Science 10 Online Course Outline Teacher: Mr. Greg Long Email: longg@Curriculum The Science 10 (Senior High) Program of Studies pages 1-38 as set by The Alberta Education. Level of Difficulty Science 10 is an academic course that builds on the fundamental attitudes, skills and knowledge acquired in Science 8 and 9. Science 10 leads to a variety of 20-level courses in chemistry, biology, physics or general science. Science 10 covers a large amount of material in a short amount of time. A large time requirement and commitment is required in order to succeed. Primarily, the focus is qualitative (but does involve quantitative measurements and calculations) to help students understand the scientific principles behind the natural events they experience and the technology they use in their daily lives. Approximate Time Line Unit #Estimated Time Major Unit Of WorkIntroduction/Review~ 5 PeriodsLab: safety, equipmentMetric measurementScientific method1~ 25 PeriodsEnergy and Matter in Chemical Change2~ 20 PeriodsEnergy Flow in Technological Systems3~ 15 PeriodsCycling of Matter in Living Systems4~ 15 PeriodsEnergy Flow in Global SystemsReview~ 5 PeriodsReviewThe calendar/schedule in your D2L course will contain: daily information on what you should be working, due dates and test dates. *For specific unit outcomes please visit the Alberta Learning website Textbook and Resources Science 10, Addison Wesley. Replacement value: $85.00 2" binder - all lessons and completed assignments must be printed off and kept in your binder Graph paper Calculator Ruler HB pencil/eraser Red/Blue pensVarious household items will be necessary for labs throughout the year. These will be listed in each lesson as required. Calculator Policy A calculator which can compute logarithms is a recommended expense. If you acquire one, spend the time learning to use it wisely. Due to the variations of calculators, please ensure that the one chosen is approved as per the current Alberta Learning Policy. RVVS staff will only officially support and help students operate TI - 83 Graphing Calculators (highly recommended for math) Labs Students will be performing mandatory (as outlined by Alberta Learning) science labs at our RVVS Offices, as well as the odd virtual lab or mini-lab in their home or home school. All students must complete the safety unit before they are allowed to participate in the labs. Evaluation This is a single semester course with a final exam at the end of the semester, based upon the whole semester's work. Students will be assigned homework in each lesson and are subject to homework checks (completion marks). Assignments will be submitted to the course drop box, and will be reviewed, assessed and returned to the student in a timely manner. It is also important that students take part in the discussion groups, tutorials, labs, and projects. Individual mark updates will be emailed out to students and key contacts on a regular basis to let you know what the teacher has as a record of your completed assignments and performance. It is the responsibility of the student to keep and record all evaluations received. If there seems to be a discrepancy between your returned assignment marks and the recorded marks, please discuss the anomaly with your teacher. Marking Scheme:Semester Work: 70% - this includes 40% for all lesson assignments, projects, completion marks, tutorial attendance, discussion participation, attitude and effort, and labs; and 20% for quizzes, and unit tests Final Exam - 30% Final Exams must be written in Airdrie (not at home) at a time scheduled by the school. The final exam material covers the entire course. Missing/Not writing a final exam will result in an incomplete course mark, unless prior arrangements have been made with the principal or doctor's note confirms illness on the day of the exam. It is expected that students must pass the final exam in order to pass the course. Major Course Expectations 1. Work on your lessons every day. Science 10 is a core course. In a traditional school, you would spend approximately 80 minutes per day in the classroom, plus homework. Check the calendar in D2L to see what you should be working on each day. 2. Keep an organized binder. Print out the schedule and all lessons. Print out all your correct answers. While you will have all of these on your hard drive, it never hurts to have a back-up, and you will likely find it much easier to study from printed materials. 3. Hand your work in on time. Late assignments are frowned upon, although I will always allow student flexibility. It is important for you to put forth your best efforts on your assignments, and I will be available most of the time during school hours to provide extra help. If you are going to be away, or if you need an extension, please have your Key Contact email me beforehand, so that arrangements can be made. Communication is key in being successful. 4. Write your quizzes and exams on time. Your quizzes, tests and unit exams will be written in your home under the supervision of your Key Contact. Quizzes are locked and require a password to write. Your Key Contact will have to email me for the password when you are ready to write your quizzes or exams. You will come on-site to write your final exam. 5. Attend tutorials regularly. The tutorials each week will cover the current unit of study, giving you background information and help with any questions or problems you may have. For Science 10, the tutorials will be set in the new semester. Your attendance, participation and effort during these tutorials will make up a significant portion of your final grade. 6. Ask for help as soon as you have a problem. Please do not send me an assignment on its due date, incomplete, with a note saying that you did not understand how to do it. If you do not understand an assignment, ask immediately during a tutorial or by email (longg@). If you ask right away, you should be given an explanation as quickly as the situation will allow. Keep in mind, however, that I am not on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I will be on-site in Airdrie most days due to meetings, labs and field trips, so I should be able to help you out regularly. 7. Check your D2L/email daily, as well as the “discussion board.” Many of the concepts will be addressed on the ‘discussion board’ as we move through the course. Your participation in the ‘discussion’ will help in your comprehending the concepts studied. Also, the more you put into the class, the more you will get out of it. 8. Check your schedule, news and the events board in D2L daily. There are instructions posted for everyday on what you are to be working on, test dates, lab dates etc and announcements. I am excited about working with you this semester and I wish you success in Science 10! If you work hard and stick to an established routine, you will be successful. Good luck. Mr. Greg Long ................

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