WebVRAM Administration Module User Guide

WebVRAM Administration Module User GuideSeptember 2021Department of Veterans AffairsOffice of Information and TechnologyRevision HistoryNOTE: The table below includes only the most recent document updates. For brevity, the Revision History is truncated. The full list of revisions, including older document updates, is archived in REF _Ref65068091 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Appendix B – Full Revision History.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Abbreviated Revision HistoryDateDocument RevisionDescriptionAuthor9/9/20213.1Updated for WebVRAM September 2021 Hot Fix (associated with informational VistA patch WEBG*3*4):Updated IMPORTANT statement regarding primary menus to Section REF _Ref38380316 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1.2.2 ( REF _Ref38380316 \h Assumptions).Replaced REF _Ref31723182 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 4 ( REF _Ref79681777 \h WebVRAM Administration Module Main Page).Updated Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User), step 7, to specify Users link is available to WebVRAM Administrator.Replaced REF _Ref21709261 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 8 ( REF _Ref79681816 \h Administration Module Users Link).Added Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User), step 9 (Adding or Deleting WebVRAM Business Unit).Replaced REF _Ref26302557 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 10 ( REF _Ref74847726 \h Administration Module Business Units Links).Replaced REF _Ref26302566 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 11 ( REF _Ref74847791 \h Business Unit Profile Screen). Updated verbiage immediately following the figure in Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User).Added verbiage regarding business unit being a mandatory field to Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), steps 4 and 5.Added REF _Ref80288601 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 16 ( REF _Ref80289519 \h Banner on Disabled User Profile – Business Unit Must Be Added).Added REF _Ref80288702 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 17 ( REF _Ref80289552 \h Warning Message – Business Unit Must Be Added).Updated Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), step 6, to indicate Service Section field is now a drop-down list.Replaced REF _Ref26305548 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 18 ( REF _Ref79682970 \h VistA Profile Edit Option).Replaced REF _Ref26305880 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 19 ( REF _Ref79682994 \h VistA Profile Data Entry Fields).Added REF _Ref79682831 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 20 ( REF _Ref79683013 \h VistA Profile Service Section Dropdown List).Added custom profile information for Biloxi, Detroit, and Puget Sound to REF _Ref74848043 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 4 ( REF _Ref74848056 \h Site-specific VistA Profile Values).Added Section REF _Ref74848110 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.3 ( REF _Ref74848131 \h To Access Provider CPRS Features at Biloxi).Added Section REF _Ref74848180 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.6 ( REF _Ref74848180 \h To Access Progress Notes at Detroit).Added Section REF _Ref74848240 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.8 ( REF _Ref79681150 \h To Sign CPRS Notes at Puget Sound).Added Section REF _Ref79681163 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.9 ( REF _Ref79681163 \h To Access VistA Scheduling at Puget Sound).Updated verbiage in Section REF _Ref74848301 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3.3 ( REF _Ref74848314 \h Viewing Duplicate Account Issues – Edit Site). Added REF _Ref74848350 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 39 ( REF _Ref74848379 \h User Profile VistA Sites Section with Pencil Icon to Edit Site).Replaced REF _Ref74844669 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 40 ( REF _Ref74848508 \h Edit Site Screen – IEN Mismatch).Edited verbiage in Section REF _Ref74848564 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848587 \h Resolving the IEN Mismatch).Added NOTE to Section REF _Ref74848642 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848676 \h Resolving the Same Access Code Issue).Added Section REF _Ref74848755 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848772 \h Duplicate Accounts – NPI Number Already Assigned).Updated Section REF _Ref68603035 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3.5 ( REF _Ref68603035 \h Resolving Duplicate Account Issues), Step 7a.Removed references to Fee Basis Claims System (FBCS) from Section REF _Ref39081204 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ( REF _Ref39081204 \h Software Summary) and Appendix REF _Ref39081300 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT A ( REF _Ref39081300 \h Appendix A – Acronyms and Abbreviations).WebVRAM Project Team, VA Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Enterprise Program Management Office (EPMO)4/8/20213.0Updated for WebVRAM Release 3.0, (associated with informational VistA patch WEBG*3*1):Added CAUTION message regarding Edit Site button to step 5 of Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User).Added CAUTION message regarding Edit Site button to step 5 of Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User).Changed title of Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5 ( REF _Ref38380741 \h Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies) and REF _Ref26309026 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 22 to remove the word “duplicate” to avoid confusion with new duplicate account sections.Deleted former Section 4.6.2 (To Write CPRS Tele-ICU Notes at Chillicothe and Cleveland VA Medical Centers with a WebVRAM Connection). This content is now covered under Section REF _Ref65523454 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.Added Section REF _Ref65523454 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7 ( REF _Ref65523454 \h Custom Profile Values Required to Access Features at Certain Sites).Corrected User Class values for Chillicothe and Cleveland in Sections REF _Ref67505027 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.4 and REF _Ref67505037 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.5 and in step 8 of Section REF _Ref38381050 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.1.Added Section REF _Ref65779734 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.8 ( REF _Ref65779734 \h Access CPRS at Remote Sites Using CPRS Desktop Launcher) to explain 30-day VistA profile expiration.Updated REF _Ref47105931 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5 ( REF _Ref47105946 \h User Profile Issues and VistA Data Anomalies) in Section REF _Ref38381082 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.2 ( REF _Ref38381082 \h Common Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data Anomalies).Added Issue # column.Added step 3 to Issue 3. Edited step 3 under Issue 5.Edited Issue 7.Added Issues 14-16.Added Section REF _Ref65498914 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3 ( REF _Ref65499061 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Duplicate Account Reconciliation) and subsections.Retitled Section 6 to Appendix REF _Ref39081300 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT A ( REF _Ref39081300 \h Appendix A – Acronyms and Abbreviations) and updated contents.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO10/22/20202.2See REF _Ref65068091 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Appendix B – Full Revision History.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMOTable of Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \t "Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,Heading 4,4,Heading 5,5,Appendix 1,1,Appendix 2,2,Appendix 1.1,2,Appendix B.1,2,Appendix A.1,2" 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc82450827 \h 11.1.Purpose PAGEREF _Toc82450828 \h 11.2.Document Orientation PAGEREF _Toc82450829 \h 11.2.anization of the Manual PAGEREF _Toc82450830 \h 11.2.2.Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc82450831 \h 21.2.3.Coordination PAGEREF _Toc82450832 \h 31.2.4.VA OIT Standard Disclaimers PAGEREF _Toc82450833 \h Disclaimer PAGEREF _Toc82450834 \h Disclaimer PAGEREF _Toc82450835 \h 31.2.5.Documentation Conventions PAGEREF _Toc82450836 \h 31.2.6.References and Resources PAGEREF _Toc82450837 \h 41.3.Enterprise Service Desk and Organizational Contacts PAGEREF _Toc82450838 \h 42.Software Summary PAGEREF _Toc82450839 \h 52.1.WebVRAM Roles PAGEREF _Toc82450840 \h 53.Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc82450841 \h 63.1.Business Unit Administrator User Setup PAGEREF _Toc82450842 \h 63.rmation the Business Unit Administrator User Will Need PAGEREF _Toc82450843 \h 63.3.Logging into the WebVRAM Administration Module (WAM) PAGEREF _Toc82450844 \h 74.Using the Application PAGEREF _Toc82450845 \h 114.1.View / Edit User PAGEREF _Toc82450846 \h 114.2.Add New User PAGEREF _Toc82450847 \h 164.3.Add Security Key Not Present in User’s Home VistA – Audit Required PAGEREF _Toc82450848 \h 264.4.Quick Delete of User Profile Entries PAGEREF _Toc82450849 \h 274.5.Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies PAGEREF _Toc82450850 \h 284.6.Standard Configurations for CPRS Functionality PAGEREF _Toc82450851 \h 344.6.1.To Order Meds and Write Notes in CPRS PAGEREF _Toc82450852 \h 344.6.2.To Use CPRS Features as a Non-Physician Provider PAGEREF _Toc82450853 \h 344.6.3.To Use the Tele-ICU Provider CPRS Timeout Option PAGEREF _Toc82450854 \h 354.7.Custom Profile Values Required to Access Features at Certain Sites PAGEREF _Toc82450855 \h 364.7.1.Summary of Site-specific VistA Profile Values PAGEREF _Toc82450856 \h 364.7.2.All VAMCs: Secondary Menu Required for Mental Health Clinical Reminders PAGEREF _Toc82450857 \h 394.7.3.To Access Provider CPRS Features at Biloxi PAGEREF _Toc82450858 \h 394.7.4.To Access Tele-ICU Notes at Chillicothe, OH PAGEREF _Toc82450859 \h 394.7.5.To Access Tele-ICU Notes at Cleveland, Ohio PAGEREF _Toc82450860 \h 394.7.6.To Access Progress Notes at Detroit PAGEREF _Toc82450861 \h 404.7.7.Order Meds and Access Progress Notes at Northern California and San Francisco PAGEREF _Toc82450862 \h 404.7.8.To Sign CPRS Notes at Puget Sound PAGEREF _Toc82450863 \h 404.7.9.To Access VistA Scheduling at Puget Sound PAGEREF _Toc82450864 \h 404.7.10.To Access Consults at New Jersey PAGEREF _Toc82450865 \h 414.8.Access CPRS at Remote Sites Using CPRS Desktop Launcher PAGEREF _Toc82450866 \h 434.9.Standard Configuration for VistA Imaging Functionality PAGEREF _Toc82450867 \h 444.10.View/Edit User’s Home VistA System and Active Directory Name PAGEREF _Toc82450868 \h 454.11.View User’s Log PAGEREF _Toc82450869 \h 484.11.1.User Log Cerner Messages PAGEREF _Toc82450870 \h 504.12.Disable User Account PAGEREF _Toc82450871 \h 524.13.Exit System PAGEREF _Toc82450872 \h 525.Troubleshooting PAGEREF _Toc82450873 \h 535.1.Special Instructions for Error Correction PAGEREF _Toc82450874 \h 535.1.1.Initial Checklist to Begin Troubleshooting User Access Issues PAGEREF _Toc82450875 \h 535.1.mon Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data Anomalies PAGEREF _Toc82450876 \h 555.2.Look Up a User’s Home VistA Profile Information PAGEREF _Toc82450877 \h 625.3.Duplicate Account Reconciliation PAGEREF _Toc82450878 \h 635.3.1.Detecting VistA User Account Conflicts – Block Site Access PAGEREF _Toc82450879 \h 635.3.2.Detecting VistA User Account Conflicts – User Profile VistA Sites PAGEREF _Toc82450880 \h 645.3.3.Viewing Duplicate Account Issues – Edit Site PAGEREF _Toc82450881 \h 655.3.3.1.Duplicate Accounts – IEN Mismatch PAGEREF _Toc82450882 \h 655. the IEN Mismatch PAGEREF _Toc82450883 \h 665.3.3.2.Duplicate Accounts – SSN Conflict PAGEREF _Toc82450884 \h 665. the SSN Conflict PAGEREF _Toc82450885 \h 675.3.3.3.Duplicate Accounts – Same Access Code PAGEREF _Toc82450886 \h 675. the Same Access Code Issue PAGEREF _Toc82450887 \h 685.3.3.4.Duplicate Accounts – NPI Number Already Assigned PAGEREF _Toc82450888 \h 685. the NPI Number Already Assigned Issue PAGEREF _Toc82450889 \h 695.3.4.Duplicate Account Issue – Detailed Logs – Error Message PAGEREF _Toc82450890 \h 705.3.5.Resolving Duplicate Account Issues PAGEREF _Toc82450891 \h 71A.Appendix A – Acronyms and Abbreviations PAGEREF _Toc82450892 \h 74B.Appendix B – Full Revision History PAGEREF _Toc82450893 \h 76List of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: WebVRAM Terms and Conditions for Usage Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450776 \h 7Figure 2: WebVRAM Login Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450777 \h 8Figure 3: WebVRAM Main Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450778 \h 9Figure 4: WebVRAM Administration Module Main Page PAGEREF _Toc82450779 \h 10Figure 5: Users Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450780 \h 11Figure 6: User Profile Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450781 \h 12Figure 7: VistA Sites Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450782 \h 13Figure 8: Administration Module Users Link PAGEREF _Toc82450783 \h 14Figure 9: Add/Remove Secondary Menu Options Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450784 \h 15Figure 10: Administration Module Business Units Links PAGEREF _Toc82450785 \h 16Figure 11: Business Unit Profile Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450786 \h 16Figure 12: Add User Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450787 \h 17Figure 13: User Lookup on Add User Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450788 \h 17Figure 14: User Not Found on Home VistA Error PAGEREF _Toc82450789 \h 18Figure 15: Add User Screen – Success Message PAGEREF _Toc82450790 \h 19Figure 16: Banner on Disabled User Profile – Business Unit Must Be Added PAGEREF _Toc82450791 \h 20Figure 17: Warning Message – Business Unit Must Be Added PAGEREF _Toc82450792 \h 20Figure 18: VistA Profile Edit Option PAGEREF _Toc82450793 \h 23Figure 19: VistA Profile Data Entry Fields PAGEREF _Toc82450794 \h 24Figure 20: VistA Profile Service Section Dropdown List PAGEREF _Toc82450795 \h 25Figure 21: Edit User Quick Delete Option PAGEREF _Toc82450796 \h 27Figure 22: Existing User with Same Name Error Message PAGEREF _Toc82450797 \h 28Figure 23: WebVRAM Access Request Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450798 \h 29Figure 24: User Disabled Status PAGEREF _Toc82450799 \h 29Figure 25: User Profile Screen with Enable User Button PAGEREF _Toc82450800 \h 30Figure 26: User Profile Screen – Edit User Button PAGEREF _Toc82450801 \h 45Figure 27: Edit User Screen PAGEREF _Toc82450802 \h 46Figure 28: Edit User Screen – Home VistA Field Cleared PAGEREF _Toc82450803 \h 46Figure 29: Edit User Screen – Home VistA “Auto-Fill” Feature PAGEREF _Toc82450804 \h 47Figure 30: Edit User Screen – New Home VistA System Selected PAGEREF _Toc82450805 \h 47Figure 31: User Profile Screen – View Logs Button PAGEREF _Toc82450806 \h 48Figure 32: User Log Listing PAGEREF _Toc82450807 \h 48Figure 33: Detailed Logs PAGEREF _Toc82450808 \h 49Figure 34: Cerner Messages in User Log PAGEREF _Toc82450809 \h 51Figure 35: User Profile Screen – Disable User Button PAGEREF _Toc82450810 \h 52Figure 36: Unauthorized Access Error Message PAGEREF _Toc82450811 \h 53Figure 37: VistA Sites Screen with Edit Site Button PAGEREF _Toc82450812 \h 63Figure 38: User Profile VistA Sites Section with Duplicate Account Issues