Video Podcasts: For all podcasts, provide as much ...

Podcast & Psychological Research ProjectPSY 110Due Dates left71120Objectives: Students will...critically analyze a podcast related to a topic in psychology in an area of interest to them.critically analyze a research article in an area of interest to them. become familiar with an academic research article.?020000Objectives: Students will...critically analyze a podcast related to a topic in psychology in an area of interest to them.critically analyze a research article in an area of interest to them. become familiar with an academic research article.? Podcast episode chosen:___________ Research article chosen:___________Draft of Project Write-Up (optional):___________Final Project due: ___________OverviewFor this assignment, you will find a podcast of interest and apply psychological research to it. This means you will listen to a podcast and read a related report of research on the topic. You should choose a topic of interest to you that we have touched on in class and that you want to learn more about. There are numerous podcasts hosted by psychologists and journalists, so explore a little before you choose. There is a really good list at , but some of my favorites are included below. Speaking of Psychology, produced by the American Psychological AssociationHidden Brain, produced by National Public Radio and hosted by Shankar Vedantam This American Life, produced by WBEZ and hosted by journalist Ira GlassTED Radio Hour, produced by by National Public Radio and hosted by Guy RazThe Learning Scientists Podcast, produced and hosted by cognitive psychologists Megan Sumeracki and Yana WeinsteinThe Psych Files, produced and hosted by psychologist Michael BrittPodcasts tend to be between 30-60 minutes, so plan for the time it takes to listen into your homework schedule. You will also want to listen to at least parts of it more than once, so plan for that as well. After you have chosen your podcast (there are so many good ones to choose from!), sit down and prepare to listen attentively. Take notes while you listen. Jot down time markers of points you might want to return to. I recommend you listen to the whole thing through once, then go back as you need to. Keep in mind what you are listening for.All podcasts are free—DON’T BUY ANYTHING FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT!In addition, you will need to locate at least one peer-reviewed article published in a professional journal that relates to the topic of your podcast. If you can find something written by a participant in the podcast, all the better. Use EBSCO or Google Scholar to locate a suitable article.The Write-UpYour written analysis will not look like a traditional APA style paper, though some of what you write will be in paragraphs. Use the headings below to label the parts of your analysis and follow the directions for what each part should contain. Some of the writing for this assignment can be done prior to listening and may be better done before you listen.Your write-up should be typed, use a 4-part heading, standard 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing. Make sure you edit your paper for grammar, spelling, style, and academic language. Use APA style to cite your sources.Part 1: ContextProvide the following information. Some of this can be found right on the website for the podcast. Resist simply copying and pasting. Put descriptions on your own words as much as possible. Cite the podcast episode using APA style. The guidelines below are from OWL at Purdue.Audio Podcast: For all podcasts, provide as much information as possible; not all of the following information will be available. Possible addition identifiers may include Producer, Director, etc.Bell, T., & Phillips, T. (2008, May 6). A solar flare. Science @ NASA Podcast. Podcast retrieved from Podcasts: For all podcasts, provide as much information as possible; not all of the following information will be available. Possible addition identifiers may include Producer, Director, etc.Scott, D. (Producer). (2007, January 5). The community college classroom [Episode 7]. Adventures in Education. Podcast retrieved from the full names of the host and any guests (don’t forget their degrees!). Provide a brief biography of each person (where they work, what their areas of expertise are, and any other relevant information). Important here is that the hosts or guests might or might not be psychologists. Make a statement about the contributors’ credibility and any questions you have about their expertise.Provide a brief description about the podcast itself (who sponsors it, what their goals are, what kinds of topics do they normally cover).Part 2: The Podcast In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize the podcast. What were the big ideas they discussed and what did you learn? How did each guest or subtopic contribute to your overall understanding of the topic? In 2-3 paragraphs, make at least 2 connections (one paragraph per connection) between the podcast and what you have learned about psychology from class. Use the textbook and other texts from class (readings, videos) to explain how the podcast provides similar or different information about relevant psychological concepts. Be specific and clear about what you are discussing. Part 3: Connection to ResearchCite the article using APA style. The guidelines below are from OWL at Purdue.Article from an Online Periodical: Online articles follow the same guidelines for printed articles. Include all information the online host makes available, including an issue number in parentheses.Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved from, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from one paragraph, summarize the research article. What is the research purpose, research question, and/or hypothesis?of the study? What research methods did the authors use? What were the findings of the research? There should be an abstract for the article but try to report the summary in your own words as much as possible. You may use quotes sparingly.In 1-2 paragraphs, discuss connections between the article and the podcast (one paragraph per connection). Consider these questions as you develop this section: What relationship, if any, do(es) the author(s) have to the podcast? How do(es) the researcher(s) approach the subject of the research similarly or differently? What information from the article supports, conflicts with, or contradicts that from the podcast? What new insights does the article provide that the podcast did not (or vice-versa). What might be the reasons for similar or different information cross the sources?Part 4: Connection to SelfIn one paragraph, explain why you chose this topic for your project. What questions did you have at the outset? What interest did you have in the topic, podcast and/or research that led you to these resources?In one paragraph, describe how you will use the knowledge and information you gained from this project in your own life. Consider: How might it influence your academic, personal, and/or professional actions and pursuits? How did it change your mind about and/or confirm something you knew or believed previously? How did it explain the behavior of people you know or situations you have been in or anticipate being in? ................

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