Easy Step-By-Step Procedures on How to Configure your …

|1 Introduction | |

|This guide is designed to provide you with a brief instruction set on how to configure Xpediter Patrol | |

|C/S software once it has been installed and an easy step-by-step guide on creating your first case. | |

The following are some general instructions and helpful hints on how to get started with Xpediter Patrol C/S. The following covers the steps you should take to configure your system and how to start entering cases into the system. Please see your User’s Manual for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make configuration changes in each module or on how to enter case information. For installation procedures, please refer to the Xpediter Patrol C/S Installation Guide.

Once you have installed Xpediter Patrol C/S…

After you have installed the Xpediter Patrol C/S application, start the program. To start the program, you:

• may select an Xpediter Patrol C/S icon on the Windows desktop screen,

• may select an Xpediter Patrol C/S menu item in your Windows Start menu, or

• can go through Windows Explorer and select the Xpediter.exe file that resides in the Xpediter/BIN subdirectory.


When the Password Dialog screen appears, enter 00 (zero, zero) in the User ID field and 2000 in the Password field. Then select the OK button. This is the default User ID and Password. This ID has system supervisor privileges in the program and has full access to all parts of the program.

The Xpediter Patrol C/S Control Center – Field Reporting screen will now appear on your screen. On the top line of this screen is a menu bar. From the menu bar, you can select Admin item to display all of the configuration modules in the system.



Before you start adding any cases into the system, it is advised that you make the necessary system configurations that are explained in the following section.

|2 Configuration | |

|This section contains a brief explanation of how to quickly configure Xpediter Patrol C/S. | |

When configuring the Xpediter Patrol C/S system, you should do this on the Control/Master computer. If you are using a network, make the configurations on the network server. After you have performed all of the configuration changes to the system, create a synchronization file on a USB drive that will allow you to download all of these changes to all laptops and workstations not connected to the network.

Setting Up the Control Computer…

When you are ready to start the configuration of your system, you must make the server machine into a Control/Master Computer. All of the Admin modules will not be available to you unless this is not. To make the computer a Control/Master computer complete the following steps.

1. In the Control Center – Field Reporting screen, select the Admin menu item.

2. Then select the Update Agency item.

3. Go to the System tab screen.


4. Select the checkbox for Control Computer for Configuration and Search Database Management.

5. Select F3 to go back to the Control Center.

6. Now if you select the Admin menu item, all of the configuration modules will be available to you.

Entering New Users…

Prior to entering the new users into the system you should configure the following modules. These modules can be accessed from the Admin menu list in the Control Center.

1. Go to the Modify List Module. Scroll down to the Job Classification field and modify this list so that the job titles are the same that your agency uses.

2. Go to the Update Agency Info Module. Then select the Subdivisions/Divisions Screen. At the bottom of the screen, enter the divisions your agency uses.

3. Go to the Modify Access Groups Module. Change, add, or delete the various Access Groups that your agency will be using. Set the Control Points accordingly for each access group.

4. Now you can enter new users into the system. Go to the Update Roster Module. Each user must have a Last and First Name, User ID, System ID, and Division. The Last and First name and Badge Number will print on the form as the reporting officer. Remember that each user must have a unique System ID.


Do not delete or change the access privilege of user 00 until you have assigned at least one other user in the system with System Supervisor privileges.

Update Roster

The Update Roster module allows you to enter the users into the system. The required fields for all users are:

• Last and First Name

• Primary Division

• Badge No./Employee ID – this number prints next to the name of the reporting officer’s name on all forms

• Login ID

• Password

• System ID – this must be a unique number

• Database Login ID

• Database Password

• Access Group

• Access Privilege



Each user must have a Database ID and Password. The default Database User ID is sysdba and the password is masterkey. The application uses Interbase 6.0 as its database. The system administrator may change the database ID and password, if desired.

Modify Lists

Use this module to make any modifications to list contents in pull down lists and multiple selection lists. If the form prints a Code for a field, remember to enter one. Usually someone in your Records Department can go through the lists on the system to determine if any of the list items need to be changed.

Update Agency Information

Go to this module to enter Agency specific information and all fields on the Preferences screen. On a network, the server machine should be designated as the Control/Master computer. In this module you can set up Divisions, Routing groups, Case Template, default paths, and default narrative fonts.


If you do not have a network, designate one computer in your agency as the Control/Master computer. This MUST be a dedicated server; therefore, you cannot use this as a working Xpediter computer. (It can be used for other applications.)