PAGEREF _Toc82450813 \h 64Figure 39: User Profile VistA Sites Section with Pencil Icon to Edit Site PAGEREF _Toc82450814 \h 65Figure 40: Edit Site Screen – IEN Mismatch PAGEREF _Toc82450815 \h 65Figure 41: Edit Site Screen – SSN Conflict PAGEREF _Toc82450816 \h 66Figure 42: Edit Site Screen – Same Access Code PAGEREF _Toc82450817 \h 67Figure 43: Edit Site Screen – NPI Already Assigned PAGEREF _Toc82450818 \h 69Figure 44: Detailed Logs – Failed Synchronization Due to Duplicate Account PAGEREF _Toc82450819 \h 70List of Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Abbreviated Revision History PAGEREF _Toc82450820 \h iiTable 2: Documentation Symbols and Descriptions PAGEREF _Toc82450821 \h 3Table 3: Enterprise Service Desk Support Information PAGEREF _Toc82450822 \h 4Table 4: Site-specific VistA Profile Values PAGEREF _Toc82450823 \h 36Table 5: User Profile Issues and VistA Data Anomalies PAGEREF _Toc82450824 \h 55Table 6: Acronyms and Abbreviations PAGEREF _Toc82450825 \h 74Table 7: Full Revision History PAGEREF _Toc82450826 \h 76IntroductionThe Web VistA Remote Access Management (WebVRAM) application solution enables synchronization of VistA account credentials by leveraging the VistA Station ID Callback (STIC) module at user login while maintaining an internal user table that can be electronically populated with user profiles, VistA menus, and keys. With the cloud-hosted application, users of WebVRAM will enjoy consistency in access to disparate VistA systems.In April 2019, the WebVRAM Office of Information and Technology (OIT) management determined that user authentication for the application needed to be performed internal to the application itself, rather than utilizing an external authentication service. A redesign of the software became necessary and includes provision for a new WebVRAM User Table (WUT) to be retained in a Structured Query Language (SQL) database. To enter authorized application user profiles into the WUT, an Administration (Admin) Module Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed.PurposeThe purpose of the WebVRAM Administration Module User Guide is to familiarize authorized users of the Administration Module (not the WebVRAM application) with the key features and navigational elements of the GUI. Additionally, this guide provides technical information to system administrators, IT support staff, and other authorized WebVRAM Administration Module users. The Administration Module GUI will be used to add new, business-authorized users of the WebVRAM application to the WUT. Adding new users will consist of entering a user profile via the GUI to create user data in the WUT. The WUT user profile allows the WebVRAM application user to login and access its functionality. A separate user guide exists for users of the WebVRAM application.Document OrientationThe document orientation is shown below in Sections REF _Ref19718271 \r \h 1.2.1 through REF _Ref19718287 \r \h 1.2.anization of the ManualThe major sections of the WebVRAM Administration Module User Guide are as follows: REF _Ref39081180 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1 REF _Ref39081188 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Introduction REF _Ref39081204 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 2 REF _Ref39081217 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Software Summary REF _Ref39081233 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 3 REF _Ref39081243 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Getting Started REF _Ref39081252 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4 REF _Ref39081263 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Using the Application REF _Ref39081278 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5 REF _Ref39081289 \h \* MERGEFORMAT TroubleshootingThe target audience for this guide includes authorized users, system administrators, and IT support staff.AssumptionsThis guide was written with assumptions as follows: WebVRAM Administration Module users are authorized by business line management to access the GUI for the purpose of recording user profiles in the WUT.User profile information for users of the WebVRAM application is provided by the user’s business line management to those responsible for entering that user profile data through the Administration Module.Required local Security Keys are identified and incorporated into User Account Profiles by WebVRAM Administration Module users.Users of the WebVRAM application have current VA network access and an active local or “Home” VistA user profile.WebVRAM application users must have the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option in their Home VistA profile.IMPORTANT: The WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option is required for the user to be able to login to the WebVRAM application.User must have a DIVISION value in their Home VistA profile. It must not be blank, and it must contain a correct value for the VA Division in which they are located. Local IT must verify the validity of this value in the user’s Home VistA profile.IMPORTANT: The DIVISION field must be populated in the Home VistA profile to allow the user to connect to some remote VistA sites they are authorized to access.The primary menu option at the user’s Home VistA system is a standard VistA menu name (not a custom menu name). There are only three values that are accepted by remote locations across the enterprise:XUSERTOOLSPX PCE CLINICIAN MENUNURSCL-MENUIMPORTANT: Most primary menus uploaded from the user’s Home VistA profile into the WebVRAM profile will be customized for local use. These customized menus will not be recognized as valid at remote sites, causing the profile creation to fail ending in a terminated connection/failed synchronization at remote sites. One of the three primary menus listed above must be added the user’s VistA Profile section of the WebVRAM User Profile; see Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2, step 6 ( REF Primary_Menu \h \* MERGEFORMAT Primary Menu).Administration Module users will only be responsible for entering application user profile data and will not be responsible for any WUT maintenance or WebVRAM application maintenance.CoordinationWebVRAM Administration Module users must obtain approval from their respective WebVRAM application business owners/stakeholders to access and use the WebVRAM Administration Module to enter application user profile data into the WUT.VA OIT Standard DisclaimersSoftware DisclaimerThis software was developed at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. VA assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely if any derivative works bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that they have been modified.Documentation DisclaimerThe appearance of external hyperlink references in this manual does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Veterans Affairs of this website or the information, products, or services contained therein. The VA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided and are consistent with the stated purpose of the VA.Documentation ConventionsThis manual uses several methods to highlight different aspects of the material.Various symbols are used throughout the documentation to alert the reader to special information. The table below gives a description of each of these symbols.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: Documentation Symbols and DescriptionsSymbolDescriptionNOTE: Used to inform the reader of general information including references to additional reading material.CAUTION: Used to caution the reader to take special notice of critical information.“Snapshots” of computer online displays (i.e., character-based screen captures/dialogs) and computer source code are shown in a non-proportional font and enclosed within a box. Also included are GUI Microsoft Windows images (i.e., dialogs or forms).User's responses to online prompts (e.g., manual entry, taps, clicks, etc.) will be shown in boldface type.References and ResourcesWebVRAM System Design DocumentWebVRAM Requirement Elaboration DocumentWebVRAM User Stories and Backlog – GitHub WebVRAM RepositoryEnterprise Service Desk and Organizational ContactsEnterprise Service Desk (ESD) support information is provided in the table below.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: Enterprise Service Desk Support InformationNameRoleOrgContact InfoOIT Enterprise Service DeskTier 1 SupportOIT1-855-673-4357 or Teletypewriter (TTY) 844-224-6186; nationalservicedeskanr@OIT Enterprise Service DeskTier 2 SupportOITTier 1 ESD will escalate tickets to Tier 2 Support as required for issue resolution.OIT Enterprise Service DeskTier 3 Application SupportOITTier 2 Support will escalate tickets to Tier 3 Support as required for issue resolution.Software SummaryWebVRAM is a web-based, cloud-hosted application utilizing VA Enterprise Architecture and Design principles to facilitate user access to multiple remote VistA systems and applications such as Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) and Cerner PowerChart? Electronic Health Record (EHR), without requiring the user to establish login authentication and credentials at each VistA where Veteran data is to be viewed. The need for multiple VistA sessions, with separate user profile login to each VistA instance, is eliminated.Application features are provided through a GUI. The VA-approved web browser for accessing WebVRAM is Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 11.0.WebVRAM RolesThe WebVRAM Administration Module enables the management of users, profiles, assignment of users to business units, and report generation. There are three types of user roles:WebVRAM User – The WebVRAM User can only access designated remote VistA sites. The WebVRAM user can launch a remote session using Launch Reflection, Launch CPRS, or Launch Cerner from the sites listing page of the application. The WebVRAM user does not have access to the WebVRAM Administration Module.Business Unit Administrator – The Business Unit Administrator has access to the WebVRAM Administration Module pages and can manage users within their assigned business unit. The Business Unit Administrator can create and add new users for the business unit to which they are assigned to manage and can only view/edit users within their business unit.WebVRAM Administrator – The WebVRAM Administrator has access to the WebVRAM Administration Module pages and has the highest user-level role. The WebVRAM Administrator can add new business units and can assign Business Unit Administrators to a business unit. The WebVRAM Administrator can create, view, and edit users and business units, view log files, and pull reports sorted by business unit. WebVRAM Administrator is the highest access level.Getting StartedBusiness Unit Administrator User SetupTo access the WebVRAM Administration Module (WAM), the user follows these initial process steps:The business unit determines and implements their process for approving users to access WebVRAM and determines which VistA remote sites they can access.The business unit approves and designates one or more Business Unit Administrators authorized to add new users to the WebVRAM User Table (WUT).A WebVRAM Administrator adds the Business Unit Administrator(s) to the WUT database and specifies which business unit with which they are associated. Each business unit determines whether there are divisions that can be added as a business unit within the larger rmation the Business Unit Administrator User Will NeedTo add a new user, the Business Unit Administrator will need:Windows VA Username from the Global Address List (GAL) (e.g., vhaisl….)Home VistA system name(s) (e.g., Togus, ME; Connecticut HCS; etc.)VistA systems the user is authorized to access by their business line managementA list of all current VistA accounts for the user, outside their Home VistA system, where they have active login credentials:These sites must NOT be added to the user’s WebVRAM profile when it is created. See Section REF _Ref37873044 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 REF _Ref37873059 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Add New User.In the event some user profile data does not automatically populate when added to the WebVRAM database, additional setup items from the user’s Home VistA system may be needed to correctly set up a new user in WebVRAM:User’s VistA Secondary Menu OptionsUser’s VistA Security KeysUser’s VistA TitleUser’s VistA Service/SectionUser’s VistA User Class and Person ClassIMPORTANT: The WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option was pushed to all existing VistA profiles on 3/21/2020. If the user’s Home VistA profile was created prior to this date, they should already have the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option. If the user’s Home VistA profile was established AFTER 3/21/2020 or if that secondary menu option is missing for any reason, the user will need to submit a request to have local IT add the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option to their Home VistA profile. Without that menu option, the user will NOT be able to login to WebVRAM.Logging into the WebVRAM Administration Module (WAM)From your Internet Explorer browser, navigate to the WebVRAM home page at this link: The Terms and Conditions web page will be the first page displayed. Read through the conditions and click Accept the Terms and Conditions as shown below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: WebVRAM Terms and Conditions for Usage ScreenThe next web page displayed is the WebVRAM Login page. Enter your local VistA Access and Verify Codes and click Login to access the application features.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: WebVRAM Login ScreenThe WebVRAM application’s main page is displayed. Click on Manage from the menu bar along the top of the page.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: WebVRAM Main ScreenThe WebVRAM Administration Module Main Page is displayed.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: WebVRAM Administration Module Main PageUsing the ApplicationView / Edit UserFind User: In many instances, the user will have recently requested a change to their existing WebVRAM User Profile. When a WebVRAM Administrator or a Business Unit Administrator user logs in to the WAM, they will be shown a display of the last 10 users to login to the system and may be able to select the user they need to edit. If the user is not in that list, click on the Users link on the left side of the WebVRAM Administration Module Main Page as shown in REF _Ref31723182 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 4. Clicking that link displays the WebVRAM Administration Module Users Screen as shown in REF _Ref20325153 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 5. Clicking on the Next button or the page number at the bottom of the screen will allow you to scroll through the user list. Or, you may click on the Last Name or First Name heading to sort the list alphabetically.