In-Text Citations

In-Text Citations

In the body paragraphs of your research paper, you will present facts and quotations from your research. You must document, or cite, the sources that you use. These brief citations will match the sources listed on your Works Cited page.


1. When using a direct quotation, either from the author or from a person

quoted by the author

2. When using information that is not common knowledge

If someone may question the validity of the information, it must be cited.

3. When using statistics and/or number facts

* When in doubt, cite the source!


1. List the author’s last name. If an author’s name is not available, use the title or a shortened version of the title. Remember that source titles are underlined, while article titles appear in quotation marks.

2. After the author (or title), list the page number. If the entire source is one page, or if page numbers are not provided, the page number may be omitted.

3. When using an indirect quote, a quotation spoken by a person other than the author, use the abbreviation qtd. in followed by the page number.


single phrase Nichol claims, “Our forests are burning up.”

one author “Rising water levels lead to numerous deaths” (Quaid 75).

paraphrasing The developed world uses 200 million tons of wood each year

to make paper (Nichol).

no author (use title) “In the last century, the global temperature has risen

1.8 degrees Fahrenheit” (“In the Rain Forest”).

indirect quote Dr. Ramsey states, “The rain forest is our most valuable resource” (qtd. in Nichol).

“The rain forest is our most valuable resource” (Ramsey qtd. in Nichol).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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