IT 10: Communication Skills

IT 11: ADV Personal PCs

Online Study Questions

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|Curr |Question |Answer |

|11.1 |Give an overview of field, remote, and bench technician jobs |

| |What two skills does a field technician need? |excellent _______________________ skills |

| | |_______________________ service skills |

| |Where might you work if you are a remote technician? | |

| |What two ways are remote technicians contacted by customers? | |

| | | |

| |Which of the three types of technicians typically would not work | |

| |directly with customers? | |

|11.2 |Explain safe lab procedures and tool use |

| |What is your first priority on any job? | |

| |What is the rule you should follow when dealing with power? |Make sure that the power is _________ and that the power |

| | |plug has been ____________________. |

| |What is the rule you should follow when dealing with laser beams? |______________________________ into the laser beams |

| | |located in the computer equipment. |

|11.2.1 |Review safe working environments and procedures |

| |What should you use to reduce the chance of ESD damaging your | |

| |equipment? | |

| |What four things require a technician to follow local codes for | |

| |proper disposal? | |

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|11.2.2 |Review names, purposes, characteristics, & safe and appropriate use of tools |

| |What is one of the biggest concerns for computer technicians? | |

| |What should you do before you touch a computer component? | |

| |What is a technician doing when they touch a grounded computer | |

| |chassis or mat before touching a component? | |

| |What antistatic device keeps sensitive computer components safe when | |

| |not installed inside a computer? | |

| |When repairing a printer, should you wear an antistatic wrist strap? |Yes No |

| |What device should not be opened unless you are properly trained? | |

|11.2.3 |Identify potential safety hazards & implement proper safety procedures |

| |What are three dangerous, high-voltage computer components that | |

| |should only be serviced by authorized personnel? | |

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| |What is the usual policy when a power supply is broken? |Repair it replace it |

|11.2.4 |Describe environmental issues |

| |What is a place where discarded computer equipment can be taken | |

| |apart? | |

| |How much dangerous lead (by weight) can CRT monitors contain? | |

| |What common device may contain nickel cadmium nickel metal hydride | |

| |and Lithium ion? | |

| |What are three techniques that you can use for discarding your old | |

| |components? | |

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|11.3 |Describe situations requiring replacement of computer components |

| |What two situations require the replacement of computer components? |the __________________ of broken parts |

| | | ____________________ for functionality |

|11.3.1 |Select a case and power supply |

| |What needs to be considered when purchasing a new computer case? |you should ensure that all of the components will |

| | |__________ into the ________________________ |

| |What do you need to know about a power supply before you install it |It needs to be ______________________enough to operate all|

| |in the case? |of the components. |

|11.3.2 |Select a motherboard |

| |What device must the socket and chip set on the motherboard be | |

| |compatible with? | |

|11.3.3 |Select the CPU and heat sink/fan assembly |

| |The voltage setting for the CPU can be configured with jumpers or | |

| |switches located on What device? | |

|11.3.4 |Select RAM |

| |What two things can happen to your computer to indicate that new RAM | |

| |maybe be needed? | |

| | | |

| |What key strokes are used to open Task Manager and close a stalled | |

| |application? | |

| |What current device must new RAM be compatible with before you | |

| |install it? | |

| |If you want to install NEW RAM, what RAM must it match? |It must also be the same __________ of RAM as installed in|

| | |the computer. |

| |What speed must new RAM on a computer be? |must be the _________________ or ______________ than the |

| | |existing RAM |

|11.3.5 |Select adapter cards |

| |What is another name for adapter cards? | |

| |You want to install a wireless NIC. What wireless standard must a | |

| |technician match? | |

|11.3.6 |Select storage devices and hard drives |

| |What are three signs a hard drive is failing? | |

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| |Which has a higher data-transfer rate? |SATA PATA |

| |What is the current SATA speed? | |

| |What two things are SCSI usually controllers used for? | |

| | | |

| |SCSI devices are typically connected in a series. What is this | |

| |series called? | |

| |Why does each end need to be terminated? |To_______________________ signals from bouncing off the |

| | |ends of cables and causing_________________ |

| |What are the two ways a SCSI cable is terminated? |by a _____________________ on the |

| | |_____________________drive on the chain |

| | | a _________________________ terminator on the end of the |

| | |SCSI bus |

| |How many devices can most SCSI buses handle? | |

|11.3.7 |Select input and output devices |

| |What is the device called that transfers information into a computer?| |

| |Name seven input devices. | |

| | | |

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| | |Process control sensor |