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5: Users ScreenSearch Box: In the box with the magnifying glass icon above the Users list, type the user’s last name, or first name <space> last name, or Windows VA Username/Network ID. Windows VA Username may be the best search option to prevent seeing multiple users with the same or similar name. This search will start showing names of users matching the search criteria entered so that the correct user can be selected to edit.View User: Once the user is identified, to edit the user, click on View User on the right side of the user’s name as shown in REF _Ref20325153 \h Figure 5 above. This opens the WebVRAM Administration Module User Profile Screen, which provides an overview of the data elements that can be added or removed from a user’s profile as shown in REF _Ref25759962 \h Figure 6: User Profile Screen. To add information for any given component, click on the “+” sign in each area. From this screen, user information listed here can be added or removed from the user profile.Sections include:VistA Sites (remote VistA sites a user has been authorized to access)CPRS tabsSecondary Menu OptionsSecurity KeysPerson ClassesUser ClassesWebVRAM Roles – the roles the user will have in relation to the use of WebVRAMWebVRAM Business Units – assigning a Business Unit to the userVistA ProfileFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: User Profile ScreenClicking on the “+” sign in the VistA Sites option brings up the next screen, which displays remote VistA systems the user may connect to for work.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7: VistA Sites ScreenAdd/Remove VistA System(s) Selection Screen: VistA sites approved by the user’s manager can be added to the user’s profile in this screen by clicking the Add Site button on the right side of the row corresponding to the VistA location. Sites can be removed from the user’s profile by clicking the Remove Site button on right side of the line of the site to be removed. If authorized, ALL VistA sites can be added to the user’s profile by clicking the Add all sites button. Once all sites are added to the user’s profile, selected VistA sites can be removed by searching for them using the search window, and then clicking on Remove Site.CAUTION: If the Edit Site button is displayed for any site, WebVRAM has detected potential duplicate VistA user account issues at the site, and the user will not be able to connect to the site. See Section REF _Ref65498037 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3 REF _Ref65498048 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Duplicate Account Reconciliation.Additional Edits: After one area is edited for the user, to edit other components of that user, click on the user’s name at the top of the page as shown in REF _Ref26302001 \h Figure 7 above, and the User Profile Screen will be shown again as seen in REF _Ref21707965 \h Figure 6. Select the component to edit and click the “+” sign to add or remove data.When logged in as a WebVRAM Administrator, clicking on the Users link on the left side will open a longer user list displayed on a new page as shown above in REF _Ref37875570 \h Figure 5: Users Screen. You can also search for a user by entering a partial name in the search window.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8: Administration Module Users LinkUpdating the User Profile: Edits to each area of the user profile can be performed by following a similar process for each component as shown in REF _Ref26302001 \h Figure 7 and here in REF _Ref21700371 \h Figure 9. To add an option, click the Add <Option> button on the right side of the option. To remove an option, click the Remove <Option> button on the right side if an option was added in error.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9: Add/Remove Secondary Menu Options ScreenAdding or Deleting WebVRAM Business Unit: Any Business Unit Administrator can add a new business unit to a user profile or remove an existing business unit from a user profile by editing the WebVRAM Business Units section of the profile.Add New UserThe Business Unit Administrator can add new users to the Business Unit they are authorized to manage. To add a new user, click Manage on the toolbar. Under the Business Units heading, click on the Business Unit abbreviation and then click on Add User on the right side of the screen. See REF _Ref26302557 \h Figure 10 and REF _Ref26302566 \h Figure 11 below. After selecting these options, the Add User Screen is displayed.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10: Administration Module Business Units LinksFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11: Business Unit Profile ScreenAfter clicking on the Add User button, the Add User Screen is displayed, as shown in REF _Ref26303478 \h Figure 12 below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12: Add User ScreenWindows Username Search Box: Search for a user to add to the WUT by typing their full Windows VA Username/Network ID in the Enter the user’s Windows username search box and clicking on the Lookup User button.If the user is found in the VA GAL/AD, the user’s full name is returned and presented on the screen with a message prefix of “Active Directory Found (First, Last Name:)” as shown below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13: User Lookup on Add User ScreenVerify the user found is the correct user. If so, select the user’s VISN and associated Home VistA Site from the drop-down lists shown in REF _Ref26302001 \h Figure 7. If the user already exists in the WebVRAM User Table, the User Profile Screen will automatically appear as shown in REF _Ref21707965 \h Figure 6.If the user does not have an active VistA account at the Home VistA Site selected, an error will appear indicating the user was not found on that VistA system. Unless the site was selected incorrectly, you will need to contact the user to confirm that they have an active VistA account and user profile established on their Home VistA system.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14: User Not Found on Home VistA ErrorOnce the Home VistA system is selected from the drop-down boxes, click the Set Home Vista button. If all user profile information is entered correctly in the user’s Home VistA system, a “Success” message will display, as shown in REF _Ref26304241 \h Figure 15 below, and you can then add authorized VistA sites to the user profile by clicking on the Add VistA Sites button.Alternatively, the Administrator may choose to add another user at this point without first updating the VistA sites for this user if the Administrator prefers to add all users first and update their profile information later. To proceed in this manner, click the Add another user button. CAUTION: Occasionally, the user’s VistA profile will not upload automatically from the user’s Home VistA system. There are various database rules within VistA that may cause this to happen. If this occurs, a blank, disabled user profile will be added to WebVRAM. The profile must be populated with the Home VistA profile data. The first data element that must be added before the rest of the profile can be populated is the user’s business unit. This is a mandatory entry for all user profiles.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15: Add User Screen – Success MessageAs shown in REF _Ref21707965 \h Figure 6, the following data elements should be added to each new user profile once the user has been added to the WUT, if the VistA profile of the user is not accessible to the WebVRAM application for automatic retrieval of this data.NOTE: For instructions on finding the user’s Home VistA profile data, see Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5 ( REF _Ref38380741 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies), Step REF KPACPACNSD \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 7 REF KPACPACNSD \h \* MERGEFORMAT KPA CPAC NSD MENU. Any Business Unit Administrator may access the Home VistA site of a user to view their VistA profile data unless the Home VistA site of the Business Unit Administrator is the same as the user’s Home VistA site. If this is the case, the Business Unit Administrator may either log an Enterprise Service Desk ticket requesting the user’s VistA profile data, or they may ask another Business Unit Administrator for assistance in obtaining the user’s VistA profile information.WebVRAM Business Units – A business unit must be added to the user profile before any other data can be added. This is a mandatory field that must be populated. This is indicated by a warning message near the top of the profile as shown in REF _Ref80288601 \h Figure 16 below. If the Business Unit Administrator tries to enable the account without first adding the business unit to the profile, a pop-up error message will display as shown in REF _Ref80288702 \h Figure 17. If this data element is not automatically populated, add the appropriate business unit to the user’s profile by opening this widget and clicking Assign to User on the right side of the business unit to be added.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16: Banner on Disabled User Profile – Business Unit Must Be AddedFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17: Warning Message – Business Unit Must Be AddedVistA Sites (Remote) – Add all VistA sites the user is approved to access to perform work. As shown in REF _Ref26302001 \h Figure 7, the user can have ALL VistA systems added to their profile if they are authorized to access all VistA sites across the VA enterprise.CAUTION: If the user has an active VistA account at any site outside their local/Home VistA system, DO NOT add that site (or sites) to their WebVRAM profile. Instruct the user that they should NOT use WebVRAM to access those sites, where they have a current VistA login account, but should continue to access those accounts directly as they have been doing.This is because WebVRAM retrieves the user’s local VistA profile and pushes it to any remote system the user connects to using the application. It then overwrites any existing VistA account information the user had before that connection was made with the information in the user’s Home VistA profile. WebVRAM was designed to connect users to remote VistA sites where they do NOT already have an active VistA account.CAUTION: If the Edit Site button is displayed for any site, WebVRAM has detected potential duplicate VistA user account issues at the site, and the user will not be able to connect to the site. See Section REF _Ref65498037 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3 REF _Ref65498048 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Duplicate Account Reconciliation.CPRS Tabs – CPRS users will need the COR or RPT tab added to their profile. The user should have only one tab value and not both, and the value in the WebVRAM profile should be identical to the value in the user’s Home VistA profile.Secondary Menu Options – Add any Secondary Menu Options required to use VistA applications when the user connects to remote VistA sites. For example, the CPRS application requires the user to have the OR CPRS GUI CHART Secondary Menu Option in their user profile before CPRS can be launched.Security Keys – The WEBG AV PUSH security key MUST be added to the WebVRAM user profile. If not present, the user will not be able to completely synchronize to a remote VistA system, and when attempting to launch CPRS at a remote site, the user will receive an “Invalid Access/Verify Code Pair” error.Add other security keys that exist in the user’s VistA profile as needed. Also add security keys for site-specific applications that only exist at one or a few remote VistA sites if the user will need these keys to perform job responsibilities at those sites.WebVRAM Roles – Add the WebVRAM User role to the user’s profile.MANDATORY: Select or add the following data elements to the user profile. These elements are mandatory, and if not added, will cause access to WebVRAM to fail or will cause certain features of WebVRAM to fail. They cannot be blank. To edit these fields, from the User Profile Screen, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the VistA Profile box as shown in REF _Ref26305548 \h Figure 18. The data for each field to be selected/added is listed here and shown in REF _Ref26305880 \h Figure 19.Title – If not auto-populated, enter the user’s job title as recorded in their VistA profile, such as Nurse Practitioner, Benefits Clerk, Physician, Help Desk Technician, Psychiatrist, Analyst, etc.Service Section – This is a drop-down list field (see REF _Ref79682831 \h Figure 20 below). Select the user’s VA Service Section, such as CPAC NATIONAL, MEDICAL SERVICE, OI&T, TELE-ICU, etc.Screen Editor – If not auto-populated, enter SCREEN EDITOR – VA FILEMAN. Some business units, such as Consolidated Patient Account Center (CPAC), use a different screen editor to perform job functions. Check with each user to verify the screen editor they should use.Allowed to use spooler? – Most users will not need to use the VistA spooler. Each business unit will need to determine which users require the spooler. The default value for this option is No. For users who need this VistA feature, select Yes from the drop-down menu.Primary Menu – If not auto-populated, ask the user to supply the name of their primary menu; the user may have to contact their local IT support staff to find out their primary menu. Once known, enter the user’s VistA Primary Menu name. This value must be a standard VistA menu name for the user’s primary menu on his/her local or Home VistA system.CAUTION: If the primary menu is not a standard VistA menu, the user will not be able to connect to remote VistA systems through WebVRAM; the connection will fail with a “menu tree rebuild failure” error. Menu names that start with ZZ, such as ZZ CLINICIAN MAIN MENU, are not VA standard menus and should not be entered in this field.If the user’s Home VistA profile is successfully pulled into their WebVRAM profile when the user is first added, and the user’s primary menu is a custom menu, then the application will automatically add a standardized menu to the WebVRAM profile.If the user’s profile does not auto-populate with the Home VistA values and/or is “blank” when first created, then the Business Unit Administrator should add a standardized menu based on the user’s job description as follows:Physician or Physician Assistant: PX PCE CLINICIAN MENUNurse: NURSCL-MENUNon-Clinical User: XUSERTOOLSAfter all edits have been made to the fields in this category, click the Update VistA Profile button at the bottom of the window. If updates should not be saved, click Cancel.NOTE: Other options of the user profile should be updated automatically when the user logs in to the WebVRAM application for the first time. Upon initial login, WebVRAM checks the user’s Home VistA system and retrieves all keys, menu options, secondary menu options, and other profile elements to make up a complete user profile that will be replicated when the user logs into the remote site(s) via WebVRAM. If, after login, the user finds that secondary menu options and keys are not being passed to the remote sites they attempt to access, instruct them to open a Service Now (SNOW)/YourIT ticket to request help resolving the issue.