Modify Access Groups

This module allows you to set up the security access groups and rights within your agency. For example, you may have security groups for patrol officers, detectives, supervisors, or records personnel. Each group may have different access rights to certain parts of the application. A patrol officer may have access to the field reporting sections while a supervisor would have access to field reporting and to approval.

Modify Institutions

This module allows you to enter commonly used institutions such as tow companies, hospitals, or schools. Institutions entered into this module then become available to the officers while they are entering case information through a pull down list.

Modify Narrative Templates

Enter the narrative templates that your officers use on a frequent basis into this module. If your officers currently use narrative templates in Word or WordPerfect, you may cut and paste the narratives from these programs into the Narrative Template screen.

Update Penal Code

This module allows you enter new codes to or add/modify codes in the system that are used for Charges entered into cases in the system.


Once you have made all of the configuration changes and have entered all of the new users onto the master/control computer, synchronize all stand-alone computers or laptops within your agency with this information.


If all computers are connected to the Server, synchronization is NOT necessary as all computers are connected to the same database.

Set Up Prior to Synchronizing…

1. The Task Server is now a service and should start up when you boot op your computer. If it is not there, you may have to reinstall Xpediter onto the computer. It will be displayed as a little black and white icon in your Windows tray.

2. Now you need to configure the Xpediter application Server to conduct the synchronization process.

3. From the Admin menu, select the Update Agency item.

4. Go to the Machines Tab.

5. If you have a LAN Server, add the appropriate server name.

6. If you have a wireless Server, add the appropriate IP address.

7. Got to the System Tab and select the Default Task Server name from the pull down list. This is the server where you have designated the Task Server to run on.

8. Now go to the Task Server Tab. On the secondary tab screen, select the Synchronize tab screen.

9. At the bottom of this screen, designate where you would like to send the synchronization files. You may want to create a new folder through Windows Explorer such as C:\XpediterCS/SynchronizationFiles. When a synchronization file is created, it will be sent to this folder.

10. The system is now ready to conduct a synchronization.


If the above steps are not completed prior to a synchronization, an error will occur when trying to synchronize.

Create a Synchronization File…

1. Go to the Xpediter application and from the Admin menu on the Control Computer, select the Synchronization command.

2. Select the Synch button to create a Synchronization file. The file will be created in the Synchronization path previously set in the Update Agency screen.

3. If the Task Server is not running, an error message will appear on the screen. You must then start the Task Server as instructed in Step 1 of the previous section.

4. Once a Synchronization Volume file has been created, the Volume Number and date created will now appear at the top of the screen.

5. If you wish to make a copy of the Synchronization Volume file, in the Synchronization Server Tool panel, select the Copy Volume Zip File to Disks radio button. You can then select the Zip file you wish to copy and the designated drive.

6. If you wish to reset the Synchronization Volume number, in the Synchronization Server Tool panel, select the Set next synchronization volume radio button. You can then enter the next volume number you wish to create and date.



If you open the Synchronization Zip File to copy to disks field and there are more *.zip files than you know should be there, check your number setting in the Update Agency/Task Server/Synchronization tab screen. It is probably set to 0 (zero) and should be set to a number greater than 0. If it is set to 0, the system will create a Zip file every minute.


Be very careful with this option. Make sure you have a correct date in the Date or Last Volume field. For the first synch file, make sure it is a date prior to the installation date.


Be very careful when resetting these fields. If you enter in a date that is later than the most recent update, then you will receive errors.

7. When you get a new computer within your agency and wish to synchronize the database, select the Create Full Database Sync Volume radio button. This will then create one large synchronization file so that you will not have to copy all of the synchronization files over for a new computer.

8. If you start to receive errors when trying to synchronize the client machines, check the date you have in the Date or Last Volume field. For the first synchronization file, it is best to set this date to a date prior to the installation, such as 01/01/1998.

Synchronize a Stand-Alone Computer…

1. From the Admin menu, select the Synchronization command. The appropriate fields will display.

2. From the Synchronize Data From group box, select Files on Disks to transfer files from a folder or USB drive and the path where the synchronization file resides. Select Server if synchronizing with the server directly.

3. If you are synchronizing a new computer within your agency, select the Synchronize Full Database from Sync Volume radio button. Then select the Select File button to set the path where the Full database synchronization file is located.

