

Notes for House Wow Estate Agent Presentation

Before the meeting

Before attending the meeting run through the presentation with a few family members or friends. After time you will be familiar with the layout of the presentation and what to say. Before giving a presentation to an estate agent make sure that you are confident about the content and how you will present it. This could make or break getting your future clients.

At the meeting

Introduce yourself confidently. Shake hands. Smile. Power dressing is important here – for confidence and first impressions. Gauge how the meeting is going. Read body language and assess their responses. Don’t ignore a frown – ask questions. Deal with issues. If your agent seems not to have much time cut it down and don’t waffle too much about decluttering etc. The notes are a guide and you do not have to discuss in detail every item on the slide. If the are interested in full case studies and you have a wireless internet connection then you could access the before and after pictures on the House Wow picture Gallery. Point out the residential/no decoration jobs.

Don’t tell the estate agent they need us, instead discuss the benefits of home styling and how you can work together to help their clients.

Avoid appearing patronising – you are usually preaching to the converted – don’t overwork it!

Do let them know that:

a) You are sensitive with clients feelings and diplomatic in putting things across. (If you hit the Agent with hard sell or appear patronising they will not want you to deal with their clients).

b) Services are efficient, use quality goods and take account of customer budget and needs

c) We liaise with Agents and can relate to their commercial needs

d) We provide recommendations and a quotation in writing

Exit strategy and closing

a) Decide how to complete and have an exit strategy prepared.

b) Summarise key points.

c) Offer flyers, business cards for valuers and a method for them to contact you and make referrals. Ring you – use the web site diary – web site referrals.

d) Depending how things have gone ask “how would you like to progress this?”

e) If they are keen - try to clinch an initial appointment – who on their books may require the service and be willing to see you?

f) If they are not keen suggest an initial appointment at 50% discount to client and a 25% commission to the Agent.

g) Offer to do a questionnaire for sellers - to collect data on property presentation and if they would be interested in services to suggest buyer appeal.

h) Suggest a day’s information session – you will be available for a drop in at the Estate Agents office for informal advice – take blank forms for contact details in and their requirements.

i) Offer a challenge up for a property that has been on their books the longest. Get an appointment – we will offer free recommendations and support to present the property. Fee to cover accessories. We will get our PR manager to organise press release on our results/successful sale. [Then talk to us about group input and action required]

j) Suggest that we are happy to use Estate Agent attributed quotations about the usefulness of property styling to the selling process in our monthly press releases and on our web site.

k) Ask about leaving flyers on a desk or in a display.

l) Do they give out sellers packs – could they include a flyer in each?

Slide One

Introduce yourself and thank the

agent for his time in allowing you to show

the presentation. Explain that you

will run through the presentation then if they

have any questions they can ask them at the

end of the presentation.

Slide Two

Discuss how House Wow is the only

national Company with Independent Stylists

many that have had their own styling

that have now joined house wow to offer a

national service.

Slide Three

Just run through this and explain that we do not

find that by not decorating most homes it affects any

deal on the sale. We will re-decorate if the property

really needs it but in most cases we can just...

Slide Four

Avoid being patronising – you are usually preaching to the converted!

Clutter can cost your clients money

“As you are aware the biggest reason for a house not

selling or selling at a reduced price is due to buyers not

being able to visualise themselves in the property and

cannot see the space available - just the vendors


Talk about that most people have cluttered homes with

children and family life but when we sell our houses we

have to try to present our homes in a different way so that

the buyers can see the best that the property has to offer..

Clutter detracts from the best features of the house

Discuss with the agent about how many buyers have gone into

a cluttered house and they have said they did not notice the

original fireplace or the detailed cornice. Discuss about the eye

and brain can only take in so much at one time so the clutter is

the one thing that stands out over everything else.

Clutter can make the house seem neglected or ill maintained

As a buyer we want to know that the house is solid and been looked after well. If the buyer gets the impression that if they can see this on the surface what would also be underneath all the mess.

Clutter can make the buyer feel uncomfortable

Most people talk about when they enter a home about it is has a calming atmosphere or it is warm and inviting. Discuss with agent about with the clutter they will only feel chaotic and a disharmony with the house.

Clutter cannot let the buyer imagine their belongings in the home

Discuss with the agent about buyers who say they cannot see there sofa fitting into the lounge or where the bed would fit in the small box room that is full of boxes.

Slide Five

A clean house can make the right impression as soon the

buyer walks through the door

Discuss how buyers feel when they walk in the front door

and it feels dirty

Our cleaning service helps eliminate bad odours

Discuss with them the problems they have on trying to sell

houses that are occupied by pets or smokers.

We can offer a carpet cleaning service

Discuss how important it is to have clean carpets so the buyers

feel happy about putting their furniture into a house they know

has clean floors.

Slide Six

Allowing each room to have a purpose

Discuss the benefits of showing a dining room rather than a

back room full of junk.

Moving furniture to work within the room

Discuss that it is not always about taking everything out of the

house, sometimes we may move a piece of furniture from the

lounge to the dining area as it would work better there.

Allowing the buyer to move freely from one room another

Talk about the flow of houses and how important this is

Defining rooms to show the maximum potential

Talk about when a double room has only a single bed or if the

third bedroom is being used as an office try to put back to a bedroom again.

Slide Seven

Quality accessories including Virgin Vie at Home Ware

Talk about the virgin vie range but we also supply other

accessory range’s of the same quality but affordable prices

Bedding Ranges

Talk about the importance of quality pillows and clean bedding

on the bed that can make a huge difference to the style of the


Accessory Packs for individual rooms

Talk about the accessory packs for some of the rooms and how

affordable they are

Dressing a home that can be lived in while selling not a

Show Home.

Slide Eight

Discuss how it will be easier for the estate agent to book our

time directly online

Mention that we have special rates for estate agents when they

book directly.

Discuss we can also offer of ‘After’ photos on CD for their brochures

as well. Mention that you know how busy they are for staff to get

back to re-photograph…

If they confirm this to be the case then move on to suggest a

service to support with open days and accompanied viewings.

Slide Nine

Talk briefly about how affordable House Wow Styling is for

their clients and about the Estate Agent Preferential Rates.

[You can decide on your own preferential rates. Possibly

£10 commission on an initial appointment if the Agent

refers you successfully. If the Agent books your services

directly then possibly suggest £20 commission for the first

2 appointments whilst they try your services. Offer the option

of a free ‘After photos CD’ to aid their remarketing improved

pictures of the property.].

Slide Ten

Discuss this example of a recent project under taken in

Yorkshire for a large 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house.

Fast services, all products sourced and installed.

The property market was slow in this area of Wakefield,

near Leeds. The same layout property in the street had remained

unsold for 6 months. The owner approached us and after

styling marketed effectively achieving a sale within a

matter of weeks.

Slide Eleven

Talk to the agent about how we can also help developers in

Styling show homes for them and we have packages in place

for rental furniture and accessory packages. Discuss how

buyers find it hard to imagine themselves living in a house

that has no furniture. It can also help to sell properties that

are small as they cannot imagine how the bed or wardrobes

are going to fit in but we show the room they can see it works.

Also that we offer services for property investors and renovated

properties requiring wow factor to replace empty rooms.

Slide Twelve

Thank the estate agent for his/her time is allowing you to show

The presentation again and ask if they have any questions.

Consider a suitable exit strategy as outlined.

Summarise your key assets to their business in one sentence.

Leave business cards and flyers.

Ask or suggest next action.

Agree the next action.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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