Outlook: Shortcut link to a Favourite Website

[Pages:1]Janet's Tip #150

Outlook: Shortcut link to a Favourite Website

I frequently get emails asking me about upcoming course dates at the Barrie classroom. Because I don't have the calendar in my head, it means that I have to go to/look at my Schedule page of my website in order to accurately answer these inquiries. Well, if you have a website that you often need to refer to when writing or responding to emails ? save yourself considerable time by adding that webpage to your SHORTCUTS link.

Initially, the SHORTCUTS link isn't displayed. The Outlook Navigation Pane is (by default) set to display 4 items. If you don't use Tasks, replace it with SHORTCUTS but if you do use Tasks, I highly recommend that you set your task bar to display 5 items ? so you can add SHORTCUTS: 1. Click the (three dots) at the end of the modules section

at the bottom of the Navigation Pane and choose NAVIGATION OPTIONS. (By the way, if your modules is compacted (like this second view) and you like the bigger buttons (like my first view) ? just click the (three dots) then choose NAVIGATION OPTIONS then Uncheck the COMPACT NAVIGATION button and click OK). But I digress... 2. After you choose NAVIGATION OPTIONS:

a. To leave TASKS in place but add SHORTCUTS to the bottom of the Nav Pane as well: i. Click the MAX NUMBER OF VISIBLE ITEMS to 5. ii. Then click SHORTCUTS down in the DISPLAY IN THIS ORDER window ? and click the MOVE UP button until SHORTCUTS is one of the first five (because you selected to display 5 items) items in the list.

b. To remove TASKS (you should use them ? but if you're not...get rid of it) and replace it with SHORTCUTS: i. Leave the MAX NUMBER OF VISIBLE ITEMS set to 4 ? then click SHORTCUTS and click MOVE UP until it is in one of the first four in the list ? then click OK.

3. Now that you can see the SHORTCUTS option ? give it a click to see what it looks like. Pretty plain Jane (sorry Jane). To add a webpage link to SHORTCUTS: a. In your web browser, go to the site that you want a link to ? and DRAG the address icon onto your desktop ? to create a shortcut. b. Now display both your desktop and Outlook (remember, with a program (Outlook) active, press to place the program at one side of the screen). c. Now drag the webpage shortcut (that you added to your Desktop) over to the SHORTCUTS panel ? and drop it ON the word SHORTCUTS. d. You now have a shortcut to a webpage ? that you can access any time (in the Outlook viewer window) by switching to SHORTCUTS and clicking on it. NOTE: right-click and choose RENAME to give it a friendlier, quicker-to-recognize name).

I use this ? it seems to be the fastest way for me to look at my Schedule page while responding to an email.


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