4. Click on the Sync button on the Dynamic toolbar or press Alt + S on the keyboard to complete the synchronization.

5. In the bottom panel it will tell you the last synchronization volume and date that the client computer was synchronized on. Select the Advance checkbox if you wish to change these settings.

|3 Getting Started for Officers | |

|This section describes the officer’s basic procedures for logging onto the system and starting a | |

|case. | |

By now your System Administrator has configured the Xpediter Patrol C/S application and has given you a system Login ID and Password. If not, please contact your system administrator. Your logon ID is used to print your name and ID on all forms as the reporting officer.


It is highly recommended that you have a system Password for all users for security purposes.

How to Log onto Xpediter Patrol C/S…

1. Start the application using the Xpediter Patrol C/S Icon on your Windows screen. If you do not have one, you may go to Windows Explorer, find the Xpediter/Bin/Xpediter.exe file and double-click your mouse on it.

2. When the Password Dialog screen appears, enter your User ID number and Password.

3. Then select the OK button.

4. The Xpediter Patrol C/S Control Center – Field Reporting Screen now appears.


5. This is the main screen that you will be working with to create cases, add forms, and initiate the edit, preview, or print of forms and forward cases for approval.

6. On this screen there are also buttons that allow you to access the various modules within the system.

How to Create a Case…

1. Select the New button with your mouse or select the Alt+N keys on your keyboard.

2. The Add New Case dialog screen now appears.


3. The first field on the screen is Case Number. It will default to you agency’s case template.

4. Change the number to the case you are working on. Use the Tab key to move forward a field and the Shift+Tab keys to move backwards a field.

5. Enter a basis description in the Description field. This is for information purposes only and does not print on the form. It just displays in the Case grid in the Field Reporting Control Center so that you can easily find a case.

6. Next enter the Type of Case you are working on. This is a pull down list and you may use the Down Arrow key to open the list or click your mouse on the field.

7. The next field is the Division field. This list will contain the Division you have access to in the system and may only contain one item.

8. After you have entered this information, select the OK button.

9. The case you just created will now be displayed in the Cases grid.

How to Add Forms to Your Case…

1. Select the Add Form button with your mouse or select the Alt+A keys on your keyboard.

2. The Add Form dialog screen now appears.


3. There are four forms available: Incident Report, Supplemental Report, Field Interview Report, and Supplemental Image Report.

4. Select the forms you wish to add to this case using the Spacebar or your mouse.

5. Notice that there is a numeric field after each form. You may add multiple forms to the case if needed.

6. Tab to the numeric field and use the Up and Down arrow keys, or the mouse on the spinners, to select the number of forms you wish to add.

7. The Select All button will select all of the forms for the case.

8. After you have selected the forms for your case, select the OK button.

9. The list of forms will now appear in the Forms tree at the bottom of the screen.

How to Add a Case and Incident Form with one Click of the Mouse…

1. The easiest way to create a case and start entering information onto an Incident form is to select the Short Form button. To initiate this button, use your mouse or select the Alt+S keys on your keyboard.

2. The Incident Form will now appear on your screen.


3. The first field on the screen is Case Number. It will default to your agency’s case template.

4. Change the number to the case you are working on. If you press the End key on your keyboard, it will take the focus to the end of the field and you can then use the Backspace key to delete the zeros and then type in the case number that you are working on.

5. A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you wish to change the case number. Select Yes.


This is the only field where you will receive a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure you would like to change the case number. This is to prevent you from accidentally changing a case number to something that you are unaware of.

6. Proceed to enter basic case information.

7. Use the Tab key to move forward a field and the Shift+Tab keys to move backwards a field.

How to Enter Data onto Forms…

1. All forms within Xpediter Patrol C/S have the same basis look and feel for the edit screens and use the same type of data entry fields for consistency and ease-of-use purposes.

2. On the left side of the screen there is an Outlook browser bar with icon buttons for each major category of information collected on the form.


3. Click your mouse on the icons to go from category to category such as Case, People, Vehicles, Property, or Narrative. Notice that there is a number next to each icon name. You can also use the Ctrl key + the number to access that category with the keyboard, i.e., Ctrl+5 to go to the Vehicle screen.

4. Use the Tab key to move the cursor forward a field and the Shift+Tab keys to move backwards a field.

5. At the top of each edit screen, there are a series of icons that change according to the type of data you are entering. You can use your mouse to select one of these buttons or use the short cut keys. The underlined letter in the button label designates the short cut keys. For example, Alt+S will activate the Select button.


6. All screens have a FRCC (Field Reporting Control Center) button that allows you to quickly go back to the FRCC by pressing the F2 key.

7. The ADD buttons allow you to add people, businesses, vehicles, or items of property according to the category screen you are on. On the People screen, there is an additional button that allows the user to enter businesses.