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18: VistA Profile Edit OptionFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19: VistA Profile Data Entry FieldsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 20: VistA Profile Service Section Dropdown ListAdd Security Key Not Present in User’s Home VistA – Audit Required CAUTION: The procedures in this section do NOT apply to CPAC Business Unit Administrators, as they follow an established auditing policy/procedure specific to their Business Unit.If a Business Unit Administrator adds a Security Key to a user’s WebVRAM profile that does not exist in the user’s Home VistA profile, the Business Unit Administrator must take the following steps to comply with VA Security Policy and Procedure surrounding monthly profile audits:Generate a monthly list of all users granted new Security Keys where the Security Keys do not exist in and are not added to the users’ Home VistA profiles.Collate this data into a separate list for each Home VistA site, for users who share the same Home VistA system.In these lists, designate all the remote sites these users access via WebVRAM [i.e. sites where the new Security Key(s) will be pushed and added to the remote user profile with each WebVRAM connection].Note the Security Key(s) that have been added for each user in each list. This can be done in a spreadsheet.Contact the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) at the user’s Home VistA system and request a copy of the local monthly audit performed on the users identified in Step 1.For each remote site identified in Step 1, send the list of users to each remote site’s ISSO via email with a communication stating they “have reviewed the users listed for audit purposes for the month of [FILL IN MONTH]”. Also attach the local monthly audit received from the user’s Home VistA ISSO obtained in Step 2.This process will result in two lists sent to each user’s remote site ISSO:A monthly list of users granted new Security Keys in WebVRAM where the Security Keys do not exist in the users’ Home VistA profiles.A copy of the local/Home VistA audit performed by those users’ local ISSO(s).There is no “standard” template for creating this report. Follow the instructions in Step 1 to identify data to be included in the report.The ISSO for each site can be found using the VA ISSO Locator.NOTE: The hyperlink above points to the VA intranet and will only work for authorized users connected to the VA network.Quick Delete of User Profile EntriesIf a user profile data element needs to be deleted, return to the User Profile Screen. For all categories of the user data except VistA Profile, hover the cursor over the item to be deleted and a trashcan icon will appear. Click the trashcan icon, and the element is deleted from the user’s profile. There is no need to open or edit the category box. See REF _Ref26308411 \h Figure 21 below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21: Edit User Quick Delete OptionExisting User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data AnomaliesIf a WebVRAM Adminstrator attempts to add a new user to the WUT through the WAM, and that user has a nearly identical profile to a user who already has a profile in the same Home VistA system, the following error will display as shown in REF _Ref26309026 \h Figure 22: “Cannot add user. There are two users with the exact same name on the Home VistA system. The user will need to request an account by visiting the WebVRAM Access Request URL.”Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 22: Existing User with Same Name Error MessageContact the user and instruct them to navigate to the URL above using the Internet Explorer browser. Once the user has accessed this URL, they will must complete the fields on that webpage, as shown below in REF _Ref21708735 \h Figure 23:Select the correct Business Unit from the drop-down list.Select the correct VISN from the drop-down list.Select the local or Home VistA from the drop-down list.Enter the Access and Verify codes used to access the Home (local) VistA system.Click Send Access Request.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 23: WebVRAM Access Request ScreenOnce the user has successfully navigated to the page, entered all required information, and successfully sent the access request with no errors, login to the WebVRAM application and click on the Manage option on the toolbar. Select the user from the Last 10 Users Created or the Last 10 Users to Login or locate the user by entering the user’s name in the search bar on the first page of the user list.When the user is located and displayed for editing, the user’s listing should show a Status of “Disabled” as shown below. Click on the View User button on the right side of the user listing. The User Profile Screen will appear.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 24: User Disabled StatusClick on the Enable User button on the top right of the User Profile Screen, as shown below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 25: User Profile Screen with Enable User ButtonThe button on the top right of the screen changes from Enable User to Disable User. The user is now enabled for WebVRAM access. Contact the user with instructions to retry logging into the application. If they are unable to log in after these actions have been taken, ask the user to create a ticket using SNOW/YourIT or by calling the ESD.Ask the user to provide all aspects of their Home VistA user profile listed below. To discover this information, the user may need to contact local IT by creating a SNOW/YourIT ticket. Users who use the VistA roll-and-scroll screen will be aware that they can type in a common VistA menu option to find most of these values themselves, but there are some that are not displayed when using that VistA option. The option is the User Toolbox, and if the user has a Primary Menu that is NOT the User Toolbox, they can simply type XUSERTOOLS at any VistA menu prompt. They then select the Display User Characteristics option from that menu to view their user profile and record the values they see. Based on this information, update their WebVRAM user profile and add the role of “User” to their WebVRAM user profile.CPRS TabsSecondary Menu OptionsSecurity KeysPerson Class, User ClassVista Profile Information:TitleSectionScreen EditorAllowed to use spoolerKPA CPAC NSD MENU: As a Business Unit Administrator, you should have the KPA CPAC NSD MENU Secondary Menu Option in your WebVRAM profile. If it is not there, you should be able to add it to your profile. This menu option will allow you to login to a user’s Home VistA site and inquire to see their VistA profile values. This can be done if there is an urgent need and the user cannot obtain the values you need to add to their blank profile in an expeditious manner. The steps to use this option are as follows:If the KPA CPAC NSD MENU is not in your list of Secondary Menu Options, add it to your profile in the same way you would update any user profile.Identify the user’s Home VistA location by editing their user profile as shown below in Section REF _Ref47106489 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.10 ( REF _Ref47106489 \h View/Edit User’s Home VistA System and Active Directory Name). There is no need to edit their Home VistA profile, so simply select Cancel once you have identified their Home VistA system. Click the Home button on the toolbar to view the remote VistA sites you have in your VistA Sites list. If the user’s Home VistA site is not in your list of VistA sites, add it to your profile in the same way you would update any user profile.Click the Home button to return to your home screen and list of VistA sites. Locate the user’s Home VistA site and click Launch Reflection.After WebVRAM logs you into that VistA system, follow any prompts that require you to “Press Enter to Continue” until the cursor stops at a VistA “Select Option” menu prompt, as shown below.Change my DivisionDisplay User CharacteristicsEdit User CharacteristicsElectronic Signature Code EditMenu Templates ...Spooler Menu ...Switch UCITaskMan UserUser HelpSelect User's Toolbox Option: CPACVistA may not show the menu options, depending on the site parameters at each remote site. As long as the “Select Option” prompt is present, you can proceed.At the VistA menu prompt, type CPAC to navigate to the KPA CPAC NSD Menu.When the KPA CPAC NSD Menu prompt appears, type USER to select the User Inquiry option.At the next prompt, type the user’s Lastname,Firstname and press <Enter>. If the user has a name similar to other users (e.g. Amy Smith), a list of users will be displayed to make a selection. Locate the user with the correct full name (middle initial, suffix, etc.) and type the number of that user to the right of the CHOOSE prompt. Press <Enter> twice at the DEVICE prompt.The user’s profile information is displayed, as shown below. You can copy/paste the VistA values needed to build the WebVRAM user profile by highlighting the text displayed, right-clicking with your mouse, and selecting Copy from the drop-down. Press <Enter> to scroll through the entire profile to list all options.CAUTION: Do NOT use the keystroke combination of Ctlr+C to copy from the displayed text. VistA will terminate your session and you will have to start over.LNAME,FNAME MI (#12404)------------------------Service/Section: PULMONARY ATTRIBUTES---------- Creator ........*** Date entered........Feb 27, 1992 Mult Sign-on ...ALLOWED Fileman codes ..... Time-out .......900 Type-ahead ........ALLOWED Title ..........STAFF PHYSICIAN Office Phone ......555-555-5555 Auto-Menu ......YES, MENUS GENERATED Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Mar 31, 2020 Digital Pager ..... 555-555-5555 Has a E-SIG ....Yes Write Med's .......YES NPI ............********** Taxonomy ..........207RP1001X Person Class: Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Primary Menu: ARL MD MENU Consolidated Practitioner's MenuSecondary Menu(s)----------------- PCE [PX PCE CLINICIAN MENU] PCE Clinician Menu PEF [IBDF PRINT OPTIONS] Print Options DOC [ZMD DOC2 MENU] Practitioner's Menu II [OR CPRS GUI CHART] CPRSChart version CN [GMRCZ SERVICE ACTION MENU] Consult/Request Service Menu [MCARPULMUSER] Pulmonary Menu [OOPS GUI SUPERVISOR MENU] ASISTS GUI Supervisor Menu (Context) [AJR CAIRO HAND-OFF] CAIRO Hand-off Tool [AXV ENG EQUIP LOAN] ZZAXV ENG EQUIP LOAN [DVBA CAPRI GUI] Capri GUI (Broker) [WEBG WEBVRAM GUI] WEBG WEBVRAM GUIKeys Held--------- MAGDISP CLIN MCKEYPFT ORES PROVIDERPatient Selection----------------- Restrict?: NO OE/RR List: CPRS Access Tabs---------------- Name Description Effective Expiration ---- ----------- --------- ---------- COR CPRS GUI "core" tabs. JUN 25,2002 CPRS Parameter info (User Specific)----------------------------------- OR ADD ORDERS MENU: ORZ GMENU CLINICIAN MEDICINE LIST MANAGER Last used MailMan: 05/20/15@07:58NEW messages: 346 (346 in the IN basket)Office phone: Fax: Digital pager: Mail Groups: MED SVC DOCS (Public) PHYSICIANS (Public)Type <Enter> to continue or '^' to exit: Select NEW PERSON NAME: Once the required values are copied, they can be pasted into a Word document and then added into the WebVRAM profile.Secondary menu option names to add to the WebVRAM user profile are the names in [brackets] displayed in the VistA profile list. Type the name as it appears in the brackets to add it to the WebVRAM profile.Add Menus, Keys, Person Class, User Class, and CPRS Tabs by clicking the “+” sign in each WebVRAM profile section. Either select the available option or search by name in the search bar for the option.IMPORTANT: Be sure to add the WEBG AV PUSH Security Key to the user’s profile along with the other Security Keys from the user’s VistA profile.NOTE: Some menu options are not standardized VistA menu options, and you will not find them in the WebVRAM options list. These local “custom” menus will often start with the letters ZZ, or some other combination of 2 or 3 letters before the actual menu name. These custom menus cannot be added to the WebVRAM user profile and would not be useable at the remote site anyway.Standard Configurations for CPRS FunctionalityFor certain features to be available to clinicians within CPRS when accessing it at remote sites, the following WebVRAM configurations must be added to the WebVRAM user profile. These configurations will not necessarily be present in the user’s Home VistA profile, and therefore they may not be added to the WebVRAM profile when it auto-populates as a new user is created. CAUTION: The WebVRAM profile may occasionally pull both CPRS tabs from the VistA user profile, namely COR and RPT. If both values are present in the WebVRAM profile, remove the RPT value and leave only the COR value. If both values are passed to the remote site when a user connects through WebVRAM, CPRS will not function properly since the two tabs will be in conflict with each other. The CPRS RPT tab provides “read-only” access to the patient record.To Order Meds and Write Notes in CPRSHome VistA Profile:AUTHORIZED TO ORDER MEDS flag in File 200 set to “YES”WebVRAM Profile:Security Key of ORES and PROVIDERCPRS Tabs: CORThe same Person Class that exists in their Home VistA profileUser Class of PHYSICIANTo Use CPRS Features as a Non-Physician ProviderSome clinicians need to write notes and order certain medications in CPRS but do not need the other “physician authorized” features. The following profile configuration is recommended:Home VistA Profile:AUTHORIZED TO ORDER MEDS flag in File 200 set to “YES”WebVRAM Profile:Security Key of ORELSE and PROVIDERCPRS Tabs: CORThe same Person Class that exists in their Home VistA profileUser Class of NURSE or NURSE PRACTITIONER (whichever one best matches the Person Class)To Use the Tele-ICU Provider CPRS Timeout OptionTele-ICU providers have been authorized by VA to set values in their VistA user profile that will prevent CPRS sessions from timing out for up to 6 hours (equal to 360 minutes or 21,600 seconds). These local values are passed by WebVRAM to remote sites to enable remote ICU patient monitoring without CPRS timing out. The following values must be set for all Tele-ICU providers requiring this extended CPRS timeout option.NOTE: Home VistA profile values must be set by the user’s local IT staff. An Electronic Permission Access System (ePAS) request may be required to make updates if these values do not already exist for the user.Home VistA Profile:TIMED READ (user profile timeout value) set to 21600 via FileMan edit (File 200 – NEW PERSON file; Field = TIMED READ)ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART set to 21600 in the user’s parameters (File 8989.5 – PARAMETERS file)WebVRAM Profile:Service/Section set to TELE-ICUCustom Profile Values Required to Access Features at Certain SitesA few VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) or Health Care Systems (HCSs) elect to implement local business rules that require users to possess specific values in their VistA user profile (File 200) in order to access certain CPRS or other VistA features at those sites. These go beyond the standard secondary menu (e.g. OR CPRS GUI CHART) and keys (e.g. ORES, ORELSE, OREMAS, PROVIDER) needed to access those features in CPRS. These custom requirements are listed in this section.Summary of Site-specific VistA Profile ValuesThe table below provides a quick-reference summary of site-specific VistA profile values; the business rules are described in more detail in the following subsections.