Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

Analogies and Reference Sources Study Guide

Test: Thursday, February 16th

30 Multiple choice questions (35 for Honors)

**Complete the following pages for your HW grade this week (these MUST be completed in order to be eligible for the re-take).**


➢ Be able to complete an analogy sentence-example:

Mrs. Boyle:English::Ms. Poehner:________

➢ Be able to name the relationship in an analogy sentence-example: the above relationship is: teacher to subject.

➢ Be able to use context clues in a reading passage to figure out unknown words in an analogy sentence.

➢ Know the definition of analogies.

Reference Materials:

➢ Know the functions of each reference material learned in class

➢ Be able to use context clues in a reading passage to figure out the definition being used

➢ Be able to use guide words

➢ Be able to name key words to use, in a specific Internet search

Things to study:

➢ Reference materials packet

➢ Analogies packet

➢ Study Island (topics: Analogies, Word Reference Materials AND Informational sources)

➢ This study guide

Reference Materials

|Felix has been assigned a research paper about school uniforms and whether or not they can help keep schools safe. He is of the |

|opinion that school uniforms should not be required. He thinks that choosing their own clothes is important to helping students |

|express themselves. |

|1.  | |

|During his research, Felix comes across a quote he thinks will help him. It reads: | |

| | |

|"Improved academic achievement is an additional benefit frequently attributed to mandatory uniform policies. Consistently, however, | |

|data from true scientific study seems to contradict this claim." | |

| | |

|Felix wants to paraphrase this quote; however, he's unsure of what the words in bold mean. | |

| | |

|Which is the best tool for Felix to use to help him understand what the quote means? | |

| | |

| |A. |thesaurus |

| |B. |encyclopedia |

| |C. |dictionary |

| |D. |atlas |

|John is putting together a research project over the English settlers at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony and the American Indians of|

|the territory. At the conclusion of his project, he will hand in a paper and deliver a short presentation to his class. |

|2.  | |

|John wants to include a section of facts about Virginia in the 1600s in his project. To get information about the population of the | |

|Jamestown settlement, the best place to look is | |

| | |

| |A. |a historical reenactment. |

| |B. |an atlas. |

| |C. |a newspaper article. |

| |D. |an almanac. |

|3.  |

|For a visual reference in his presentation, John wants to illustrate John Smith's travels through Virginia. To find a map of Virginia|

|in 1607, the best place to look is |

| |

| |A. |a thesaurus. |

| |B. |a dictionary. |

| |C. |an atlas. |

| |D. |an almanac. |

| | | |

|  |

|4. To begin his research, John wants to collect some basic information about colonial Virginia and get a background of the |

|English settlers in the 17th century. To get a broad overview of the Jamestown settlement, the best place to look is |

| |

| |A. |a movie, such as The New World. |

| |B. |an encyclopedia. |

| |C. |an almanac. |

| |D. |an atlas. |

| | | |

|  |

|5. Sarah is worried that the language she is using in her research paper is too close to the original quotes from the |

|authors that she is trying to paraphrase. What would be a useful tool to prevent Sarah from accidentally plagiarizing or |

|copying the words the authors have used? |

| |

| |A. |almanac |

| |B. |encyclopedia |

| |C. |dictionary |

| |D. |thesaurus |

| |

|6. Read the following entries. |

| |

|peer, v. gaze, stare, examine, gawk, take in |

|peer, n. equal, friend, cohort, colleague |

| |

|Which word would best replace peer in the sentence below? |

| |

|Franklin considered Harry not only his cousin but also his peer. |

| |

| |A. |friend |

| | | |

| |B. |gaze |

| |D. |gawk |

| | | |

|7. Which word is on the same page that starts with the word inappropriate and ends with the word institute? |

| |

| |A. |inability |

| |B. |inoculate |

| |C. |immediate |

| |D. |intrinsic |

|  |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|8. Read this sentence. |

| |

|When Charles found out that Faron was competing in the basketball tournament, Charles bowed out. |

| |

|Now study this dictionary entry. |

|bow v. |

|to cease from completion or resistance: SUBMIT, YIELD. also to suffer defeat |

|to bend at the head, body, or knee in reverence, submission or shame |

|to incline the head or body in salutation or assent or to acknowledge applause |

|to bend an object into a rounded shape |

| |

| |

|What is the correct definition of bow as it is used in the sentence above? |

| |

| |A. |definition 2 |

| |B. |definition 1 |

| |C. |definition 4 |

| |D. |definition 3 |

9. What is the best resource when you need the most up to date information on a topic?


10. Which encyclopedia volume would you use to look up information on Thomas Jefferson?



|1.  |

|Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below? |

| |

|doctor : hospital |

| |

| |A. |teacher : game |

| |B. |waiter : restaurant |

| |C. |play : town |

| |D. |lettuce : leafy |

What is the relationship?

|2. |     Soccer is a popular sport for kids of all ages. In this sport, players must use their feet or other body parts to |

| |kick the ball into the opposing team's goal. Most soccer players are never allowed to touch the ball with their hands. The|

| |goalie, or the player who stands in front of the goal to block the ball from coming in, is the only one who can hold the |

| |ball. If a player touches the ball with his or her hand, the opposite team is allowed a chance to kick the ball toward the|

| |goal with no other players trying to block the kick, except the goalie. This can be an advantage for the kicking team and |

| |they could score a goal. It is important to follow the rules of the game so you don't allow the other team a chance to |

| |score with their extra kick. |

| | |

| |Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below? |

| |soccer : kicking |


| |

| |A. |sport : scoring |

| |B. |baseball : batting |

| |C. |football : touchdown |

| |D. |goalie : player |

What is the relationship?


|  |

|    |

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|3.  When you are on a boat, you may hear many different words being used to describe things. For example, instead of using the words |

|"left" and "right" to describe the sides of the boat, sailors use the words "port" and "starboard." The front of the boat is called |

|the bow, while the back of the boat is called the stern. You can stand on the deck of a boat, which is the floor that covers the |

|hull, or the part of the boat that goes into the water. Knowing these terms can be useful if you ride on a boat. |

| |

|Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below? |

|port : left |

| |

| |A. |bow : stern |

| |B. |captain : crew |

| |C. |starboard : right |

| |D. |deck : hull |

What is the relationship? ___________________________

4. Handle is to broom as wing is to _________________

a. apple

b. cereal

c. airplane

d. mother

What is the relationship? _______________________________

5. Tennis:sport::painting:________________

a. dance

b. art

c. sculpting

d. game

What is the relationship? ___________________________

6. What is an analogy? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Desk is to classroom as sink is to _________________

a. bedroom

b. kitchen

c. white

d. water

What is the relationship? __________________________

8. Come up with your own analogy using an antonym relationship.


9. Come up with your own analogy using a worker to tool relationship.


10. Come up with your own analogy and state the relationship.

Analogy: ___________________________________________



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