How Do I Cite the Nutrition Care Manual® (NCM®)?

How Do I Cite the Nutrition Care Manual? (NCM?)?

The American Medical Association style citation for entire NCM? Web site

would be:

American Dietetic Association. Nutrition Care Manual?.

. Accessed [Month Day, Year that you visited

the site].

Citation for a specific page would be:

American Dietetic Association. Nutrition Care Manual?. [name of page]. [URL

for specific page]. Accessed [Month Day, Year].

For example:

American Dietetic Association. Nutrition Care Manual?. Dysphagia: disease


dingid=18543. Accessed October 18, 2007.

Other style manuals may order the information in a slightly different way, but will

require the same basic info: Name of institution. Name of website. Page title.

URL. Accessed date.

The accessed date is essential data, because NCM? is updated annually. Note that

the new (10th ed) of AMA Manual of Style advises authors to print hard copy of

electronic sources they cite, in case the electronic version is replaced or deleted.

Note: If you wish to reprint or adapt material from NCM? for publication in

another source (either print or electronic), contact the permissions editor

(kmatthews@) for more information.

Client Education Materials

You do not need to seek permission to distribute the client education materials to

patients. Client education materials are protected by copyright law. With the

exception of adding patient-specific recommendations in the Notes section clearly

marked in the client education handouts, no part of the handouts may be modified

without prior written consent of the publisher.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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