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| | | |

| |Name five output devices. | |

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| | |Process-control equipment |

| | | |

| |What interface transfers data at a maximum speed of 489 Mbps? | |

| |What is another name for the IEEE 1394 interface? | |

|11.4 |Upgrade and configure personal computer components and peripherals |

|11.4.1 |Upgrade and configure a motherboard |

| |When upgrading, what two devices should be moved the motherboard | |

| |first? | |

| | | |

| |What should you apply between the heat sink and CPU? | |

| |Why should you pay attention to screws and standoffs that are | |

| |non-metallic? | |

| |Does it matter if you replace a screw made for a slotted screwdriver |Yes No |

| |with one made for a Phillips-head screwdriver? | |

|11.4.2 |Upgrade and configure a CPU and a heat sink/fan assembly |

| |What new device will increase the power of the computer? | |

| |What four requirements must the new CPU follow? |The new CPU must fit into the ______________________ |

| | |________ socket. |

| | |The new CPU must be compatible with the |

| | |______________________ ______________ ______________. |

| | |The new CPU must operate with the existing motherboard and|

| | |___________________________ _________________ |

| | |The new CPU must operate with the ___________________ RAM.|

| | |The RAM may need to be upgraded or expanded to take |

| | |advantage of the ___________________ CPU. |

| | How do you remove the existing CPU? | |

|11.4.3 |Upgrade and configure RAM |

| |Where should RAM be stored prior to installing it? | |

| |How do current DIMMS pull out? | |

| |What will happen if the RAM is incorrectly aligned? | |

| |What will indicate the presence of the correct amount of RAM | |

|11.4.4 |Upgrade and configure BIOS |

| |What type of ROM are modern BIOS chips? | |

| |What is another name for this RAM? | |

| |What is the term that is used when ROM is upgraded by the user | |

| |without opening the computer case? | |

| |To see the current BIOS settings, what keys are pressed during POST? | |

| | What will happen if you abort the new BIOS update and it doesn’t | |

| |properly install? | |

|11.4.5 |Upgrade and configure storage devices and hard drives |

| |What are six reasons for installing an additional drive? |To install a ___________________ operating system |

| | |To provide additional __________________ __________ |

| | |To provide a faster __________________ __________ |

| | |To hold the system swap file |

| | |To provide a _________________ for the original hard drive|

| | |To increase __________________ __________ |

| |What does RAID stand for? |R_________________________ |

| | |___________________________ |

| | |of independent |

| | |__________________________ |

| |What are two ways RAID is installed? | |

| | | |

|11.4.6 |Upgrade and configure input and output devices |

| |What is a driver that has passed the Windows hardware quality lab | |

| |test and has been given a driver signature by Microsoft called? | |

| |What can cause system instability, error messages, and boot problems?| |

| | | |

|11.5 |Identify & apply preventive maintenance for personal computer components |

| |What can extend the life of the components, protect data, and improve| |

| |computer performance? | |

|11.5.1 |Clean internal components |

| |What should you use to blow dust away from a computer? | |

| | | |

| |If you use compressed air from a can, how should you hold it to | |

| |prevent the fluid from leaking onto computer components? | |

| |Name seven devices inside the computer case that you should keep as | |

| |clean as possible. | |

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|11.5.2 |Clean the case |

| |What problem will dust accumulated inside the computer cause? | |

| |You should spray a cleaning product directly on the case? |Yes No |

|11.5.3 |Inspect computer components |

| |What will remove dust from RAM chips? | |

| |What two things will clean optical drive and tape heads? | |

| | | |

| |What will clean a floppy drive? | |

| | What should you do to a power strip of there have been excessive | |

| |thunderstorms? | |

| |What will clean the keyboard and mouse? | |

|11.6 |Troubleshoot computer components and peripherals |

| |What is step one of the six-step troubleshooting process? | |

| | | |

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|11.6.1 |Review the troubleshooting process |

| |What is the process called that technicians use to analyze and | |

| |determine the cause of the error to repair the computer? | |

| |What type of questions are below? | |

| |Can you describe precisely what happens when the computer boots? | |

| |How often does the computer fail to start? | |

| |After you have solved the problem what is the last step? | |

| | | |

|11.6.2 |Identify common problems and solutions |

| |If you cannot use the SCSI drive, what might be the problem? | |

| |What is a possible solution if the system runs for a few minutes and | |

| |then locks up? | |

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|11.6.3 |Apply troubleshooting skills |

|Summary |

|Online Quiz - 9 Questions |


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