8. The Select button allows you to select a person, business, vehicle, or item of property that has already been entered into this case from another form. This dialog also allows you to change the order that you wish these items to print.

9. The Remove button allows you to remove the highlighted person, business, vehicle, or item of property from the form. However, it does not delete them from the case

10. The Delete button allows you to permanently delete the highlighted person, business, vehicle, or item of property form the entire case. If the person, business, vehicle, or item of property were on another form on the case, they would be deleted on those forms also.

11. On the Incident Form for Case information, notice that when you select the LEOKA/Exceptional Clearance tab screen that there are some fields outlined in yellow. This indicates that these fields are UCR/NIBRS required fields. They are indicated in yellow since these fields do not necessarily print on forms so officers may wish to leave these fields blank.

Types of fields…

On the edit screens there are several types of data entry fields. The following lists most types and how to enter data.

• Free Form Text Fields – On these types of fields you can simply type in the appropriate text. Some may limit you to alpha characters, numeric characters, for force all capitalization.


It is highly recommended that you do not enter text in all caps. Forms are printed in a proportional font and capitalized letters take up more space on the form. You may see truncation of words if you use all caps.

• Pull Down Lists – On these fields you can use the down arrow key to open up the list to make a selection or use your mouse on the down arrow.

• Pull Down Lists with an asterisk (*) in the label– On these fields you can use the down arrow key to open up the list to make a selection or use your mouse on the down arrow. You are also allowed to enter free form text.

• Multiple Selections Fields – On these fields you can select more than one item in the list. Use the space bar or mouse to make a selection. On some items you may also be allowed to enter additional free form text.

• Date and Time Fields – On these fields you can enter dates and times. On the Date fields, you can select the down arrow and a calendar will appear allowing you to select a date.


Please refer to your users manual for a more detailed description on how to use other types of fields used in the application such as the tow company, ID, and AKA fields.

• When entering a person’s name, business, vehicle, or property item, the system will conduct an Auto Search on the Search database. If that person, business, vehicle, or item of property is already in the database, an Auto Search dialog box will appear providing you with more detailed information. From this screen you can then select that case element and the system will automatically fill in the data fields for you. You can then make any necessary changes, if you wish, such as a new phone number for the person.

After you have entered in your case data…

After you have entered in your case data, close down your forms. In the Control Center -Field Reporting, you have several options in the workflow process. Notice that the second row of this screen contains an icon bar. You can now preview the forms on screen, print, forward the case for approval, or transfer the case to another medium such as a USB drive or to the server.

If you wish to preview a form on screen, highlight a form and then select the Preview button. If a form is not highlighted, a dialog box will appear asking which form you wish to preview.

When you wish to print the forms on a case, highlight a form and then select the Print button. If a form is not highlighted, a dialog box will appear asking which form you wish to print. You may print multiple forms and multiple copies of forms with this dialog.

Once you have completed the case, you will want to forward to case for approval. The current status of the forms is now I for Incomplete. When you wish to forward the case or particular forms, select the Forward button. A dialog box will appear asking which form you wish to forward. Once it is forwarded, the status of that form changes to P for Pending Approval.

After you have forward the appropriate forms for approval, select the Transfer button. You can now transfer the case to a USB drive or directly to the server for approval by your supervisor. If you are working on a desktop connected to the server, you can bypass this step, since you are already working on the server database.

Additional Modules…

Please refer to the User’s Manual on the specific use and purpose of the following modules.

• Approval

• Messaging

• Transfer

• Reports

• Search


Narrative Reminders

1. If using the Generic Word Processor, the Font button will not work if you do not have a Default Printer selected on your computer.

2. Remind users to save frequently when typing a long narrative. (CTRL+S)

3. Remind users that the narrative is not WYSIWYG. Such as when a Tab is entered, we insert five spaces on the print.

4. If users are cutting and pasting documents from Word, make sure that they have Smart Quotes turned off. This will create printing problems if it is turned on.

Print Reminders

1. Make sure that the newest print drivers are loaded onto all computers.

2. If print contains large black blocks or long lines throughout the page, the Windows display has been changed from small fonts to large fonts. It must be set to small fonts.

3. If checkboxes are not printing properly on forms, check your printer properties. Go to the Settings menu item in the Windows Start button. Select Printers. Right click you mouse on the default printer icon. Select Properties. Select the Font tab screen. The font setting for TrueType fonts should be set to Print TrueType as graphics.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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