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4: Site-specific VistA Profile ValuesSiteProvider Type / ActivityTitleUser ClassService / SectionBiloxi, MississippiProviders requiring access to all CPRS provider features and notificationsNot applicablePROVIDERCR PC PROVNot applicableChillicothe, OhioTele-ICU providers writing CPRS Tele-ICU NotesNot applicableTele-Health StaffNot applicableCleveland, OhioTele-ICU providers writing CPRS Tele-ICU NotesNot applicableINTERNISTNot applicableDetroit, MichiganProviders needing to access all features of CPRS Progress NotesNot applicablePROVIDERCLINICAL COORDINATORNURSE (for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners)Not applicableNorthern California and San FranciscoProviders placing orders and writing progress notes in CPRSNot applicableNot applicableMEDICAL SERVICEPuget Sound HCSProviders / Schedulers signing CPRS notes Not applicableHPM CSC ADMINNot applicablePuget Sound HCSSchedulers needing to access VistA Scheduling features Not applicableDOCUMENTATION ASSISTANTNot applicableNew JerseyPhysicians connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Allopathic” but Specialization value does NOT contain “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro”PHYSICIANPHYSICIANAMBULATORY CARENew Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h 1Nurses connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Nursing” but Specialization value does NOT contain “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro”NURSENURSEAMBULATORY CARENew Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h 1Physician Assistants/Nurse Practitioners connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Physician Assistants” but Specialization value does NOT contain “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro”NURSE PRACTITIONERNURSE PRACTITIONERandPROVIDERNOTE: Both values are required.AMBULATORY CARENew Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h \* MERGEFORMAT 1Psychiatrists connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Allopathic” and CLASSIFICATION (not Specialization) = “Psychiatry & Neurology”PSYCHIATRISTPSYCHIATRIST MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.New Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h \* MERGEFORMAT 1Behavioral/mental health providers connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Behavioral”PSYCHOLOGISTSTAFF PSYCHOLOGIST MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.New Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h \* MERGEFORMAT 1Mental health nurses connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Nursing” and Specialization value that DOES contain “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro”NURSENURSEMENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.New Jersey NOTEREF _Ref64557951 \f \h \* MERGEFORMAT 1Mental health Physician Assistants/Nurse Practitioners connecting to New Jersey HCS:Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Physician Assistants” and Specialization value DOES contain “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro”NURSE PRACTITIONERNURSE PRACTITIONERandPROVIDERNOTE: Both values are required.MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.All VAMCs: Secondary Menu Required for Mental Health Clinical RemindersTo access Mental Health Clinical Reminders at all VAMCs, the user must have a Secondary Menu of YS BROKER1 in both their Home VistA profile and their WebVRAM profile.To Access Provider CPRS Features at BiloxiProviders requiring access to all CPRS provider features and notifications at Biloxi, MS, must have the following User Class values in their WebVRAM profile:PROVIDERCR PC PROVTo Access Tele-ICU Notes at Chillicothe, OHTele-ICU providers needing to access CPRS Tele-ICU Progress Notes at Chillicothe, OH, must have a User Class value of Tele-Health Staff.To Access Tele-ICU Notes at Cleveland, OhioTele-ICU providers needing to access CPRS Tele-ICU Progress Notes at Cleveland, OH, must have a User Class value of INTERNIST.To Access Progress Notes at DetroitProviders needing to access all features of CPRS Progress Notes at Detroit VAMC must have the following User Class values in their WebVRAM profile:PROVIDERCLINICAL COORDINATORNURSE (for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners)Order Meds and Access Progress Notes at Northern California and San FranciscoProviders needing to order medications and create/update progress notes in CPRS at Northern California and San Francisco must have a Service/Section value of MEDICAL SERVICE.To Sign CPRS Notes at Puget SoundProviders/Schedulers signing CPRS notes at Puget Sound HCS must have a User Class value of HPM CSC ADMIN in their WebVRAM profile.To Access VistA Scheduling at Puget SoundSchedulers needing to access VistA Scheduling features at Puget Sound HCS must have a User Class value of DOCUMENTATION ASSISTANT in their WebVRAM profile.To Access Consults at New JerseyProviders needing to view consults, and specifically mental health consults, at New Jersey HCS must have the following values based on their clinical role.NOTE: These values are automatically added to the user profile that is transmitted to the New Jersey VistA profile when the user connects to that site using WebVRAM. These values will be transmitted in place of any other values the user may have in their existing VistA and WebVRAM profiles, but only when New Jersey is accessed remotely through the application. WebVRAM will substitute these values in real-time when these users synchronize to the New Jersey HCS.Providers with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Allopathic” who do NOT have a Specialization value containing “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro” (e.g. Person Class #93) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: PHYSICIANUser Class: PHYSICIANService/Section: AMBULATORY CAREProviders with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Nursing” who do NOT have a Specialization value containing “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro” (e.g. Person Class #443) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: NURSEUser Class: NURSEService/Section: AMBULATORY CAREProviders with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Physician Assistants” who do NOT have a Specialization value containing “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro” (e.g. Person Class #541) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: NURSE PRACTITIONERUser Class: NURSE PRACTITIONER and PROVIDERNOTE: Both values are required.Service/Section: AMBULATORY CAREProviders with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Allopathic” and who DO have a CLASSIFICATION (not Specialization) of “Psychiatry & Neurology” (e.g. Person Class #25) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: PSYCHIATRISTUser Class: PSYCHIATRISTService/Section: MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.Providers with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list, and a home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Behavioral” (e.g. Person Class #295) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: PSYCHOLOGISTUser Class: STAFF PSYCHOLOGISTService/Section: MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.Providers with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Nursing” who DO have a Specialization value containing “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro” (e.g. Person Class #473) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: NURSEUser Class: NURSEService/Section: MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.Providers with New Jersey HCS in their VistA Site list and a Home VistA Person Class (Provider Type) containing “Physician Assistants” who DO have a Specialization value containing “Psychiatry” or “Psych/Mental” or “Neuro” (e.g. Person Class #556) shall have the following values transmitted to the New Jersey HCS?instead of the existing WebVRAM profile values:Title: NURSE PRACTITIONERUser Class: NURSE PRACTITIONER and PROVIDERNOTE: Both values are required.Service/Section: MENTAL HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SC.NOTE: Service/Section includes the period as written above.Access CPRS at Remote Sites Using CPRS Desktop LauncherThe WebVRAM application was not designed to be used at the same time as the CPRS Desktop Launcher to access CPRS patient data at remote sites. The CPRS Desktop Launcher is a separate application from WebVRAM, and it provides access to CPRS at remote sites using different pathways and connection features.One of the security features of WebVRAM is setting a 30-day expiration date on each remote VistA profile created or updated when a user first connects to (synchronizes) a remote site through the WebVRAM application. By design and in keeping with VA security guidelines, if the remote VistA profile established by a user when first synchronizing to a remote site is not accessed through WebVRAM for 30 days after the initial connection is made, the remote VistA profile will terminate on day 31.It has become common practice to connect to a remote site through WebVRAM to establish a remote VistA profile and instead of using WebVRAM to launch CPRS at that remote site after that, to use the CPRS Desktop Launcher to access patient records at that remote site. Then, after the WebVRAM synchronization first establishes the remote VistA profile, WebVRAM is no longer used to access CPRS at that remote site. If this practice is followed, the user must be aware of the following:The VistA profile established at the remote site when the user connects through WebVRAM the first time will be terminated on day 31 after that “synchronization” event.On day 31 after that synchronization, if the user does not synchronize to the remote site using WebVRAM on that day and tries to use only the CPRS Desktop Launcher to access patient records at that remote site, their CPRS login will be denied and they will not be able to open CPRS at that site. This is because their VistA profile at that site will have been terminated at the end of the day before, and CPRS will not allow user access to the patient record at that site with a terminated VistA profile.If a user wishes to use only the CPRS Desktop Launcher and not WebVRAM to access patient records at the remote site, they MUST synchronize to that remote site using WebVRAM at least every 31 days to keep their VistA profile active at that site. Performing a synchronization to the remote site to update the user’s VistA profile, and resetting a new 30-day expiration cycle, only takes a few seconds in WebVRAM and can be accomplished by selecting the Synchronize option from the Launch Mode dropdown, and then clicking the Launch Synchronize button associated with the remote site. It is NOT necessary to launch CPRS at the remote site and then login to CPRS to reset the VistA profile 30-day expiration date. This must be done at least every 31 days for each remote site the user accesses to continue using the CPRS Desktop Launcher to work with patient records at those sites.Standard Configuration for VistA Imaging FunctionalityClinical users of WebVRAM can launch VistA Imaging from CPRS after establishing a remote connection through WebVRAM if the following Secondary Menus and Security Key are authorized and present in the user’s Home VistA profile and WebVRAM profile.Secondary MenusMAG WINDOWSMAGT TELEREADER MENUSecurity KeyMAGDISP CLINView/Edit User’s Home VistA System and Active Directory NameTo view a user’s Home VistA System setting, or to change the Home VistA System assignment in cases of the user relocating to another medical center, health care system, or VA office, perform the steps outlined here.On the toolbar, click Manage. Select a user from one of the “most recent” lists, or if the user is not listed, click Users on the left side of the screen, then search for the desired user as shown in REF _Ref37875570 \h Figure 5: Users Screen.From the user’s data overview screen, click Edit User, as shown below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 26: User Profile Screen – Edit User ButtonThe Edit User Screen appears and displays the user’s key data. In the “Home VistA” field, click the “X” to in the right side of the box, then type a few characters of the new Home VistA system into the box, as shown below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 27: Edit User ScreenFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 28: Edit User Screen – Home VistA Field Cleared REF _Ref21709496 \h Figure 29 displays the auto-fill feature for the Home VistA box, which provides options for the new Home VistA system until the correct option is displayed in a text box below the Home VistA box. Type a partial name of the desired new Home VistA system. In the example below, typing “min” brings up the Minneapolis TEST option, which can be added to the Home VistA field. Clicking on the option box presented with the correct full name of the VistA site to be added will populate the Home VistA field with that information, as shown in REF _Ref26310646 \h Figure 30.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 29: Edit User Screen – Home VistA “Auto-Fill” FeatureFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 30: Edit User Screen – New Home VistA System SelectedIf the user has experienced a recent name change, the user’s name and VA Active Directory Username (Windows VA Username/Network ID) can also be changed in the Edit User component of their profile.View User’s LogA log of the user’s activity on the system can be viewed from the WAM by clicking on the View Logs button at the top right of the User Profile Screen.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 31: User Profile Screen – View Logs ButtonA listing of the user’s activity is presented, and the details of each user transaction can be viewed by clicking the View Details button to the right of each transaction entry. REF _Ref21709696 \h Figure 32 provides an overview of the user log and the View Details button.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 32: User Log ListingThe figure below provides an example of the user transaction activity details, as captured in this log.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 33: Detailed LogsUser Log Cerner MessagesIf a site is using Cerner EHR, the site listings page displays the Launch Cerner button alongside the existing Launch CPRS or Launch Reflection button. Since the initial Cerner rollout will not replace all VistA functions, the user can still access certain VistA functions at Cerner sites as he/she did previously.NOTE: WebVRAM will pass menus and security keys for active VistA functions to remote Cerner sites but will not pass menus and security keys for VistA functions that have been replaced by Cerner.After synchronizing to a Cerner site, the User Log Detail Listing will include messages about menus and security keys that were not passed to the Cerner site due to those VistA functions being replaced by Cerner and deemed inactive at that site. For example, “Cerner does not allow the use of OR CPRS GUI CHART and will be skipped.” REF _Ref54260722 \h Figure 34 provides an example of the user log after synchronizing to a Cerner site.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 34: Cerner Messages in User LogDisable User AccountWhen a user leaves the VA or changes positions to one that no longer requires the use of WebVRAM, the Business Unit Administrator must disable their WebVRAM user profile. Navigate to the User Profile Screen and click the Disable User button on the top right above the user profile summary, as shown in REF _Ref26311162 \h Figure 35 below. Once this is done, the User Profile Screen will only show one button, Enable User, as shown in REF _Ref26366744 \h Figure 25, and the user will not be able to login to WebVRAM.CAUTION: Each business unit is responsible for working with local IT support to disable the remote site VistA system account(s) the user has established through the use of WebVRAM. Remote site VistA user profiles established electronically through WebVRAM have a set expiration of 30 days; the remote site VistA user profile will expire if the user does not access or login to that remote site within that timeframe. If the VistA user profile established at a remote site through WebVRAM is active when the user’s WebVRAM profile is disabled, then the VistA user profile needs to have the dis-usered flag turned “on” at each remote site where the user is no longer authorized to access VistA.