Classroom Lab Setup - Pearson Education

Classroom Lab Configuration Guide for the Windows Server 2003

Exam 70-290: Managing and Maintaining Project Lab Manual

Author: Ken Scheler

Introduction 3

Lab Configuration 3

Instructor Computer 3

Demonstration Computer 4

Student Computer 4

Lab Configuration 5

Instructor Computer Setup 6

Installing Windows Server 2003 on the Instructor Computer 6

Installing Active Directory on the Instructor Computer 8

Installing and Sharing Files on the Instructor Computer 9

Demonstration Computer Setup 10

Installing Windows Server 2003 on the Demonstration Computer 10

Installing Active Directory on the Demonstration Computer 12

Student Computer Setup 13

General Requirements to Complete Lab Assignments 14


The Prentice Hall Certification Series includes two Windows Server 2003 Exam 70-290 books: a textbook and a Project Lab Manual. Both books include numerous hands-on exercises. You can use the “How To” exercises in the textbook to demonstrate in the classroom and/or assign them to your students to complete on their own as homework. Instructors often find that students benefit from completing both the How To exercises in the textbook as homework and the projects in the Project Lab Manual and then comparing the two. Many of the How To exercises and projects in the Project Lab Manual cover the same skill sets, but with variations. Students learn these skill sets through both review and further practice. The projects in the Project Lab Manual were specifically designed so they can be completed by a student on a single stand-alone computer, either in a lab environment or at home, as long as the computer contains a NIC. If you decide to implement these projects in a networked lab setting, this Lab Configuration Guide will provide you with the information you need to customize the projects to suit your environment. Follow the naming conventions and configuration procedures outlined in this guide to avoid conflicts.

Lab Configuration

Initially, the lab computers are configured so that the instructor computer is a domain controller and each student computer is a stand-alone server. In Lesson 3, each student computer is promoted to a domain controller for a new forest. Optionally, the student’s domain can be configured as a child domain of .

When taught in a networked classroom environment, this course requires one computer for the instructor, one computer for demonstrations, and one computer for each student. As an option, the students may install the Windows Server 2003 using virtual software running on a host operating system such as Windows 2000 or XP Professional. It is critical that the classroom network be physically isolated from the school network. This provides the instructor with the ability to choose IP addresses and allows the labs involving Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to proceed smoothly.

The hardware and software requirements for the lab are listed next.

Instructor Computer

Hardware Requirements

• Pentium 133 MHz (733 MHz recommended)

• 128 MB RAM minimum (256 MB RAM recommended)

• 6 GB hard disk minimum (preferably on one physical drive)

• 12-X or higher CD-ROM drive, if installation is to be performed from a CD-ROM

• High-density, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive

• Mouse and keyboard

• Network adapter card (NIC)

• VGA display adapter and monitor (SVGA display adapter and monitor capable of displaying 256 colors recommended)

Software Requirements

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition

Demonstration Computer

Hardware Requirements

• Pentium 133 MHz (733 MHz recommended)

• 128 MB RAM minimum (256 MB RAM recommended)

• 6 GB hard disk minimum (preferably on one physical drive)

• 12-X or higher CD-ROM drive, if installation is to be performed from a CD-ROM

• High-density, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive

• Mouse and keyboard

• Network adapter card (NIC)

• VGA display adapter and monitor (SVGA display adapter and monitor capable of displaying 256 colors recommended)

Software Requirements

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition installation CD-ROM

Student Computer

Hardware Requirements

• Pentium 133 MHz (733 MHz recommended)

• 128 MB RAM minimum (256 MB RAM recommended)

• 6 GB hard disk minimum (preferably on one physical drive)

• 12-X or higher CD-ROM drive, if installation is to be performed from a CD-ROM

• High-density, 3.5-inch floppy disk drive

• Mouse and keyboard

• Network adapter card (NIC)

• VGA display adapter and monitor (SVGA display adapter and monitor capable of displaying 256 colors recommended)

Software Requirements

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise installation CD-ROM (180-day evaluation copy of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition included with textbook)

• Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer

• Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Viewer

• Optionally, virtual software such as Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 or VMware Workstation 4.0

Caution: The 180-day evaluation edition provided with the Prentice Hall textbook is not the full retail product and is provided only for the purposes of training and evaluation. It should not be used on a primary work computer. Microsoft Technical Support does not support these evaluation editions.

