School of Nursing - LSU Health New Orleans

CHECK YOUR OWN PAPERAPA - Check Your Own PaperCover page is correctly formatted and includes:Running headPage numberAPA requirementsCourse requirements as listed in the syllabus (course number, course name, faculty name, faculty credentials)First page of the text/body of the paper includes the titleAll pages of the text/body of the paper are correctly formatted and include:Running headPage numberMargins are 1” throughout paperFont is 12 point Times Roman throughout paper (including the running head)Entire paper is double spaced (including cover page and reference page)Quotes are in quotation marks or block formatQuotations must be tied to the paper with your own words (cannot stand alone)Quotations are referenced with a source and page or paragraph numberParaphrased material is references with a source Look closely at any paragraph (excluding introduction/conclusion) without a citationA page number is not required for paraphrased material, but may be included if it helps the reader locate the informationAll sources on the reference page are cited in the text/body of the paperAll sources cited in the text/body of the paper are cited in the reference listReference page is correctly formatted and includes:Running headPage numberThe word References centered at the top of the page at the 1” marginReferences are correctly formatted The citation on the reference page should match the citation in the text/body of the paperThe required information is includedChoose the correct type of reference (book, edited book, chapter in an edited book, journal article, entire journal etc.)Books – include publication city and STJournal article – include DOICheck capitalization/italics rulesPaper has been spellchecked and grammar checkedPaper has been proofreadMajor APA Errors (not exhaustive)Failure to citeFailure to appropriately and accurately cite quoted materialFailure to appropriately and accurately cite paraphrased materialConsistent failure to cite may be plagiarismThe citations in the body/text of the paper should match the citations on the reference page and vice versa Sources cited in the text of the paper are not on the reference pageSources cited on the reference page are not cited in the text of paperThe citation on the reference list does not correlate to the citation in the text of the paperInformation is missing from the reference citation which makes it difficult to find the sourceInformation in the reference citation is inaccurateTitle on first page of text missing“References” missing from reference pageRunning head or page numbers missingMissing APA requirement from title pageFormatting of block quotesPaper Content - Check Your Own PaperIs there a length requirement?Are there requirements about references (number, age)?Are there any other requirements/restrictions for this paper?TurnitinAttachmentsDoes the paper cover the content?Is the topic clearly introduced?Is the topic developed?Are there specific issues to address/develop?Is all the content supported?Is the conclusion comprehensive?Is everything in the conclusion developed in the paper? ................

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