
?right0Request for remote accessPlease complete ALL the fields.First name Click or tap here to enter text.Last nameClick or tap here to enter text.UsernameClick or tap here to enter text.Job titleClick or tap here to enter text.DepartmentClick or tap here to enter text.Contact noClick or tap here to enter text.Line managerClick or tap here to enter text.Manager extClick or tap here to enter text.Line manager email Click or tap here to enter text.Home emailClick or tap here to enter text.Asset no. of Trust laptop / PCClick or tap here to enter text.Mobile/home no.Click or tap here to enter text.How do you wish to connect to remote access? (please tick one)?1.I have a Trust laptop that I can take home/off site.?2.I have a home PC that I would like to connect to my work PC/laptopThis requires YOU to install to install the Citrix Workspace App?on your home PC and we will need access to your work PC to install some additional software on to it. This is a good option if you have a Trust desktop PC and no laptop.?3.I don’t have a Trust device but could use a home PC.You can only access key Trust applications such as e-Care and the intranet.What systems do you need to access remotely? (please tick)Please consider what you require to access at home – for example, could you use e-Care and pick up emails via your phone/tablet or do you need your full access at home? Please note that we may have to prioritise who is able to access which programs at home.ProgramsEssentialNice to havee-Care (PowerChart, FirstNet, PAS, etc)??Files and folders (e.g. O drive)??Email via Outlook??Email Outlook web browser via the intranet??Microsoft Office??Other essential clinical systems (please provide details)Click or tap here to enter text.Do you have any of the following already available on your Trust device (PC or laptop) or personal phone?Trust devicePersonal phoneMicrosoft Teams ??Visionable ??UEM software (allows email/calendar on your phone/tablet)N/A?PowerChart TouchN/A?Please briefly explain why you require remote access:Click or tap here to enter text.Once completed please email to or drop into the IT department. We will contact you about getting remote access set up. ................

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