost, stolen, or destroyed.

I acknowledge that holding my funds in cash earns me no interest.

I acknowledge that if I choose to place cash in a safe deposit box in this bank or elsewhere, the funds will not be guaranteed by the depository or insured by the FDIC or any other federal or state agency.

I acknowledge that I am freely accepting this risk, and my decision to withdraw this large amount of cash is not made under any form of coercion or duress.

By signing this document, I agree to hold __________ bank harmless for accommodating my decision to withdraw funds in the form of cash.


Account Holder Print Name

____________________________ ____________________________

Account Holder Signature Date




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