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 35: User Profile Screen – Disable User ButtonExit SystemWhen you are finished with the work you need to perform, click Logout in the upper right corner of the page.TroubleshootingFor troubleshooting, users may contact the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) at 1-855-673-4357 or by entering a SNOW/YourIT ticket to receive Tier 1-3 support.Special Instructions for Error CorrectionInitial Checklist to Begin Troubleshooting User Access IssuesDoes the user have a WebVRAM profile?If YES, go to step 2.If NO, they will receive the “Unauthorized Access” error after clicking on the Accept the Terms and Conditions button when accessing the application URL. Add the user profile to WebVRAM.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 36: Unauthorized Access Error MessageDid the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option propagate from their VistA profile into WebVRAM?If NOT, the user will receive an “Invalid Access/Verify Codes” error. Instruct the user to submit an Electronic Permission Access System (ePAS) request to have local IT add the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option to their Home VistA profile.Does the user profile have the WEBG AV PUSH Security Key?If NOT, add the WEBG AV PUSH Security Key to the WebVRAM user profile.If the user has the CPRS Tab = COR, then they should also have the following items at a minimum in their WebVRAM user profile:OR CPRS GUI CHART Secondary Menu Option.ORES (for physicians) or ORELSE (for nurses and clinical support staff).PROVIDER Security Key.NOTE: PROVIDER Security Key is for clinicians authorized to enter orders. The need for the PROVIDER key should be determined by the Business Unit Director in coordination with local and enterprise security officers.REFERENCE: CPRS Technical Manual, Electronic Signature section.CAUTION: The menus and keys in a user’s WebVRAM profile must match those in the user’s Home VistA profile. Menus and keys are provided at the local level based on ePAS approvals for the user’s role, based on VA policy.Does the user need to add (write) Progress Notes to the patient chart in CPRS? If YES, the user must have:ORES/ORELSE and PROVIDER Security Keys (PROVIDER key may be required at some VistA sites).Home VistA Person Class and User Class values:If the user is a physician, Person Class needs to match the user’s Home VistA.If the user is a nurse/clinician, Person Class might be Physician Assistant, and User Class may need two values – PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT and PROVIDER.Does the user need to assign themselves as Primary Provider to an Encounter in CPRS? If YES, the user must have:Their Home VistA Person Class and User Class values.The User Class value of PROVIDER should be present in their Home VistA profile and reflected in their WebVRAM profile.Does the user need to order Meds as a physician? If YES, the user must have:Home VistA Profile:AUTHORIZED TO ORDER MEDS flag in File 200 set to “YES.”WebVRAM Profile:Security Keys of ORES and PROVIDER.CPRS Tabs: COR.The same Person Class that exists in their Home VistA profile.User Class of PHYSICIAN and PROVIDER (see step 4c REF PROVIDER_Key \h \p above).Does the user need to write CPRS Tele-ICU Notes at Chillicothe and/or Cleveland VAMCs? If YES, the user must have:WebVRAM Profile:For Chillicothe, User Class of Tele-Health Staff.For Cleveland, User Class of mon Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data AnomaliesTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC5: User Profile Issues and VistA Data AnomaliesIssue #IssueCauseResolutionUser is unable to order controlled substance medications at remote sites accessed through WebVRAM.The provider is not configured to prescribe controlled substances at the remote site.If a provider prescribes controlled substances at a site where the provider already has permissions to do so after connecting to the site through WebVRAM, this process will work correctly.This functionality works in accordance with the business process. Configuration is required at the remote site to assign the provider permissions to prescribe controlled substances where appropriate. The user should work with their business management and local IT to make configuration changes at the remote site in accordance with VA and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) policy.User is unable to login to WebVRAM; receives “Unauthorized User/No Profile” error.WEBG WEVBRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option is missing from VistA profile.Instruct the user to submit an ePAS request to add WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option to their Home VistA profile.Unable to login to WebVRAM; receives “Invalid Access or Verify Code” error.WEBG WEVBRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option is missing from VistA profile.Access and Verify codes need to be reset in user’s Home VistA system.A user may have duplicate VistA profiles in their Home VistA system which confuses the VistA authentication process. The “Invalid Access or Verify Code” error is sent to WebVRAM by the Home VistA system.Instruct the user to submit an ePAS request to add WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option to their Home VistA profile.Instruct the user to create a SNOW/YourIT ticket to have local IT reset BOTH their Access and Verify codes. They will need to login to their local VistA and change their Verify code, then login to WebVRAM with the new Access and Verify code pair.Check the user’s Home VistA site to see if they have more than one active profile using the KPA CPAC NSD MENU secondary menu option (follow the instructions in Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5, Step REF KPACPACNSD \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 7). Use WebVRAM to connect to the user’s Home VistA system and type “CPAC” at the first VistA menu prompt, followed by “USER” at the next prompt. Type the user’s [Last name, First initials of first name]. If the user has two identical or nearly identical profiles, submit an SNOW/YourIT ticket on behalf of the user to have the duplicate profile with the least amount of data (e.g. menus, keys, person class, etc.) dis-usered or terminated in their Home VistA system.User can log in to WebVRAM but receives ‘Invalid Access/Verify Code’ error when launching Reflection or CPRS.WEBG AV PUSH Security Key is missing from user profile.Add WEBG AV PUSH Security Key to the WebVRAM user profile.User logs into WebVRAM successfully. Connections to remote sites through Reflection/CPRS end in “FAILED” message.A non-standard Primary Menu was pulled from VistA profile into WebVRAM profile. VistA customization across the enterprise results in non-standard Primary Menus, and the remote site does not recognize the custom menu and refuses to build the user profile due to rules violation.A non-standard Service/Section value came from local VistA profile.Keystroke errors in WebVRAM VistA Profile parameters.Replace User’s Custom Menu with a Standard menu based on user role:Role: Non-Clinical User / XUSERTOOLSRole: Physician User / PX PCE CLINICIAN MENURole: Nurse User / NURSCL-MENUReplace Service/Section with MEDICAL SERVICE unless the user is with a CPAC or Office of Community Care (OCC) Business Unit.Check all VistA profile values in the WebVRAM VistA Profile section (bottom left side of profile) to ensure there are no spelling errors. User’s connection to remote site FAILS and log shows “User’s access [or verify] code already belongs to another user on <VAMC Name> site. Synchronization Failed.”User has identical Home VistA Access or Verify code to another user at remote site.User must contact local IT:If Access code is identical, both Access and Verify codes need to be reset. User then logs in directly to Home VistA and changes Verify code to one of their choosing.If only Verify code is identical, only Verify code needs to be reset. User logs in directly to Home VistA and changes their Verify code.Clinician User, while accessing remote site, is unable to add themselves as Primary Provider to a CPRS Encounter.Clinical User unable to order meds at remote site in CPRS.User missing the ORES and PROVIDER keys in their Home VistA and WebVRAM profiles.User’s Person Class has an expiration date which was pushed to the remote site. The user may have a new Person Class in their Home VistA system with a more current expiration date. Check the Home VistA profile to confirm this.User may need User Class of PHYSICIAN and PROVIDER added to their Home VistA and WebVRAM profile.Northern California and San Francisco require a Service/Section value of MEDICAL SERVICE to enable CPRS orders and notes to function.Add correct User Class and Person Class values in WebVRAM profile. Suggested values for Physician (values for other clinical providers will vary):User Class: PHYSICIANPerson Class: Person Class value from the user’s Home VistA system.Edit the user’s Person Class in WebVRAM by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the Person Class field, remove the expiration date of the Person Class shown in the new window, and click the Update Person Class button. Have the user submit an ePAS ticket to have the Home VistA Person Class expiration date removed or updated. If it is updated, add the new expiration date to the WebVRAM corresponding Person Class.Some sites require User Class values to enable ordering and note creation/signing features in CPRS. Add User Class values of PHYSICIAN and PROVIDER to the user’s Home VistA and WebVRAM profile. ePAS may be needed to add the values to the Home VistA system.Add the value of MEDICAL SERVICE to the user’s Service/Section field in the WebVRAM profile. The home VistA Service/Section value does not need to be changed.“User Not Found” when assigning Home VistA to user profile in WebVRAM.User may have an inactive VistA account on their Home VistA system due to inactivity.User’s Active Directory [Global Address List (GAL)] full name does not match the VistA profile name exactly and VistA will not allow the user’s profile to be accessed at their local site.Check to ensure the local VistA account is active. If it is, instruct the user to submit an ePAS request to reactivate their Home VistA account.Contact local IT and have the user’s VistA name changed to EXACTLY match the GAL name, including the use of upper and lower cases. That seems to be an easier change than trying to change the GAL name to match VistA.“Cannot Add User…(Duplicate VistA Names)”User has two nearly identical profiles on their Home VistA system; same Social Security Number (SSN).A URL appears with this error message. Send URL to user with instructions to complete the fields in the form at that URL. The fields are listed in the WebVRAM Admin Module Guide. Once user has done this, follow User Guide to “reactivate” their WebVRAM profile. Unfortunately, all VistA profile information must then be manually added. An enhancement is on the development backlog to add a “VistA Refresh” button to pull current VistA data into the WebVRAM profile.User Profile is added to WebVRAM, but all VistA Profile data is blank.PREVENTION: Have users check their VistA Profile BEFORE adding them as a new user. It may take longer to add VistA profile data to WebVRAM, which also might result in typos and further failed connection attempts, than to have local IT remove duplicate entries before creating the WebVRAM user profile.Ask the user to list their VistA profile with the User Toolbox and identify duplicate entries. Instruct the user to submit a SNOW/YourIT ticket to have local IT remove the duplicate entry. Since the WebVRAM profile is already created, VistA profile data must be manually entered. A “VistA Refresh” button is under development.User logs out of WebVRAM and is returned to the Terms/Conditions page. User attempts another login and receives “Invalid Access/Verify Codes” error.Internet Explorer does not persist cookies due to VA policy.Have the user refresh or close their browser and login again.User fails to connect to a remote site. In the User Log, the failed error states, “User’s VistA profile is incomplete. Insufficient information to allow visiting: Missing Station Number.”The user is missing or has multiple values in the Division field of their Home VistA profile.Have the user submit a SNOW/YourIT ticket to work with local IT to have a default value added to the Division field in their Home VistA profile. Or if the user has multiple values in the Division field, ask local IT to remove all but one of the values.Clinical User has issues with CPRS features working at some remote sites but not working at other remote sites.User has two CPRS Security Keys. They either have ORES and ORELSE, or they have ORES and OREMAS keys. More than one security key will cause conflicts with CPRS functionality.If the user is a physician, psychologist, radiologist, or physician assistant, remove the ORELSE or OREMAS keys. Leave only the ORES key.User cannot access Mental Health Clinical Reminders in CPRS and receives the error “Application context has not been created! RPC info ORUTL4DLL (completed).”User is missing the YS BROKER1 Secondary Menu option in their Home VistA and WebVRAM profiles.Have the user submit an ePAS request to add the YS BROKER1 Secondary Menu option to their Home VistA profile and add that same value to their WebVRAM profile.User unable to access Clinical Reminders at New Jersey VAMC.User must have specific values in the Title, Service/Section, and User Class fields.See Section REF _Ref65523909 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.10.User’s name changes (e.g. new last name) and they receive the “Your Account has NOT been setup to use WebVRAM” error when logging in.The user’s Active Directory ID in the WebVRAM database no longer matches the Active Directory ID in the GAL, so the VA authentication check fails when logging in.From the Edit User Screen, update the user’s WebVRAM Active Directory (Windows) Username to match the new Active Directory ID in the GAL (see Section REF _Ref47106489 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.10).NOTE: Name changes in the VA Active Directory can take 24-48 hours to propagate through the network, and it may take that long for a successful login to WebVRAM to occur after changes are made.Look Up a User’s Home VistA Profile InformationAs a Business Unit Administrator, you should have the KPA CPAC NSD MENU Secondary Menu Option in your WebVRAM profile. If it is not there, you should be able to add it to your profile. This menu option will allow you to login to a user’s Home VistA site and inquire to see their VistA profile values. This can be done if there is an urgent need and the user cannot obtain the values you need to add to their blank profile in an expeditious manner. Follow the instructions in Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5 ( REF _Ref38380741 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies), Step REF KPACPACNSD \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 7 REF KPACPACNSD \h \* MERGEFORMAT KPA CPAC NSD MENU.Duplicate Account ReconciliationThe Duplicate Account Reconciliation feature is an enhancement that will check for duplicate VistA profiles at a remote VistA site that may interfere with a user’s attempt to synchronize, add, or update VistA profile data at the remote site.Detecting VistA User Account Conflicts – Block Site AccessDuring user provisioning, the Business Unit Administrator may add individual or multiple VistA sites to a user’s profile, or the Business Unit Administrator may click the Add all sites button. When a site is added, WebVRAM will detect if there is a duplicate account conflict at the newly added remote VistA site(s). The VistA Sites Screen will display an Edit Site button for each site where WebVRAM detects duplicate profiles, and the remote sites with duplicate VistA user profiles will not be available for user access.