Uploading a Word Document from your PC to your MASON ...

Uploading a Web page from your PC to your MASON Account

To upload a Web page to your home directory on your MASON account…

1. Start Windows.

2. Click on Start to open the Start menu and then click on Run.

3. Type ftp in the text box after the "Open:" prompt and click on the [OK] button.

The "ftp>" prompt will appear.

NOTE: "FTP" is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol (a format used when transferring files between computers).

4. Type open mason.gmu.edu [ENTER].

5. Type your login name after the "User:" prompt and press [ENTER].

6. Type your password after the "Password:" prompt and press [ENTER].

7. Type lcd a:\ after the "ftp>" prompt and press [ENTER] to indicate where your

file is located. (Substitute "c:\ and the directory path" for "a:\" if your document is

located on your hard disk.)

8. Type binary after the "ftp>" prompt and press [ENTER] so the file will be

transferred with formatting codes.

9. Type put filename.ext (substitute your actual file name including the extension for "filename.ext") and press [ENTER].

For example…

If your file is named "myweb.txt," you will type put myweb.txt.

10. Type quit and press [ENTER] to exit the FTP program.

Setting Permissions on Your MASON Account so Others can View Your Web Pages…

Your MASON account must have "search" and "read" permissions set before others can view your Web pages. This involves…

• setting "search" permissions for your home directory (the directory you are in when you first log in),

• setting "search" permissions for your public_html directory (where you should store your Web page files), and

• setting "read" permissions for your Web page files.

To create a public_html directory…

1. Log in to your MASON account.

NOTE: You should see the system prompt mason2.gmu.edu> or osf1.gmu.edu>.

2. Type mkdir public_html and press [ENTER].

To copy a Web page file from your home directory on your MASON account to your public_html directory…

1. Type cp filename.ext public_html (substitute your actual file name including the extension for "filename.ext") and press [ENTER].

To set "search" permissions for your home and public_html directories…

NOTE: Search permissions allow others to change into a directory, they do not allow others to list or read the contents of a directory.

1. Log in to your MASON account.

NOTE: You should see the system prompt mason2.gmu.edu> or osf1.gmu.edu>.

2. Type chmod a+x . and press [ENTER] to set "search" permissions for your home directory.

NOTE: Be sure to type in the period (.). It specifies that you are setting search

permissions for the current directory.

3. Type cd public_html and press [ENTER] to change to your public_html directory.

4. Type chmod a+x . and press [ENTER] to set "search" permissions for your public_html


To set "read" permissions for your Web page files…

1. Log in to your MASON account.

NOTE: You should see the system prompt mason2.gmu.edu> or osf1.gmu.edu>.

3. Type cd public_html and press [ENTER] to change to your public_html directory.

4. Type chmod a+r *.* and press [ENTER] to set "read" permissions for your Web page files.

NOTE: This command will set read permissions for all the files in your public_html directory.

To view your Web page(s) using a browser…

1. Type (substitute your login name for "yourloginname").

For example…

If your login name is jsmith, then the Web location to view your Web pages will be .

See for a document called "Basic Commands in Unix" that contains commands you can use to list files in a directory, copy a file from one directory to another, etc. on your MASON account.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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