Close file template(edited) - Amazon S3

Close Your File Template

In every sale there is always a scenario where I can't get someone to respond. No matter what I do. I can't get an answer from them. When people stop responding I use the Permission To Close Your File Template. This is one of those templates that I've tried to beat, but no matter what I've done or tried I couldn't improve upon it.

Subject: Permission to close your file?

This could be for the month, quarter or year.

My favorite part of this email is that no one knows what close your

file means. I don't even know.

Customize this phrase based on the contact you have had with your


This will likely be the case but you are better off knowing then spending anymore time chasing them.


I'm writing to follow up on my email and voicemail. We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven't heard back from someone it means they are either really busy or aren't interested. If you aren't interested do I have your permission to close your file?

If you are still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

You don't want to make the other person wrong for not responding. You want to provide an easy out for them. This increases the likelihood they will respond to you this time.

Typically 20-25% of people will still be interested. They just haven't gotten back to you.

Thanks for your help.

Your Name Signature Everyone likes to help

other people. Especially when it doesn't require a lot of effort.

From testing, this email gets 76% of people respond.

This is one of those phrases that I have done everything to try and beat. No matter what I've done or tried, I've never been able to improve it. The phrase works because the customer is leading the next next steps of the sale.

Close Your File Template

When do you use this email? I use this after any conversation or proposal where I lost track of the sale. Here is why this works. This email is the opposite of a typical follow up. The email tells the person, that I gave up and asks their permission to close the account. From this email I typically get one of two responses.

Word of Caution

I only pull this email out when I've followed up with someone two or three times and didn't hear back.

Email Response 1

From this email I typically get one of two responses.

A portion of people will respond with something

like this.

I'm so sorry I didn't respond earlier. I've been really

busy with ....

Whatever they are busy with

Yes I'm still interested. Why don't we jump on a call.

I'm available next Tuesday at 10am or Wednesday anytime after 3pm.

If they are interested they will give you detailed

next steps.

In this scenario the customer may be a little frantic. They are anxious to stay active and tell me exactly what to do to get the sale back on

Email Response 2

Unfortunately, most people will close their file. But don't fret, here's why it's actually a good thing.

Think about it objectively. When you don't know the next step of a sale, your goal is to figure out the next step. And if the other person stopped responding, chances are they aren't interested.

Here is why I'm better off. The worst thing I can do is waste my time on someone who won't buy.I'm better off knowing where I stand.

"Fail fast. Fail often." - Author Unknown

You are thinking about them. They have moved on. This

email gives you the opportunity to regain control.

What do you do when someone says no to you?

I often get the questions, if someone isn't interested, do you keep trying to sell to them? My answer is simple. If it were you, would you like someone to keep selling you after you told them you weren't interested? No. Of course not. You would want them to accept it and move on. You don't want them to keep bugging you. So I save myself a lot of grief and go find someone who is interested.

Close Your File Template

So does that mean that you're done?

Of course not.

If they don't want to work with me, I still have the opportunity to learn. I have a great opportunity to find out if it was a mistake I made or something about my product that needs to improve. So in pursuit of constant improvement, this is the email I send.

Subject: Your file is closed

You can also try the subject line "Quick question..."

Encourage the response that you


This is optional.


Thanks for your email. I closed your file. Since it is over, I have a quick question. Why is it you aren't interested? Was it something I did?

It's important that they know it is over and

that you heard them.

If there is anyway I can improve, let me know. I'm always looking for input.

Use this or substitute it for what-

ever main question

Thanks for your help,

you want answered.

Your Signature

Keep it short and easy for them to


Close Your File Template

Sometimes I sense that the prospect needs to be pushed on a little more aggressively - in which case, I send the email below that plays up people's desire to help people in need.

From testing 5,000 follow up emails, I've found that people are more likely to resond if I'm asking on behalf of another person versus asking for myself.

Subject: Your file is closed

Your request.


Thanks for your email. I closed your file.

I talked to my boss to give him an update on your account. He asked me what happened. I told him I didn't have an answer. If you don't mind doing me a favor, can you let me know why you weren't interested.

This scenario works because it is

accurate. The prospect relates to you because they know what it is like

to have a boss.

I'm kind of in a tough spot and I'm hoping to get back to him with something.

Thanks so much for your help. Your Signature

Optional but it works.

If they don't respond, I just move on. I consider it a bonus if I can learn from the sale.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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