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 37: VistA Sites Screen with Edit Site ButtonThe VistA Sites Screen will show an Edit Site button to identify sites where user access is blocked due to potential duplicate VistA accounts; these sites are not added to the user’s VistA Sites screen in WebVRAM.Detecting VistA User Account Conflicts – User Profile VistA SitesFrom the User Profile Screen, the VistA Sites section lists the VistA sites assigned to the WebVRAM user. The section will display the site names with a font color to indicate status:Black – VistA site with no detected duplicate account issue.Red – VistA site with active duplicate account issue.Green – VistA site with resolved duplicate account issue.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 38: User Profile VistA Sites Section with Duplicate Account IssuesThis figure shows an example of all statuses for active and inactive sites on the User Profile Screen.Viewing Duplicate Account Issues – Edit SiteFrom the User Profile Screen, the VistA Sites section lists the VistA sites assigned to the WebVRAM user. In this section, click on the pencil icon next to the site name to view duplicate account discrepancies detected by WebVRAM. The Edit Site Screen will appear.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 39: User Profile VistA Sites Section with Pencil Icon to Edit SiteDuplicate Accounts – IEN MismatchThe following is an example of a duplicate account issue due to Internal Entry Number (IEN) mismatch.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 40: Edit Site Screen – IEN MismatchThe figure above displays a duplicate account issue detected at the “Clarksburg TEST” VistA site. The screen displays the Expected User IEN text field with the expected IEN value shown.A message reads, “Caution! Only edit the Expected User IEN when attempting to resolve a duplicate account issue. Changing this value incorrectly will break the user’s account on the remote VistA system. See the Administration Module User Guide for more information.” The error message includes a hyperlink to this document.Date Duplicate Found is displayed.Duplicate Data Dump lists the Expected User IEN and Actual User IEN:Expected User IEN: 1234567Actual User IEN: 1107023The screen includes buttons to Update VistA Site or Cancel.Resolving the IEN MismatchTo correct this issue, enter the Actual User IEN number from the error message (e.g. 1107023) into the Expected User IEN field at the top of the error message and click the Update VistA Site button.CAUTION: Only edit the Expected User IEN when attempting to resolve a duplicate account issue. Changing this value incorrectly will break the user’s account on the remote VistA system.Duplicate Accounts – SSN ConflictThe following is an example of a duplicate account issue due to an SSN already assigned to another user. The Expected User IEN field is blank, and the SSN conflict message is displayed. Open a SNOW/YourIT ticket and assign it to the user’s local IT group to resolve the conflict.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 41: Edit Site Screen – SSN ConflictThe figure above displays a duplicate account issue detected at the “Togus TEST” VistA site. The screen displays the Expected User IEN text field as blank.A message reads, “Caution! Only edit the Expected User IEN when attempting to resolve a duplicate account issue. Changing this value incorrectly will break the user’s account on the remote VistA system. See the Administration Module User Guide for more information.” The error message includes a hyperlink to this document.Date Duplicate Found is displayed.Duplicate Data Dump displays the message, “There is a conflict with your existing SSN which is already assigned to the user IEN205425.”The screen includes buttons to Update VistA Site or Cancel.Resolving the SSN ConflictTo correct this issue, open a SNOW/YourIT ticket and assign it to the user’s local IT group. See Section REF _Ref68603035 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3.5 ( REF _Ref68603035 \h Resolving Duplicate Account Issues) below.After the conflict is resolved, contact the user and ask them to confirm they are able to connect to the remote VistA site.Duplicate Accounts – Same Access CodeThe following is an example of a duplicate account issue where the user has the same Access Code as another user with a different IEN. The Expected User IEN field is blank, and the “same access code” error message is displayed. Open a SNOW/YourIT ticket and assign it to the user’s local IT group to resolve this issue.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 42: Edit Site Screen – Same Access CodeThe figure above displays a duplicate account issue detected at the “Minneapolis TEST” VistA site. The screen displays the Expected User IEN text field as blank.A message reads, “Caution! Only edit the Expected User IEN when attempting to resolve a duplicate account issue. Changing this value incorrectly will break the user’s account on the remote VistA system. See the Administration Module User Guide for more information.” The error message includes a hyperlink to this document.Date Duplicate Found is displayed.Duplicate Data Dump displays the message, “User IEN 45102 has the same access code as User IEN 438884.”The screen includes buttons to Update VistA Site or Cancel.Resolving the Same Access Code IssueSince all VistA systems use the same algorithm to generate Access Codes and there is no central software to create and store Access Codes, occasionally the same code is assigned to more than one user at more than one site. If this error message is displayed, open a SNOW/YourIT ticket to request the user’s Access Code be reset in their Home VistA profile. The user will also need to change their new temporary Verify Code to a code of their choosing once a new Access Code has been assigned. After the new Access and Verify Codes have been established, ask the user to login to WebVRAM and confirm they are now able to connect to the remote VistA site.NOTE: If, after the user’s Access Code is changed, the user’s connection attempt to the same remote site still fails, edit that site in the user’s profile and type the Actual User IEN number shown in the Duplicate Data Dump message into the Expected User IEN field, then click the Update VistA Site button as shown in REF _Ref74844669 \h Figure 40 above. After this change is made, have the user reconnect to the remote site, and the Access Code conflict should be resolved resulting in a successful connection attempt.Duplicate Accounts – NPI Number Already AssignedWhen a provider connects to a remote site where they have an existing account, and that account has their National Provider Identifier (NPI) number assigned to it, that account usually does not have the provider’s SSN assigned to it. In this case, when WebVRAM makes a connection to this remote site, it passes the NPI and SSN with the request to update or add a VistA account profile to that site. VistA cannot find the same SSN in the existing account and creates a duplicate account with the new WebVRAM profile request. However, the synchronization fails because VistA will only allow the NPI to belong to one account, and it terminates the connection as it cannot accept the NPI and assign it to the new WebVRAM account. A partial WebVRAM account profile is created, but the connection to the remote site will continue to fail.The following is an example of a duplicate account issue where the user’s NPI is already assigned to another VistA account with a different IEN. The Expected User IEN field is blank, and the “NPI conflict” error message is displayed. Open a SNOW/YourIT ticket and assign it to the user’s local IT group to resolve this issue.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 43: Edit Site Screen – NPI Already AssignedThe figure above displays a duplicate account issue detected at the “Northern Indiana HCS” VistA site. The screen displays the Expected User IEN text field as blank.A message reads, “Caution! Only edit the Expected User IEN when attempting to resolve a duplicate account issue. Changing this value incorrectly will break the user’s account on the remote VistA system. See the Administration Module User Guide for more information.” The error message includes a hyperlink to this document.Date Duplicate Found is displayed.Duplicate Data Dump displays the message, “There is a conflict with your existing NPI (XXXXXXXXX) which is already assigned to the user IEN 387787.”The screen includes buttons to Update VistA Site or Cancel.Resolving the NPI Number Already Assigned IssueTo resolve this issue, follow the process outlined in HYPERLINK \l "_Resolving_Duplicate_Account" Section REF _Ref68603035 \r \h 5.3.5, Step 7a, below. Open a SNOW/YourIT ticket to have local IT verify that the VistA profile containing the NPI also contains the same SSN in the user’s Home VistA profile. If it does not, request that local IT add or update the SSN in the VistA profile containing the NPI to match the SSN from the user’s Home VistA profile. Request that all other duplicate profiles be dis-usered or terminated.Duplicate Account Issue – Detailed Logs – Error MessageWhen a user fails to connect to a remote VistA site due to a duplicate account issue, the error is captured in the user’s Detailed Logs (see Section REF _Ref65496056 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.11 REF _Ref65496041 \h \* MERGEFORMAT View User’s Log). Example logs are included below.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 44: Detailed Logs – Failed Synchronization Due to Duplicate AccountThis synchronization failure error indicates a duplicate VistA account is detected at the remote site with a message instructing the user to “contact your Business Unit Administrator.”Resolving Duplicate Account IssuesSome duplicate account issues may require creating a SNOW/YourIT ticket to get assistance from local IT staff at the remote site. Follow the steps below to gather information about duplicate accounts using VistA (see example screen capture below).Using WebVRAM, Launch Reflection connection to the remote site and perform a user inquiry to view the duplicate profiles. Once logged into VistA at the remote site, enter the command CPAC at the first menu prompt.Enter USER at the next menu prompt.At the “Select NEW PERSON NAME” prompt, enter the user’s last name followed by a comma, and the first 2 letters of their first name. Multiple selections of user profiles should be displayed.Enter the number of the first duplicate profile in the list you are provided and view the profile.After entering past the last line of the profile, the “Select NEW PERSON NAME” prompt will reappear. Press the <up arrow> key until the lastname,partial first name entry you made earlier comes up, then press <Enter>. View the profile detail for the second profile in the list by selecting the number next to it.If there are more than two profiles, repeat step 5 for each additional profile.Example VistA User Inquiry to Identify Duplicate ProfilesGood afternoon [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME] You last signed on today at 13:57Select PCE Clinician Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: CPAC NSD MenuSelect CPAC NSD Menu <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: USER InquirySelect NEW PERSON NAME: DUCK,DON 1 DUCK,DONALD IT SPECIALIST 2 DUCK,DONALD R 3 DUCK,DONELLE CHOOSE 1-3: 1 DUCK,DONALD IT SPECIALISTDEVICE: <Enter> HOME(CRT) Right Margin: 80// <Enter>DUCK,DONALD (#1107032)--------------------------Service/Section: OIT ATTRIBUTES---------- Creator ........DRAK,CAROL Date entered........Mar 11, 2021 Mult Sign-on ... Fileman codes .....@ Time-out ....... Type-ahead ........ Title ..........IT SPECIALIST Office Phone ......4104414058 Auto-Menu ......YES, MENUS GENERATED Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Mar 11, 2021 Digital Pager ..... Has a E-SIG ....Yes Write Med's ....... NPI ............ 1334374398 Taxonomy .......... 207R00000X Person Class: Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians Internal Medicine Primary Menu: EVE Systems Manager MenuSecondary Menu(s)----------------- [DVBA CAPRI GUI] Capri GUI (Broker) [MAG WINDOWS] All MAG* RPC's [WEBG WEBVRAM GUI] WEBG WEBVRAM GUIKeys Held--------- MAGDISPCLIN XUPROGMODEPatient Selection----------------- Restrict?: OE/RR List: CPRS Access Tabs----------------CPRS Parameter info (User Specific)-----------------------------------No Mailbox for this user. <Enter>Select NEW PERSON NAME: <Up Arrow> <Enter>NOTE: Pressing the up arrow key once brings “1” into the command line.Pressing it again brings “DUCK,DON” into the command line.1 DUCK,DONALD IT SPECIALIST 2 DUCK,DONALD R 3 DUCK,DONELLE CHOOSE 1-3: 2 DUCK,DONALD IT SPECIALISTDEVICE: <Enter> HOME(CRT) Right Margin: 80// <Enter>DUCK,DONALD (#952389)--------------------------Service/Section: OIT Creator ........ Date entered........Jul 22, 2020 A/C changed .... V/C changed ....... Mult Sign-on ... Fileman codes ..... Time-out ....... Type-ahead ........ Title ..........X*OTHER Office Phone ...... Auto-Menu ...... Room .............. Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Jan 27, 2021 Digital Pager ..... Has a E-SIG ....No Write Med's ....... Person Class: NPI ............Primary Menu: Secondary Menu(s)----------------- [JLV WEB SERVICES] JLV GUI Menu OptionKeys Held--------- Patient Selection----------------- Restrict?: OE/RR List: CPRS Access Tabs----------------CPRS Parameter info (User Specific)----------------------------------- No Mailbox for this user. For each profile viewed using the steps above:If the user is a provider: Identify which profile contains the provider’s NPI. Note the VistA number to the right of the user’s name (in parenthesis) for this profile.Have local IT verify that the SSN of this profile contains the same SSN in the user’s Home VistA profile. If it does not, request that local IT add or update the SSN in this profile to match the SSN from the user’s Home VistA profile. Request that all other duplicate profiles be dis-usered or terminated.If the user is NOT a provider:Request that local IT dis-user/terminate all profiles that contain the least amount of data; these profiles will not contain all menus or keys and may include an incorrect Person Class (if applicable), the wrong primary menu, etc.Ask local IT to confirm that the remaining “active” profile contains the same SSN as the SSN in the user’s Home VistA profile.When step 7 is done, unblock the site for the user in WebVRAM and ask them to reconnect to that site using the application.If, after executing all steps above, the user still has an issue connecting to the remote site, use SNOW/YourIT to submit an Incident to ESD for the issue and assign it to the NTL SUP ADMIN group.Re-block the remote site for user access in WebVRAM.Notify the user via email that the issue is not yet resolved yet and that an ESD ticket has been opened requesting assistance from the WebVRAM team.Once the ESD ticket is resolved, unblock the site in WebVRAM for the user and contact the user with a request to retry access at that site using the application.Repeat step 9 if the user still has connection issues at the remote site.Appendix A – Acronyms and AbbreviationsAcronyms and definitions are provided throughout the document with first use. Commonly used project acronyms are also collected in the table below.