InftyReader Group

About InftyReader

This is a full setup package of InftyReader Version 3.0.

Execute the installer (InftyReaderE30x_Setup.exe). This will install InftyReader on your PC.

If you want to use InftyReader on command prompt window, please use Infty.exe

Please refer to the InftyHelpE.txt file included in the package.

Overview of the Software

InftyReader is a powerful application that recognizes scientific documents, including mathematical expressions. It was developed at the Masakazu Suzuki Laboratory, Graduate school of Mathematics, Kyushu University in collaboration with several partners.

The software recognizes page images scanned at 600 DPI. Source image files must be in TIF, PNG, or GIF formats.

InftyReader outputs recognition results in various formats including: IML, LaTeX, HR-TeX, XHTML(MathML) and MS Word document(XML).

IML is a XML file format relates to InftyEditor, an editor of mathematical documents developed and released by Science Accessibility Net.

Using InftyEditor, users can correct and edit the recognition results by comparing them to the original images.

HR-TeX is a simplified LaTeX-like notation that is easier "to read" and specially designed for individuals who are blind.

XHTML output displays mathematical expressions using MathML notation.

Key Features of InftyReader:

1. InftyReader uses the OCR engines from Toshiba Corporation, "ExpressReaderPro", and MediaDrive Corporation’s "WinReader", simultaneously to recognize characters in ordinary text areas. Characters and math symbols in formulae, uses InftyReader’s OCR engine.

2. InftyReader can recognize tables including math expressions in the cells.

3. InftyReader can convert PDF files into LaTeX or XHTML(MathML) including mathematical expressions. It recognizes the page images of PDF files referencing the text information embedded in PDF.

Important Notes:

1. The source documents have to be clearly printed.

2. They should be scanned in 600dpi or 400dpi.

3. InftyReader erases small noises, segments page images into picture areas, table areas and text areas automatically, and then recognizes text and table areas including mathematical expressions. However, to get better recognition results, users are to erase noises and pictures before the recognition.

4. In binary scanning, it is important to adjust the binarization threshold of the scanner so that the number of the touched or broken characters is less than 1% of the total number of the characters in each scanned page image.

Operating Environment

InftyReader runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, if the PC is equipped with enough memory. Note: InftyReader does not run on Windows 98, 2000 nor Me.

How to use InftyReader

1. Select the input file(s) or folder.

2. Select the Input/select output document name.

3. Press the "Start" button.

The recognition results of the selected image will then be saved iin the file format you selected. When, you select a folder instead of files, all the image files in the folder of the specified file type (TIF/GIF/PNG/BMP/PDF) are recognized and the results are output as files having the same name(s) of the folders.

If you "Search Sub Folders" item under the "Option" menu, InftyReader recognizes all the image files in the sub folders. For example, if you select the folder "foldertop" having the subfolder structure below,

Top Folder

|-- subfolder1

| |-- a.tif

| |-- b.tif

|-- subfolder2

|-- c.tif

|-- d.tif

and you select the file type "IML" for the output file type, you will get the files "subfolder1.iml", "subfolder2.iml" in the folder "foldertop". The recognition results of a.tif and b.tif (resp. c.tif and d.tif) will be saved in the file subfolder1.iml (resp. subfolder2.iml).

If you select LaTeX as output file type, you will get "subfolder1.tex", "subfolder2.tex", and it is similar for other file types HR-TeX and XHTML.


To use InftyReader, you need to purchase a License Key and register it to your PC. To purchase a license key, please go to the website .

The license (except for the enterprise version) is limited to personal use. This includes the case of an institution purchasing the application for a specified user.

Shared use by a small group of users is also allowed.

If an institution needs to support a large number of clients or digitize huge numbers of volumes, you will need to purchase an enterprise license package. For more information please contact steve.jacobs@ideal-

What you are not permitted to do with InftyReader

1. You may not modify the software in any manner. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.

2. You may not sell the software without making a formal agreement with Science Accessibility Net and IDEAL Group, Inc. You may distribute the software only free of charge, without modifying the zip-package of the software.

3. The author(s), Science Accessibility Net, and IDEAL Group, Inc. are under no obligation to correct errors or inconveniences of the software.

4. The author(s), Science Accessibility Net, and IDEAL Group, Inc. shall not be responsible for any lost and damage caused by the use of the software.

For questions please contact: steve.jacobs@ideal-


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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