University of California, Merced

NIMS AQ in colorful pictures (HP edited 5/30/08)


Figure 1: Communications hardware diagram NOT including power.


Figure 2: Hardware power diagram.


Figure 3: Software control. Letters will correspond applications mentioned in manual later on.

NIMS AQ Assessment 5/30/08

Table 1: Quick table of Henry’s opinions.

|The good |The bad |The unknown |

|1. ease of setup (haven't done it |1. probably cannot handle high flow |1. do encoders help with calibration?* |

|myself) | | |

|2. less hardware |  |  |

- For the unknown, my hypothesis is that there will be displacement of the sensor payload created a sag in the direction of flow instead of gravity. This will render encoder positions incorrect IF we project the measurements back onto the planar cross-section. Code needs to be checked if Michael’s old cold accounting for sag due to gravity will account for displacement due to flow as well.


- Upgrade in cable. Current thin cable has 270 lbs breaking strength. Upgrade to 480 lbs probably a little safer and can tension it a little.

- Test UC Merced’s wireless system. UCLA has gain antennas attached to router and PCMCIA wireless cards. This may be unnecessary because ideally 802.11g should “theoretically” handle ~140 m outdoors, .

EPIA Board Changes 5/30/08

- Using WinSCP, moved nimsaq_v1_0, nimsrd_v2_0, and nims_utilities to EPIA board.

- Under root or sudo, mounted usb-serial adapter. Reference: .

# before attaching usb device

nims@nimsrd1:~$ lsusb

# plug in usb device

nims@nimsrd1:~$ lsusb

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 4348:5523 # new line appears

# type

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0×4348 product=0×5523

# type

nims@nimsrd1:~$ dmesg

# last few lines should have something like

usbserial_generic 1-1:1.0: generic converter detected

usb 1-1: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB0

# port /dev/ttyUSB0 or whatever is named should be in sensor config

# files

- Under root or sudo, changed static internet settings to dhcp by first changing /etc/network/interfaces file. Then, change wireless settings. References: , .

Changing file:

# type

nims@nimsrd1:~$ cd ../..

nims@nimsrd1:/$ cd etc/network

nims@nimsrd1:/etc/network$ sudo vim interfaces


# some lines in file before

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




auto wlan0

iface wlan0 inet static



pre-up iwconfig wlan0 essid “nimsrd1” mode Ad-Hoc

# hit “i”, and then edit the lines as following

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

#iface eth0 inet static

# address

# netmask

# gateway

auto wlan0

iface wlan0 inet dhcp

#iface wlan0 inet static

# address

# netmask

#pre-up iwconfig wlan0 essid “nimsrd1” mode Ad-Hoc

# hit esc, then :wq

# power down and power back up for settings to enable OR to avoid, ssh

Changing wireless settings- ssh to the LAN IP

# type

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan down


nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo dhclient –r wlan0

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 “nims aq”

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed

nims@nimsrd1:~$ sudo dhclient wlan0

# should be done, when router is starting up, takes a little bit to

# find LAN or WLAN IP, give it 5 minutes

Pictoral User Guide for Figure 3

Table 2: Application and quick reference guide.

|Letter |Application/Script |logins/examples |note |

|A |Web browser |user = nims, password = aevena |computer IP is set to obtain address |

| | | |automatically |

|B1 |Putty |host = , login = nims, password|EPIA board IP’s assigned by router |

| | |= aevena | |

|B2 |WinSCP |host name = , user name = nims,|EPIA board IP’s assigned by router |

| | |password = aevena | |

|C | |python sontek.cfg test01.log |make sure cfg has right port |

|D | |python |which is last stable version without encoders?|

|E | |python |victor modified this one |

Table 3: MAC addresses for EPIA board and NIMSRD2 laptop.

|Device |MAC |

|EPIA board LAN |00:40:63:d5:fc:72 |

|EPIA board WLAN |00:04:e2:81:ff:31 |

|nimsrd2 PC LAN |00:08:02:E2:12:D2 |

|nimsrd2 PC WLAN using ORiNOCO wireless card |00:02:2D:C0:82:1D |


1. Turn on everything and hook up like Figure 1 and 2.

2. Give it a few minutes.

3. Open Firefox or Internet Explorer and type in address bar.


Figure 4: Accessing the router.

4. In current browser, or click on Status and the Sys-info tabs, scroll to the bottom to see wireless and DHCP clients.

*Login using nims as username and aevena as password if necessary.*


Figure 5: Checking out network. Note the IP’s assigned to given devices.

Note the EPIA board MAC addresses and associated IP addresses. In this particular case, is the LAN IP and is the WLAN IP

5. To move files over, double click on WinSCP icon on desktop.


6. Assuming wireless connection, (same steps for wireless connection minus physically plugging in Ethernet cable), fill out as shown below, (the password is aevena).


Figure 6: WinSCP login screen.

7. Click Login and the following screen should look as follows. Drag and drop files/directories that are needed. *Click Yes whenever prompted.*


Figure 7: WinSCP application screenshot.

8. Once you’re done moving files and actually want to operate NIMS, double click the putty.exe icon.


9. Assuming wireless connection again, type in the host name as shown below.


Figure 8: Putty login screen.

10. Click Open and login screen in putty command prompt shell will appear. The username is nims and the password is . *No actually letters will appear when you type the password, just hit enter after you have entered it in.


Figure 9: Putty command line. Notice password entered will not appear.

Multiple sessions, (i.e. keep clicking on putty.exe icon to open up more command line prompts to do sensor readouts, etc.).

Now the system should be the same as NIMSRD, from Michael’s nimsrdcontrol_doc.doc.

Henry’s to-do list:

1. See if Michael’s calibration can handle sag due to flow and not weight (I think so).

2. Order encoder disks and standoffs.

3. Put on encoders.

4. Update Victor’s new config file.

5. Figure out NIMS-AQ physical setup.

6. Order stronger thin cable from McMaster?

7. Find small inverter for laptop?


Linksys WRT54L Router

Insecure wireless signal


Ethernet cable or insecure wireless signal

EPIA board (in motor box)

Sensors and encoders

USB hub

USB-Serial Adapters


Serial- special wiring for motor cable


USB ends to hub

Serial attachments to measurement devices

Initial cable to launch sensor devices



Wired OR wireless


Encoders, (12V, 25 mA each)

Hydrolab, (12 V, ? current)

Adapter (12 V,

0.5 A)

2 batteries on pontoons

Not yet purchased or


1000 W Inverter (12 V, 120 A)


Low Power Inverter (12 V)


USB-Serial Adapters

USB hub

Sontek ADV, (12 V, ~17-42 mA)

Power strip (1875 W max)

Insecure wireless signal

Transmitter ?

Adapter (12 V,

5.5 A)

EPIA board

Linksys WRT54L Router

Laptop on shore (power ?)



Sontek Mini-ADP

B. (1) Putty, (2) WinSCP


F. Windows software


Sontek ADV and Hydrolab


A. Browser interface

EPIA board

Router WRT54L Router


Not yet purchased or



Sontek Mini-ADP

C Batteries

Not yet purchased or




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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