Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Product Management Cloud


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Hello, my name is Dave. Welcome to training for Product Hub in Oracle Product Management Cloud.

In this session, we talk about Copy and Paste Items Using Clipboard, in Product Hub.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain, how you can use them, and, what business value they bring. Then, we’ll explain, what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set-them-up.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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Clipboard is a new Product Hub UI component that can be used to maintain a collection of items. Items from this collection can be reused in supported UIs in Product Information Management (PIM) work areas, as well as the Product Development (PD) work area. In this presentation, we will be covering each of the supported UIs in the PIM work area. When you are in the Manage Items UI, you could use Copy Items from the UI, and, add them to the Clipboard. You could copy items to the clipboard from the Create-Structures UI, and also, from the Manage Change Orders UI.

When you are in the Create Structures UI, you can reuse the items from the clipboard easily by the paste action. Similarly, you can reuse the items from the clipboard by pasting them in the Manage Change Orders UI as well.

Let us look at the details.


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Slide 6 - Use Clipboard to Maintain a Collection of Items for Reuse


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In this update, a new Clipboard component, has been added to the Panel Drawer. A Clipboard, is a virtual scratch pad to which you can incrementally add items from three supported UIs that I will be talking about in this presentation.

The clipboard is specific to each user. In other words, each user can maintain his/her own private collection of items for reuse.

The clipboard collection of items persists across multiple sessions, allowing you to gather and reuse an item collection, over a period of multiple-login sessions.

The clipboard collection of items, can be accessed from the PIM and PD work areas in the respective supported UIs subjected to the UI’s validation requirements.

You can multi-select items from the clipboard as needed, and paste them into two supported UIs that I will be covering in this presentation. Instead of clicking the paste icon, you can drag-and-drop items from the clipboard into the two supported UIs.

By clicking the ‘Clear all’ link, you can wipe your clipboard clean. In other words, by clicking the said link, you can remove all the items from the clipboard in one go.


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Slide 7 - Collect Items in the Clipboard by Using Manage Items UI, Create Item Structure UI and Manage Change Orders UI


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You can build your collection of items using, Manage Items, Create Item structures and, Manage Change Orders tasks.

In the Manage Items UI, you can leverage the Advanced Search region and perform complex searches, to identify candidate items of your interest. From the search results, you can multi-select a shorter list of items you want to copy to the clipboard, and then click the Copy button available in the header region, of the Search Results table. This will add the multi-selected items to the clipboard.

Similarly, you can copy items of your interest from the Create Item Structures UI and Manage Change Orders UI into the clipboard by clicking the Copy-button available in the respective UIs.


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Slide 8 - Paste Items from the Clipboard into Create Item Structure UI


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In the Create-Item-Structure UI, in addition to adding items by the Search-and-Add action, you can multi-select items from the clipboard and add them as components by clicking the Paste icon. Alternately, you can drag the multi-selected items from the clipboard and drop them into the item structure as well.


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Slide 9 - Paste Items from the Clipboard into Manage Change Orders UI


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In the Manage Change Orders UI, in addition to adding items by the Search-and-Add action, you can multi-select items from the clipboard and add them as Change Order Lines by clicking the ‘paste’ icon. Alternately, you can drag the multi-selected items from the clipboard, and drop them into the Change Orders as well.


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Slide 10 - Copy and Paste Items Using Clipboard


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In your business, you may frequently create new item structures by using existing items. For example, you may create a new item, say DIY-40, with existing items such as bulbs and gloves as its structure components. Then, you may add the newly created item, DIY-40, to a change order and submit for approval.

Your ability to leverage complex searches, and, build a desired collection of items to the clipboard incrementally and your ability to add the items from the collection to item-structures and change-orders without any need to do duplicate manual entries, improves efficiencies in your business. Your ability to perform your tasks by clicking Copy-and-Paste icons and leveraging intuitive drag-and-drop capabilities are designed to improve the user experience.


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Slide 11 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is the summary of the features, I have talked about today:

You can use the clipboard to gather a collection of items for reuse in other supported UIs later in the PIM and PD work areas. From the Manage-Items UI, Create-Structures UI, and Manage-Change Orders-UI, you can add items to the clipboard collection using the Copy action.

When you are creating structures using the Create Structures UI, you can selectively paste items from the clipboard.

Finally, when you are creating change orders using the Manage-Change-Orders UI, you can selectively paste items from the clipboard.


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Slide 12 - Additional Information


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Optionally, you can paste items into the Manage-Change-Orders and Create-Structures UI from your Favorites-collection, as well from the Recent Items Collection. Please refer to the 'Access Favorites and Recent Items’ feature in the Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud’ Update-20B for instructions to enable the said capability. Even though your clipboard collection may contain a mix of Master Org items and Child Org items, while you are in PD Work Area, you will be able to paste only the Master Org items into the Manage Change Orders UI and Create-item-Structures UI. However, when you are in the PIM Work area, there are no such restrictions.


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Slide 13 - Implementation Advice


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In this implementation advice section, we will go through what you need to consider, before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know, to set them up.


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Slide 14 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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This table depicts key update information for the features covered in this training. The feature Copy-and-Paste-Items Using Clipboard’ is available for your use after you complete the Opt-in and the tasks as detailed in the ‘Summary of Actions needed to use the feature’ section.


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Slide 15 - Summary of Actions Needed to Use the Feature


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This update has an Opt-in feature, Copy-and-Paste items using-Clipboard. After Release 21B, this feature will not have an Opt-in. You can enable this feature from the New Features UI. After you opt in, perform the Refresh-and-Deploy-Offline step as detailed in the topic on deploying item flexfields in the Implementing Product Management guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.


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Slide 16 - Enablement Detail for Copy and Paste Items Using Clipboard


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To enable the View-Item-Creation-User in Edit-Items-page feature, please click the Navigator menu, and then select the ‘My Enterprise’ sub-menu. Then, open the New Features UI. From the list of features, select the Copy-and-Paste-Using-Clipboards feature of the Functional Area, Product-Management-Common that belongs to the Product-Management-Offering. Set the Opt-In for the said feature as selected.

After you complete the Opt-in, you must perform the Refresh-and-Deploy step as detailed in Flexfield Deployment section of the Whitepaper, User Defined Attribute Groups and Attributes (Extensible Flexfields-EFFs) Setup (Doc Id 1992317.1)


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Slide 17 - Job Roles


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This table details the shipped job roles that will access, the new capabilities covered in this training.

Product Data Steward is the shipped role you can use, to access the features we discussed in this presentation.


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Slide 18 - Business Process Information


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Please note that all the enhancements covered in this training, belong to Product-Information-Management Business Processes. For details, please refer to the documentation listed in the Associated Training Section of this presentation.


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Slide 19 - Associated Training


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For related training, please refer to Product Information Management White Papers (Doc ID, 2150638.1). Also, please refer to the Access-Favorites-and-Recent-Items feature in Oracle Product-Lifecycle Management-Cloud, Update-20-B, if needed.

This concludes this presentation. Thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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