Frankenstein Reading Log Assignments

Frankenstein Reading Log

There are three reading log assignments. Each assignment will cover a chunk of reading assignments and is due the day the reading assignments are due. You will type up the reading logs and turn them in on the day the readings are due.

Reading Log #1—Letters-Chapter 6

Reading Log #2—Chapters 7-16

Reading Log #3—Chapters 17-24 (end of novel)

Each assignment will follow the same format listed below:

MLA HEADING (correctly formatted)

(Please use your MLA checklist if you are unsure.)

Reading Log #

1. Discussion Question and Answer

Create a higher level discussion question based on this section of the reading. This cannot be a simple “yes” or “no” question.

( Example: How does Frankenstein’s mental state change through this section of reading?

( Example: Who is Frankenstein’s sister?

Not only should you create a thought-provoking, higher-level question, you must also answer the question citing (correctly using MLA format) textual references to support your answer.

2. Important Quotation—One quotation

Give the speaker and situation.

Write the quotation and cite it with the page number. (In correct MLA format)

Explain the significance of the quotation. (Why did you choose this specific quote? Why did you choose this quote?)

3. Literary devices—One device

Write the quotation with the device and cite it with the page number. (In correct MLA format)

List the type of device and explain the purpose and effectiveness of the author’s use of it in the novel.

4. Romantic and Gothic elements—One example

Write the quotation with the element and cite it with the page number. (In correct MLA format)

Explain the Romantic or Gothic element (can be theme!).

How is your quote representative of this Romantic or Gothic element?

5. Reaction/Commentary

What did you think of this section of the reading? What connections can you make with it? What did you like? Dislike? This your chance to interact with the reading and share your thoughts.

Please see the other side for exactly what your typed reading log should look like.


Mary Smith

Honors English 10 – 1st Period

Mrs. Schultz

20 October 2013

Frankenstein Reading Log 1

1. Discussion Question and Answer

How does Frankenstein change throughout these chapters?

Frankenstein changes because he becomes a crazy monster who thinks about no one else except himself…

2. Important Quotation

“My life might have been passed in ease and luxury, but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path” (17).

This quote is important as it shows how Victor is used to a certain life of luxury, but he also wants to pursue something exciting and heroic. He feels…

3. Literary Device

“She sang, and her voice flows in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away, like a nightingale of the woods," (83).

This simile compares the voice Safie to that of a nightingale. By using this comparison, Shelly is showing how the creature has never heard a voice of such beauty and richness…

4. Romantic/Gothic Element

“The pleasant sunshine, and the pure air of day, restored [the monster] to some degree of tranquility” (144).

This quote displays the romantic element of nature. Shelly uses this quote to show how nature can…

5. Reaction/Commentary

I found this section of the reading to be fascinating. I can truly see the similarities between Frankenstein and Rime of the Ancient Mariner as we continue on through the book. The creation of the “creature” was nothing…


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