Microsoft Word Flyers Project (Summative)

Microsoft Word Flyers Project (Summative)

Flyer Project Part 1

1. Create a blank document 2. Save as "yourname"FlyerProject 3. Key in the words below:


Explore scenic trails with breathtaking views as you travel through meadows, forests, streams and mountains in an off-road vehicle.

Self-guided tours available Open March through October All vehicles and gear provided

To book your adventure, call 555-8928!

4. After you are finished keying in the data above complete the following: ? Change the Font for the word Adventure to 72, Make the text Bold and Highlight Adventure with a light blue color ? Insert a picture between Adventure and Explore Scenic trails, you must get a picture of a mountain from the Internet ? Resize the picture to an appropriate and visually appealing size for your flyer ? Apply a Picture Effect from the picture tool format tab ? Apply a page border that is Orange ? Underline and Bold the Phone Number

? Center the page contents Vertically using the page layout tab and then choosing the page setup dialog box, Use the Layout tab to center

? Insert the word Today after the word trails on the first line

? Move the line that says Open-March through October to after the All vehicles and gear provided line

? Change the Font for all text other than the word Adventure to 28 and change the type to Times New Roman.

? Add a Company Name and Slogan using Word Art (they should be different but complimentary Word Art styles)


? Proofread and Save your Document

Flyer Project Part 2

? Go to the next page on your Word Document

? You will be creating a flyer for a restaurant that you will be opening. You are responsible for picking a name for the restaurant, a slogan for your restaurant, where the restaurant will be located, what you will serve and what the prices are.

? Your Flyer must contain the following:

? Name of the Restaurant ? Restaurant Slogan ? Address (street, City, State) ? Phone Number ? Pictures with picture effects appropriate for your restaurant ? Use the following formatting changes at least once in the flyer: Bold, Italics, Underline, Change

Font Size ? You must list at least 5 menu items with prices, these can be included in a special or as part of

your menu. ? At least 1 table ? Apply a page color ? Format the flyer so that it is attractive, eye-catching and easy to read

I will be grading you on the following: Did you include all the information that I asked for? Would this be a flyer that would catch my attention and make me want to pick it up and read it?

Resave your document and Submit


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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