Lab Configuration

The following configurations and naming conventions are used throughout the course and are required for completing the projects in the Project Lab Manual.

The instructor computer is configured as a Windows Server 2003 domain controller. Use the following information for the instructor computer:

• Computer name: Instructor

• Windows domain name: Craighead

• Internet domain name:

• Fully qualified domain name (FQDN): Instructor.

Because the demonstration computer will be used to demonstrate the lab projects to the students, this computer will initially have no operating system installed, preferably with a “clean” hard drive. As the course progresses, the demonstration computer will have Windows Server 2003 installed in Lesson 2 and will be configured as an additional domain controller in the domain in Lesson 3. Use the following information for the demonstration computer:

• Computer name: Demo1

• Windows domain name: Craighead

• Internet domain name:

• Fully qualified domain name (FQDN): Demo1.

All student computers are initially configured as stand-alone servers running Windows Server 2003 in a Workgroup. In Lesson 3 the student computers will be promoted to domain controllers. Use the following information for the student computers:

• Computer name: Serverxx (where xx is a number assigned by the instructor)

Setup Instructions

Use the following instructions to prepare the computers for class. The instructor and demonstration computers will be configured differently than the student computers.

Instructor Computer Setup

Using the following setup procedure, configure the instructor computer to boot Windows Server 2003 configured as a domain controller (DC) in the domain.

Installing Windows Server 2003 on the Instructor Computer

1. Boot your computer with the Windows Server 2003 Installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

If you receive a prompt to Press Any Key to Continue, press the Spacebar to boot the computer with the CD-ROM.

2. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen will appear. The Setup program will begin loading files to be used during the text-based portion of the installation.

3. The text phase of the installation begins when the Welcome to Setup screen appears and gives you a choice to set up Windows, repair Windows, or quit.

Press Enter to select set up.

4. Read the Windows Licensing Agreement when it appears.

Press F8 to accept its terms and conditions.

Setup will search for previous installations of Windows.

5. Next, Windows Setup displays any existing partitions (if any exist) and available unpartitioned space.

You will create a new partition by pressing the C key to create a partition in the unpartitioned space on the first available drive.

6. The Create a New Partition screen appears.

Type "4095" as the partition size and press Enter to create the partition.

The remainder of the drive will be used for demonstrating to the student the procedures for creating disk volumes.

7. The Existing Partitions screen appears.

Verify the newly created partition is highlighted.

Press Enter to continue the installation.

8. The next screen informs you that the partition you have created is not formatted.

Select "Format the Partition" using the NTFS file system and press Enter to continue.

9. After the partition is formatted, Setup will examine your disks, copy files to the Windows installation folders, and initialize your Windows Server 2003 configuration. This may take several minutes.

10. When completed, the computer will reboot and the GUI phase will begin. The Windows

Server 2003 splash screen appears, followed by the Windows Server 2003 Setup screen.

During this phase, Setup detects and installs devices on your computer. The screen may

flicker during this process.

11. The Regional and Language Options screen opens next.

Accept the default settings.

Click Next.

12. The Personalize Your Software screen appears.

Type: "Administrator" in the Name text box.

Type: "Craighead College" in the Organization text box.

Click Next.

12. The Your Product Key screen opens.

Type the 25-digit product key in the spaces provided.

Click Next.

13. Click Next again. The Licensing Modes screen appears.

Choose the Per Server.

Type: "50" in the Number of Concurrent Connections spin box.

15. Click Next. The Computer Name and Administrator Password screen appears.

Type: "Instructor" in the Computer Name text.