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6: Acronyms and AbbreviationsTermDefinitionADActive DirectoryBUABusiness Unit AdministratorCPACConsolidated Patient Account CenterCPRSComputerized Patient Record SystemEHRElectronic Health RecordESDEnterprise Service DeskFPOField Program OfficeGALGlobal Address ListGUIGraphical User InterfaceHCSHealth Care System (large multi-site medical center)IAMIdentify and Access ManagementNPINational Provider IdentifierOCCOffice of Community CareOITOffice of Information and TechnologyPHIProtected Health InformationPIIPersonally Identifiable InformationRPCRemote Procedure CallSDDSystem Design DocumentSNOWService Now, also called YourITSQLStructured Query LanguageSSOSingle Sign OnSTICStation ID Callback ModuleURLUniform Resource LocatorVAMCVA Medical CenterVDLVA Document LibraryVHAVeterans Health AdministrationVMVirtual MachineVPNVirtual Private NetworkVRAMVistA Remote Access ManagementWAMWebVRAM Administration ModuleWebVRAMWeb VistA Remote Access ManagementWUTWebVRAM User TableAppendix B – Full Revision HistoryThe REF _Ref65513609 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Abbreviated Revision History at the beginning of the document includes only the most recent updates. For brevity, the Revision History is truncated. The full list of revisions, including older document updates, is archived in the table below.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 7: Full Revision HistoryDateDocument RevisionDescriptionAuthor9/9/20213.1Updated for WebVRAM September 2021 Hot Fix (associated with informational VistA patch WEBG*3*4):Updated IMPORTANT statement regarding primary menus to Section REF _Ref38380316 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1.2.2 ( REF _Ref38380316 \h Assumptions).Replaced REF _Ref31723182 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 4 ( REF _Ref79681777 \h WebVRAM Administration Module Main Page).Updated Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User), step 7, to specify Users link is available to WebVRAM Administrator.Replaced REF _Ref21709261 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 8 ( REF _Ref79681816 \h Administration Module Users Link).Added Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User), step 9 (Adding or Deleting WebVRAM Business Unit).Replaced REF _Ref26302557 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 10 ( REF _Ref74847726 \h Administration Module Business Units Links).Replaced REF _Ref26302566 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 11 REF _Ref74847791 \h Business Unit Profile Screen). Updated verbiage immediately following the figure in Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User).Added verbiage regarding business unit being a mandatory field to Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), steps 4 and 5.Added REF _Ref80288601 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 16 ( REF _Ref80289519 \h Banner on Disabled User Profile – Business Unit Must Be Added).Added REF _Ref80288702 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 17 ( REF _Ref80289552 \h Warning Message – Business Unit Must Be Added).Updated Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), step 6, to indicate Service Section field is now a drop-down list.Replaced REF _Ref26305548 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 18 ( REF _Ref79682970 \h VistA Profile Edit Option).Replaced REF _Ref26305880 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 19 ( REF _Ref79682994 \h VistA Profile Data Entry Fields).Added REF _Ref79682831 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 20 ( REF _Ref79683013 \h VistA Profile Service Section Dropdown List).Added custom profile information for Biloxi, Detroit, and Puget Sound to REF _Ref74848043 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 4 ( REF _Ref74848056 \h Site-specific VistA Profile Values).Added Section REF _Ref74848110 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.3 ( REF _Ref74848131 \h To Access Provider CPRS Features at Biloxi).Added Section REF _Ref74848180 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.6 ( REF _Ref74848180 \h To Access Progress Notes at Detroit).Added Section REF _Ref74848240 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.8 ( REF _Ref79681150 \h To Sign CPRS Notes at Puget Sound).Added Section REF _Ref79681163 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.9 ( REF _Ref79681163 \h To Access VistA Scheduling at Puget Sound).Updated verbiage in Section REF _Ref74848301 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3.3 ( REF _Ref74848314 \h Viewing Duplicate Account Issues – Edit Site). Added REF _Ref74848350 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 39 ( REF _Ref74848379 \h User Profile VistA Sites Section with Pencil Icon to Edit Site).Replaced REF _Ref74844669 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 40 ( REF _Ref74848508 \h Edit Site Screen – IEN Mismatch).Edited verbiage in Section REF _Ref74848564 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848587 \h Resolving the IEN Mismatch).Added NOTE to Section REF _Ref74848642 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848676 \h Resolving the Same Access Code Issue).Added Section REF _Ref74848755 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT ( REF _Ref74848772 \h Duplicate Accounts – NPI Number Already Assigned).Updated Section REF _Ref68603035 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3.5 ( REF _Ref68603035 \h Resolving Duplicate Account Issues), Step 7a.Removed references to Fee Basis Claims System (FBCS) from Section REF _Ref39081204 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ( REF _Ref39081204 \h Software Summary) and Appendix REF _Ref39081300 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT A ( REF _Ref39081300 \h Appendix A – Acronyms and Abbreviations).WebVRAM Project Team, VA Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Enterprise Program Management Office (EPMO)4/8/20213.0Updated for WebVRAM Release 3.0, (associated with informational VistA patch WEBG*3*1):Added CAUTION message regarding Edit Site button to step 5 of Section REF _Ref65498359 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.1 ( REF _Ref65498359 \h View / Edit User).Added CAUTION message regarding Edit Site button to step 5 of Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User).Changed title of Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5 ( REF _Ref38380741 \h Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies) and REF _Ref26309026 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 22 to remove the word “duplicate” to avoid confusion with new duplicate account sections.Deleted former Section 4.6.2 (To Write CPRS Tele-ICU Notes at Chillicothe and Cleveland VA Medical Centers with a WebVRAM Connection). This content is now covered under Section REF _Ref65523454 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.Added Section REF _Ref65523454 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7 ( REF _Ref65523454 \h Custom Profile Values Required to Access Features at Certain Sites).Corrected User Class values for Chillicothe and Cleveland in Sections REF _Ref67505027 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.4 and REF _Ref67505037 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.7.5 and in step 8 of Section REF _Ref38381050 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.1.Added Section REF _Ref65779734 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.8 ( REF _Ref65779734 \h Access CPRS at Remote Sites Using CPRS Desktop Launcher) to explain 30-day VistA profile expiration.Updated REF _Ref47105931 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5 ( REF _Ref47105946 \h User Profile Issues and VistA Data Anomalies) in Section REF _Ref38381082 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.2 ( REF _Ref38381082 \h Common Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data Anomalies).Added Issue # column.Added step 3 to Issue 3. Edited step 3 under Issue 5.Edited Issue 7.Added Issues 14-16.Added Section REF _Ref65498914 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.3 ( REF _Ref65499061 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Duplicate Account Reconciliation) and subsections.Retitled Section 6 to Appendix REF _Ref39081300 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT A ( REF _Ref39081300 \h Appendix A – Acronyms and Abbreviations) and updated contents.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO10/22/20202.2Updated for WebVRAM Release 2.0 (Cerner Integration):Updated Section REF _Ref38380316 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1.2.2 ( REF _Ref38380316 \h Assumptions).Added user prerequisite to have local IT validate their Home VistA DIVISION field.Added information about standard Home VistA primary menu option.Added Cerner verbiage to Section REF _Ref39081204 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ( REF _Ref39081204 \h Software Summary).Updated CPRS Tabs in Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User) to clarify the user should have COR or RPT tab, not both.Added new Section REF _Ref47105297 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.9 ( REF _Ref47105297 \h Standard Configuration for VistA Imaging Functionality) to explain VistA Imaging user setup.Added new Section REF _Ref54261446 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.11.1 ( REF _Ref54261447 \h User Log Cerner Messages).Updated Section 5.1.1 ( REF _Ref38381050 \h Initial Checklist to Begin Troubleshooting User Access Issues) to clarify and add detail to the importance of matching the Home VistA profile data to the WebVRAM profile data.Updated REF _Ref47105931 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5 ( REF _Ref47105946 \h User Profile Issues and VistA Data Anomalies) in Section REF _Ref38381082 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.2 ( REF _Ref38381082 \h Common Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data Anomalies).Added CPRS double security key conflict.Corrected Resolution for “User logs into WebVRAM successfully. Connections to remote sites through Reflection/CPRS end in ‘FAILED’ message.”WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO7/29/20202.1Updated for WebVRAM Release 1.3 (associated with VistA patch WEBG*1.0*3):Added Section REF _Ref46929082 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.3 ( REF _Ref46929085 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Add Security Key Not Present in User’s Home VistA – Audit Required).Added Section REF _Ref46158197 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.6.3 ( REF _Ref46158214 \h \* MERGEFORMAT To Use the Tele-ICU Provider CPRS Timeout Option) to explain how to configure the user profile of a Tele-ICU provider to use the CPRS extended timeout value.Changed title of Section REF _Ref47106489 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.10 ( REF _Ref47106489 \h View/Edit User’s Home VistA System and Active Directory Name).WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO5/12/20202.0Updated for WebVRAM Release 1.2 (associated with information-only patch WEBG*1.0*1):Updated Section REF _Ref38380316 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1.2.2 ( REF _Ref38380316 \h Assumptions) to rephrase requirement for users to have the WEBG WEBVRAM GUI Secondary Menu Option in their Home VistA.Updated Section REF _Ref19718287 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 1.2.6 ( REF _Ref19718287 \h References and Resources) to change Rational to GitHub.Rewrote entire Section REF _Ref38380531 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 3.2 ( REF _Ref38380545 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Information the Business Unit Administrator User Will Need).Added Caution message to Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), Step 5.Revised Caution message in Section REF _Ref37873044 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.2 ( REF _Ref37873044 \h Add New User), Step 6.Changed heading to Section REF _Ref38380741 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.5 ( REF _Ref38380741 \h Existing User with Same Name in Home VistA and Other VistA Data Anomalies) and added steps 6 and 7.Added Section REF _Ref37878915 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.6 ( REF _Ref37878915 \h Standard Configurations for CPRS Functionality) and subsections.Changed heading to Section REF _Ref38380900 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 4.12 ( REF _Ref38380911 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Disable User Account) and edited first paragraph.Edited Section REF _Ref38380961 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5 ( REF _Ref38380973 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Troubleshooting):Added Section REF _Ref38381050 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.1 ( REF _Ref38381050 \h Initial Checklist to Begin Troubleshooting User Access Issues).Added Section REF _Ref38381082 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.1.2 ( REF _Ref38381082 \h Common Problems and Resolutions with User Profiles and VistA Data Anomalies).Added Section REF _Ref40202145 \h \r \* MERGEFORMAT 5.2 ( REF _Ref40202145 \h Look Up a User’s Home VistA Profile Information).Changed captions for Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 31 and associated cross-references.Various minor formatting and verbiage changes.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO12/4/20191.7Updated to address comments from Health Product Support. Technical Writer review and edit.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO11/21/20191.6Added clarity to different pathways for Business Unit Administrator and WebVRAM Administrator to add new user.WebVRAM PMO Support11/15/20191.5Changed title of Section 2.1 to WebVRAM Roles and defined all user roles. Changed “Business Administrator” to “Business Unit Administrator” to match the names of Roles in the application. Corrected various entries “Admin” or “Administrative” to Administration to match the wording displayed in the application for consistency. Changes to Section 3.5 include updates to instructions and narrative on adding user based on the user role (Business Unit Administrator or WebVRAM Administrator).WebVRAM PMO Support10/18/20191.4Added instructions for entering required VistA Profile data.WebVRAM PMO Support10/11/20191.3Technical Writer review and edit.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO10/9/20191.2Added content for Home VistA View/Change and View Logs functionality.WebVRAM PMO Support10/7/20191.1Reworked flow to match screen shots and added Duplicate User error process steps.WebVRAM PMO Support9/25/20191.0Baseline document.WebVRAM Project Team, VA OIT EPMO ................

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