Fingerprint Presentation Project - Forensic Science

Fingerprint Presentation Project

Your task is to prepare and deliver a Powerpoint presentation to the class on the topic(s) below. All members must contribute and everyone will be held accountable for this material on the test on “Fingerprint Analysis”. Please use your book as your primary resource, but consult at least three other sources in your presentation, and be sure to cite those sources in appropriate MLA manner. You also need to provide your classmates with the information you convey. Two suggestions are to have them take notes during your presentation or have them follow along with a handout you prepare and distribute to them prior to your presentation. In either case, be sure that they know what you expect from them when you are teaching them. You will be graded according to the following rubric:

Content (30%)

• Did you address all the prompts?

• Was the information factual?

Delivery of the Presentation (25%)

• Does each member participate during the presentation?

• Do you enunciate clearly and speak slowly enough for others to understand you?

Clarity of the Presentation (25%)

• Are your slides clear and concise?

• Do you have helpful pictures and diagrams?

Checking for understanding during the presentation (10%)

• Do you address questions and/or clarify confusion in a knowledgeable manner?

• Do you pose questions to your classmates to see that they understand?

• Are your classmates writing notes and/or following a handout you prepared?

Citation of sources (10%)

• Did you use the proper MLA citation format to cite your sources?

Group 1

Explain the Primary classification of fingerprints in the FBI system of classification.

• How does it work?

• Give an example.

• How is it beneficial?

• What problems and difficulties are associated with it?

• Under what circumstances is it most/lease useful?

• What is it based on?

Group 2

Explain the Automated Fingerprinting Identification System.

• What is it?

• How is it helpful/beneficial? Why is it so useful?

• How does it work?

• Explain a specific example/case for which AFIS was especially useful?

Group 3

Explain general information regarding the detection of fingerprints.

• Compare visible, plastic, and latent prints. Give an example in which each would be found.

• How do you detect prints on hard vs. soft surfaces?

• Define and explain RUVIS.

• What types of powders can be used to detect fingerprints? Give examples and explain how the process works.

• What is a Magna Brush, and how does it work?

Group 4

Explain how the following types of fingerprinting detections work and under what circumstances each is most useful. Also, describe the results you would obtain if a fingerprint was detected using each given technique.

• Iodine fuming

• Ninhydrin staining

• Physical Developer

• Does fingerprinting cause problems with DNA typing?

Group 5

Explain how the following types of fingerprint detections work and under what circumstances each is most useful. Also, describe the results you obtain if a fingerprint was detected using each given technique.

• Super Glue Fuming

• Fluorescence with lasers


• RAM, RAY and MR10

• Does fingerprinting cause a problem with DNA typing?


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