Type: "Password1" in the Administrator Password text box.

Type: "Password1" again in the Confirm Password text box.

Note: This password will meet the minimum password complexity requirements.

14. If a modem is detected, the Modem Dialing Information screen will appear.

Specify the required information about the modem.

Click Next.

If the computer does not have a modem, you will proceed directly to Step 17.

15. The Date and Time Settings screen opens. Set the correct time, date, and time zone.

Click Next.

16. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen appears again and now Setup installs network

software that enables you to communicate with other computers on the network.

The Network Settings screen appears next. Select Custom Settings and click Next.

17. Click TCP/IP, and then click Properties.

Click the "Use the following IP Address" option button

Type: "" in the IP address text box.

Type: "" in the Subnet Mask text box.

Click Use the following DNS server option button.

Type: "" in the Preferred DNS server text box.

Click Advanced and on the IP Settings tab.

Click Add under the IP Address Settings.

Type: "" in the IP Address box.

Type: "" in the Subnet Mask box.

Click Add.

Under the Default Gateway Settings click Add

Enter the default gateway for your classroom, such as "".

Click Add.

Click OK twice

Click Next.

Note: This will allow the student computers to communicate with the instructor’s computer after the student completes the lab projects in Lesson 10.

18. The Workgroup or Computer Domain screen appears.

Select Workgroup.

Click Next.

19. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen appears again.

Setup will now copy files and completes the installation.

20. When all tasks are completed, the computer will reboot.

The Welcome to Windows Microsoft Windows Server 2003 logon screen appears.

Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

21. The Log on to Windows dialog box appears.

Type: "Administrator" in the Username text box.

Type: "Password1" in the Password text box.

Installing Active Directory on the Instructor Computer

1. Insert the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Click Start.

Click Run.

Type: "dcpromo" in the Open text box.

Click OK or press Enter. This command will start the Active Directory Installation Wizard. Click Next.

3. The Operating Compatibility Screen informs you of some compatibility issues with legacy operating systems.

Click Next.

4. On the Domain Controller Type screen, select the option button for Domain controller for a new domain. Click Next.

5. Chose the Domain in a new forest option button on the Create New Domain screen.

Click Next.

6. The New Domain Screen opens.

Enter "" as the Full DNS name for new domain.

Click Next.

Accept the default name CRAIGHEAD, as the NetBIOS Domain Name.

Click Next.

7. Accept the default locations provided on the Database and Log Folders screen.

Click Next.

Accept the default location for the Shared System Volume.

Click Next.

8. The Wizard will detect that DNS is not installed.

The DNS Registration Diagnostics screen appears.

Select the Install and configure the DNS server on this computer and set the computer to use this DNS server as its preferred DNS server option button.

Click Next.

9. On the Permissions screen, select Permissions compatible only with Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

Click Next.

10. The Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password screen appears.

Enter Password1 in both the Restore mode password text box and in the Confirm password text box.

Click Next.

11. The Summary screen will appear. After reviewing the summary, click Next.

The Wizard will now configure Active Directory. This may take a few minutes.

12. After the Wizard has completed the installation, click Finish.

Remove the installation CD-ROM.

Click Restart Now to reboot the computer.

Installing and Sharing Files on the Instructor Computer

1. Log on to the instructor computer as "Administrator".

2. Create a folder on the C: drive named "i386".

Share the folder as "i386".

3. Copy the entire contents of the i386 folder on the Windows Server 2003 installation

CD-ROM to the i386 on your C: drive.

When students are prompted to insert a CD-ROM during lab projects, each student can use the UNC path of \\instructor\i386 to access the necessary files.

4. Create a folder on the C: drive named SUPPORT.

Share the folder as SUPPORT.

5. Copy the entire contents of the SUPPORT folder on the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM to the SUPPORT folder on your C: drive.

Demonstration Computer Setup

Using the following setup procedure, configure the demonstration computer to boot Windows Server 2003 configured as an additional domain controller (DC) in the domain.

