TP-CASTT - Weebly

|TP-CASTT |Analysis |Notes – comment using the analysis instructions |Example – lines from the poem |

|Title |BEFORE reading, decide what you think the poem will |When I first read the title, I thought it would be about someone going through a lot of pain, and maybe thinking of |“Funeral” means death and pain and depression and the fact that the poet is |

| |be about, using the title ALONE |committing suicide. |talking about in the brain, I though of suicide. |

|Paraphrase |Summarize the poem either line-by-line or by stanza.|The speaker/poet feels a funeral inside of her head, and the other people there (the mourners) are walking around |n/a |

| | |randomly. And the people don’t stop walking and then she starts to believe that it’s actually happening. | |

| | |This seems like the beginning of the funeral and everyone is there, and the drum might represent her heart as if she’s | |

| | |getting a headache or her heart rate picks up. | |

| | |This is when it seems like the casket it being buried and the boots that the people are wearing are annoying her or are | |

| | |familiar. Also “Then space-began to toll” probably refers to a bell because sometimes a church bell goes off during a | |

| | |funeral, and thats what toll means. | |

| | |The bell is still going on and now I think it means that she feels lonely or empty. | |

| | |I think that she is so over taken with depression, sadness and shock, that she falls down, but it feels like she fell | |

| | |through a wooden floor. | |

|Connotation |Using the paraphrased version of the poem, decide |I think what the poet/author is trying to do is show the steps of a mental breakdown and she uses a funeral to represent|“And I dropped down, and down - |

| |what the OVERALL meaning of the poem is, BEYOND the |what it feels like to have this over powering depression that you can’t fight, things like this often lead to suicide. |And hit a World, at every plunge, |

| |surface meaning. | |And Finished knowing - then” |

|Attitude |Decide what the attitude or TONE of voice is |The tone of voice is very depressing, sad and powerful. And the words that are used paint a very distressing picture of |“Drum -Kept beating - beating - till I thought |

| |conveyed by the speaker and/or poet? Provide proof.|what she was feeling, and that it was comparable to a funeral. |My Mind was going numb-” |

| |Look for: euphony, cacophony, diction, mood | |“A creak across my soul” |

|Shifts |Take note of any shifts or changes in how the |There aren’t any shifts in the poem, the whole thing paints a very hellish, dark, depressing picture that would be |“And hit a World, at every plunge, |

| |speaker sounds, the poet’s attitude and tone of |absolutely horrible to experience. |And Finished knowing - then” |

| |voice. Provide proof. Look for: diction, line | | |

| |length, change in speaker, dialogue. | | |

|Title |Now that you’ve considered the poem in greater |My original thought of what the poem would be about was on the right track but I didn’t know that the picture the poet |“And then a Plank in Reason, broke, |

| |detail, have your thoughts on the title and its |was trying to paint would be so disturbing. The title definitely has a deeper meaning now. |And I dropped down, and down - |

| |meaning changed at all? Does the title have a | |And hit a World, at every plunge, |

| |stronger significance now? | |And Finished knowing - then” |

|Theme |Determine what themes the poet is trying to explore |The overall meaning or message of the poem is what it’s like to have this constant feeling of pain and always being sad |“And I dropped down, and down -” |

| |with this poem. Remember, theme is the overall |and that it’s just a horrible thing to have to deal with, and sometimes people think that the only way to escape it, is | |

| |message or topic of the poem. |to end their life. | |


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