Module specification template - BSMS




|Module title |MDM145 |

|Module code |Oncological Imaging |

|Credit value |20 |

|Level |Level 4 | |Level 5 |

|Mark the box to the right of the | | | |

|appropriate level with an ‘X’ | | | |

|Entry criteria for registration on this module |

|Pre-requisites |There are no pre-requisite modules. Module applicants should have a Medical degree plus a minimum |

|Specify in terms of module codes or |of 2 years’ postgraduate experience or a degree in a profession allied to Clinical Radiology |

|equivalent | |

|Co-requisite modules | None |

|Specify in terms of module codes or | |

|equivalent | |

|Module delivery |

|Mode of delivery |Taught |X |

| |

|Pattern of delivery |Weekly | |Block |X |Other | |

| |

|When module is delivered |Semester 1 |X |Semester 2 | |Throughout year | |

| |Other | |

|Brief description of module content and/|The module aims to develop an advanced working knowledge of cancer as a disease process, allowing |

|or aims |participants to apply this to a more comprehensive understanding of the implications of |

|Overview (max 80 words) |oncological imaging. |

|Module team/ author/ coordinator(s) |Dr Guy Burkill |

| |Dr Nigel Marchbank |

|School |Brighton and Sussex Medical School |

|Site/ campus where delivered |University of Brighton Falmer campus |

|Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course |

|Course |Status (mandatory/ compulsory/ optional) |

|MSc; PG Dip; PG Cert Clinical Radiology |Mandatory |

| | |

| | |


|Aims |The module aims to develop an advanced working knowledge of cancer as a disease process allowing |

| |participants to apply this to a more comprehensive understanding of the implications of |

| |oncological imaging. |

| |It will explore how imaging impacts on the patient’s cancer journey from first diagnosis to |

| |terminal care. |

| |The module will enable participants to analyse specific topics such as state of the art imaging |

| |in particular tumours. |

| |It will also focus on issues pertinent to cancer imagers such as team working (MDM) and |

| |communication issues in an imaging setting. |

| |There will be opportunity for debate around contentious issues such as the growing cost of cancer|

| |healthcare and cancer screening programmes. |

| |Contributors will be drawn from a broad team of experts within cancer care allowing students to |

| |gain insight into how both imagers and non-imagers in the field of oncology work together to |

| |provide effective patient care. |

|Learning outcomes |By the end of the module the successful student will be able to: |

| |Understand the essential genetics and epidemiology of cancers |

| |Understand how we reach a cancer diagnosis, stage and assess response |

| |Explain the various cancer therapies and when they are utilised |

| |Describe the complications of cancer therapy and their imaging findings |

| |Understand the role of imagers in cancer care |

| |Describe how to communicate effectively with cancer patients |

|Content |Topics include: |

| |Advanced biology and genetics |

| |Cancer statistics and clinical trials |

| |Communication issues in cancer imaging |

| |Cancer imaging options |

| |Cancer therapeutics - what the imager should know and do |

| |Response assessment - imaging and beyond |

| |Screening and follow up |

|Learning support |A good range of library resources, specialist websites, Radiology – Integrated Training |

| |Initiative (R-ITI) modules, tutorials, skype/webinar conferences and online learning resources |

| |support student learning |

| | |

| |Up-to-date reading lists, suggested websites, journals and online learning resources will be |

| |provided on commencement of the module, using Studentcentral |

| | |

| |Indicative Reading |

| |Latest editions of the following texts: |

| | |

| |Books |

| |Imaging in Oncology, 3rd Ed, J Husband, RH Reznek. ISBN-13: 000-0415451671 |

| |Imaging, Peter Hoskin and Vicky Goh, 1st Edition, 2010 |

| |ABC of Cancer Care (2013), Palmieri & Simcock (Eds), Wiley Blackwell |

| |Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, DeVita, 9th |

| |Edition, 2011 |

| |Silverman, J: Kurtz, S and Draper, J (2013) Skills for Communicating with Patients (3rd edition).|

| |Radcliffe Publishing Ltd, London |

| |Websites and electronic journal article links |

| |National Comprehensive Cancer Network: |

| |Gene Reviews via the NCBI website: ncbi.nlm. |

| |National Cancer Action Team (2010). Characteristics of an effective MDT |

| | |

| |Royal College of Pathologists datasets for histopathology reporting on cancers |

| | |

| |Living with and Beyond Cancer.  The National Cancer Survivorship Team |

| |

| |-NCSI_Report_FINAL.pdf |

| |Guidelines |

| |American Cancer Society Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening |

| | |

| |NICE Guidance NG12: Suspected Cancer - recognition and referral. |

| | |

| |NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) (2004). Guidance on Cancer Services: Improving |

| |supportive and palliative care for adults with cancer. London, National Institute for Clinical |

| |Excellence. |

| |NICE 2014 Metastatic spinal cord compression |

| |NICE 2012 Neutropenic sepsis: prevention and management of neutropenic sepsis in cancer patients |

| | |

| | |

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|Teaching and learning activities |

|Details of teaching and learning |Lectures, Group Discussions, Practicals, Demonstrations, Student presentations, Problem-solving |

|activities |exercises, Tutorials. |

|Allocation of study hours (indicative) |Study hours |

|Where 10 credits = 100 learning hours | |

|SCHEDULED |This is an indication of the number of hours students can expect to spend |35 |

| |in scheduled teaching activities including lectures, seminars, tutorials, |(Lectures 25) |

| |project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, |(Group 2) |

| |supervised time in workshops/ studios, fieldwork, and external visits. |(Practical 4) |

| | |(Student |

| | |presentations 4) |

| |

|GUIDED INDEPENDENT STUDY |All students are expected to undertake guided independent study which |165 |

| |includes wider reading/ practice, follow-up work, the completion of | |

| |assessment tasks, and revisions. | |

| |

|PLACEMENT |The placement is a specific type of learning away from the University. It |N/A |

| |includes work-based learning and study that occurs overseas. | |


| |

|Assessment tasks |

|Details of assessment on this module |Unseen written examination. |

| |The examination will use single best answer questions to assess knowledge of oncological imaging |

| |(LOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). |

| |The overall pass mark for the written paper is 50% |

|Types of assessment task[1] |% weighting |

|Indicative list of summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for |(or indicate if |

|progression. |component is |

| |pass/fail) |

|WRITTEN |Written Examination (3 hours) |100% |

| |


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|Area examination board |Division of Medical Education |

|Refer to University for guidance in completing the following sections |

|External examiners |

|Name |Position and institution |Date appointed |Date tenure ends |

|Dr Romney Pope |Consultant Radiologist, |tbc |tbc |

| |Chelsea and Westminster/Royal Marsden | | |

| |Hospitals. RCR examiner. | | |


|Date of first approval | |

|Only complete where this is not the first| |

|version | |

|Date of last revision | |

|Only complete where this is not the first| |

|version | |

|Date of approval for this version | |

|Version number | |

|Modules replaced | |

|Specify codes of modules for which this | |

|is a replacement | |

|Available as free-standing module? |Yes |X |No | |


[1] Set exercises, which assess the application of knowledge or analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills, are included under the type of assessment most appropriate to the particular task.


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