The instructor may wish to wait to do the following steps until these topics are covered in the Project Lab Manual. If possible, the demonstration computer should start with a “clean” hard drive. The installation of Windows Server 2003 can then be demonstrated during Lesson 2 and the installation of Active Directory can be demonstrated during Lesson 3.

Installing Windows Server 2003 on the Demonstration Computer

1. Boot your computer with the Windows Server 2003 Installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. If you receive a prompt to "Press Any Key to Continue", press the Spacebar to boot the computer with the CD-ROM.

2. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen will appear.

The Setup program will begin loading files to be used during the text-based portion of the installation.

3. The text phase of the installation begins when the Welcome to Setup screen appears and gives you a choice to set up Windows, repair Windows, or quit.

Press Enter to select set up.

4. Read the Windows Licensing Agreement when it appears.

Press F8 to accept its terms and conditions.

Setup will search for previous installations of Windows.

5. Next, Windows Setup displays any existing partitions (if any exist) and available unpartitioned space. You will create a new partition by pressing the C key to create a partition in the unpartitioned space on the first available drive.

6. The Create a New Partition screen appears.

Type: "4095" as the partition size, and press Enter to create the partition.

The remainder of the drive will be used for demonstrating to the students the procedures for creating disk volumes.

7. The Existing Partitions screen appears.

Verify the newly created partition is highlighted.

Press Enter to continue the installation.

8. The next screen informs you that the partition you have created is not formatted.

Select "Format the partition" using the NTFS file system.

Press Enter to continue.

9. After the partition is formatted, Setup will examine your disks, copy files to the Windows installation folders, and initialize your Windows Server 2003 configuration. This may take several minutes.

10. When completed, the computer will reboot and the GUI phase will begin.

The Windows Server 2003 splash screen appears, followed by the Windows Server 2003 Setup screen. During this phase, Setup detects and installs devices on your computer. The screen may flicker during this process.

11. The Regional and Language Options screen opens next.

Accept the default settings.

Click Next.

12. The Personalize your Software screen appears.

Type: "Administrator" in the Name text box.

Type: "Craighead College" in the Organization text box.

Click Next.

13. The Your Product Key screen opens.

Type the 25-digit product key in the spaces provided.

Click Next.

14. Click Next again. The Licensing Modes screen appears.

Choose the Per Server option.

Type: "50" in the Number of Concurrent Connections spin box.

15. Click Next. The Computer Name and Administrator Password screen appears.

Type: "Demo1" in the Computer Name text.

Type: "Password1" in the Administrator Password text box.

Type: "Password1" again in the Confirm Password text box.

Note: This password will meet the minimum password complexity requirements.

16. If a modem is detected, the Modem Dialing Information screen will appear.

Specify the required information about the modem and click Next.

If the computer does not have a modem you will proceed directly to Step 17.

17. The Date and Time Settings screen opens.

Set the correct time, date, and time zone.

Click Next.

18. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen appears again and now Setup installs network

software that enables you to communicate with other computers on the network. The

Network Settings screen appears next.

Select Custom Settings.

Click Next.

19. Click TCP/IP, and then click Properties.

Click the Use the following IP Address option button.

Type: "" in the IP address text box.

Type: "" in the Subnet Mask text box.

Click "Use the following DNS server" option button.

Type: "" in the Preferred DNS server text box.

20. The Workgroup or Computer Domain screen appears.

Select Workgroup.

Click Next.

21. The Windows Server 2003 Setup screen appears again.

Setup now copies the files and completes the installation.

22. When all tasks are completed, the computer will reboot and the Welcome to Windows

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 logon screen appears.

Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

23. The Log on to Windows dialog box appears.

Type: "Administrator" in the Username text box.

Type: "Password1" in the Password text box.

Installing Active Directory on the Demonstration Computer

1. Insert the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Click Start.

Click Run.

Type: "dcpromo" in the Open text box.

Click OK or press Enter. This command will start the Active Directory Installation Wizard. Click Next.

3. The Operating Compatibility Screen informs you of some compatibility issues with legacy operating systems.

Click Next.

4. On the Domain Controller Type screen, select the option button for Additional domain controller for an existing domain.

Click Next.

5. The Network Credentials screen opens.

Type: "Administrator", "Password1" in the appropriate dialog box.

Type: "" in the appropriate dialog box.

Click Next.

6. The Additional Domain Controller Screen opens.

Enter "" in the Domain Name dialog box.

Click Next.

7. Accept the default locations provided on the Database and Log Folders screen.

Click Next.

Accept the default location for the Shared System Volume.

Click Next.

8. The Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password screen appears.

Enter "Password1" in the Restore mode password text box.

Enter "Password1" in the Confirm password text box.

Click Next.

9. The Summary screen will appear. After reviewing the summary, click Next.

The Wizard will now configure Active Directory. This may take a few minutes.

10. After the Wizard has completed the installation, click Finish.

Remove the installation CD-ROM.

Click Restart Now to reboot the computer.

[Note: You should not install Windows Server 2003 or Active Directory on the Student computer, as both of these activities are projects that the student is expected to complete.]

Student Computer Setup

If possible, the student computers should initially be formatted so that each student starts with a clean hard drive, as noted in Project 2.2. If the student computer does not have a “clean” hard drive, the student should be instructed to delete all existing partitions and create a new partition during the installation process. (In a “real world” situation, the student would need to be able to perform this task.)

Use the following naming and addressing conventions for the student computers:

|Computer |Domain |Fully Qualified Domain Name |IP Address Configuration |

|Server01 |Craighead01 | | |

|Server02 |Craighead02 | | |

|Server03 |Craighead03 | | |

|Server04 |Craighead04 | | |

|Server05 |Craighead05 | | |

|Server06 |Craighead06 | | |

|Server07 |Craighead07 | | |

|Server08 |Craighead08 | | |

|Server09 |Craighead09 | | |

|Server10 |Craighead10 | | |

|Server11 |Craighead11 | | |

|Server12 |Craighead12 | | |

|Server13 |Craighead13 | | |

|Server14 |Craighead14 | | |

|Server15 |Craighead15 | | |

|Server16 |Craighead16 | | |

|Server17 |Craighead17 | | |

|Server18 |Craighead18 | | |

|Server19 |Craighead19 | | |

|Server20 |Craighead20 | | |

If your lab consists of more than 20 computers, adjust the preceding table accordingly.

General Requirements to Complete Lab Assignments

Lesson 1

There are no special requirements for this lesson.

Lesson 2

A computer should meet or exceeds the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition. Please refer to Lesson 2 of the Prentice Hall Certification Series Exam 70-290 textbook for these hardware requirements.

Lesson 3

Students must have completed the installation of Windows Server 2003 in Lesson 2 and have administrative privileges on the Windows Server 2003 computer.

Lesson 4

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3.

Lesson 5

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3.

Lesson 6

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3. Students will also need to have completed Projects 3.4 and 3.5 in Lesson 3.

Lesson 7

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM. Student will also need to create a folder on the local C: drive named AutoCAD under the Program Files folder.

Lesson 8

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3.

Lesson 9

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM. The projects in this lesson may be completed without any print devices present.

Lesson 10

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM.

Lesson 11

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM.

Lesson 12

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM. Students will also need to have completed the projects in Lessons 6 and 7.

Lesson 13

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and a blank 3.5” floppy disk.

Lesson 14

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3.

Lesson 15

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3 and the Windows Server 2003 installation CD-ROM. Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6.0) must also be installed on the domain controller.

Lesson 16

Students will need administrative rights on the Windows Server 2003 computer promoted to a domain controller in Lesson 3. Students will either need to download the SUS software (32 MB) onto a storage device or have a live Internet connection to facilitate downloading. Alternately, the Instructor may have the SUS software stored in a shared folder on the Instructor’s computer and have a student copy the software from the shared folder.


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