Recruitment Registrar - SIUE

Recruitment Registrar


User Manual

Version 2.0

2nd May 2003


Jason Vipond, Joe Klug, Ajay Dharna, Jim Sodam


1. Student Pages

1. Student Logging into the system

2. Student Registering in the system

3. Student Personal Page

4. Student Sign-Up for event or editing signup information

5. Student Editing personal information

2. Administrative Pages

2.1 Student Functions

2.1.1 Add/Edit/Delete student on the site

2.1.2 Deleting all students past the deletion date

2.1.3 Register a student for an event

2.2 Event Functions

2.2.1 Add/Edit/Delete an Event

2.2.2 Link Event Information Event page to the System

2.2.3 Update student Attendance for an event

2.3 Reports

2.3.1 Count students by graduation date

2.3.2 Count students by Heard about how

2.3.3 Event statistics

2.3.4 List all students

2.3.5 Mailing labels

2.3.6 Personalized letters

2.3.7 Registrations by majors

2.3.8 Registrations by schools

2.3.9 Student List for event

2.3.10 Weekly event report

2.4 Misc

2.4.1 Add/Edit/Delete Administrative users

2.4.2 Add/Edit/Delete holidays

2.4.3 Add/Edit/Delete majors

2.4.4 Add/Edit/Delete majorlinks

2.4.5 Add/Edit/Delete schools

2.4.6 Downloading the entire database

Student Pages

These pages are for prospective student users who are interested in attending SIUE and want to register themselves for up-coming events created by the Admissions Marketing Department. These pages will be imbedded along with all of the other Admissions marketing Department web page. When a prospective student user tries registering for an event without being logged in or registered, they will be redirected to the student login page.

Student Logging into the system


Current user

The prospective student user types a username and password in the textboxes. If they have already registered into to the system, after entering their username and password, they will be directed to their personalized page

New user

If a prospective student user is registering on the web site for the first time, they can either click on the link on the top of the page or the “New User?” link at the bottom.

This directs the new user to the register page where they can register themselves onto the web site by providing some personal data. After successfully registering onto the web site, the system automatically logs them in and directs them to their personalized page

Forgotten password

If a current user has forgotten his/her password, they can click on the “Forgot password?” link at the bottom of the page. The system then requires the user to provide the username, and it automatically sends the user an email with a new dummy password. If they did not register an email account, then they are required to call the Admission Marketing Department for help with changing their password

1.2 Student registering in the system

New prospective student users who are registering onto the web site for the every first time use this page.


The users are required to enter the following fields: username, password, retype password, first name and last name. (An email address is recommended for password retrieval.)

Username cannot be duplicated, and so if the chosen username already exists, the user will be prompted to choose a different one.

The system will not successfully register a user until all the required data is entered and none of the data is invalid. After registering successfully, the new user is automatically logged into the system and directed to their personal page.

Student Personal Page

This is the page that a user is directed to when they are successfully logged into the system (if they were not previously trying to register for an event, in which case the user is forwarded to the registration page for that event).


Useful Links

Major Links

On the top left had corner of the page the students are provided with hyperlinks. These links are specific to the majors that the user specified when registering into the system. For example, if a user indicated an interest in Computer Science, the CAOS (Computer Association of Students) web link will be provided to them.

Major Events

These links direct the user to event information pages related to their specific major.

For example, a user who specifies an interest in Computer Science, a link to the SOE (School of Engineering) Open House event web page will be provided.

Change Info.

The user also has a change information link. This allows the user to go back and change their personal information in the system. When they click on this link they are directed to the register page where all their personal information is displayed in the fields. They are then able to edit their personal information and save it after they have made the necessary changes

Calendar for all events

This is a link to official SIUEvents web site where all up coming events at SIU can be viewed.


The user's personal page displays all the up-coming events for the Admissions Marketing Department. At the top middle, the web page displays all the events that the user is currently registered for, and at the bottom middle, it displays all the up-coming events.

The user is then able to either click the “more info” link for any of the events in order to view more information about the event. The user can also sign up for this event by clicking the “signup” link.

If the user was to try and sign up for an event that she is already registered for, the system simply displays the already existing information for that event. This allows the user to edit their information for that event or even unregister for that event.

She can also click on the “edit” link by the event that they are already registered for in order to edit their information for this event.

Other links


The system also provides the user with weather information for Edwardsville.

The Alestle

The Alestle is the SIUE newspaper.

Student Sign-Up for event or editing event information

Sign Up

When a prospective student wishes to sign up for an up-coming event they simply click the sign up link next to that event.

This displays a similar page as the one below:


The students are required to answer each of the questions provided then click on "send" in order to complete their registration for that event.

Once they have registered successfully, the following page is displayed.


This page is provided so that the user can print it out for confirmation that he/she did register for that event. The page also includes a link to SIUE campus maps web page. This helps in providing user with directions on how to get to the campus.

The user can also click on the link below that in order to return to their personal page.

NOTE: If the event becomes full or is full, the user will be informed that the event is full and he/she will be requested to sign-up for another time.

Edit event registration

Once the user has registered for an event, they can edit this information by clicking on the “edit” link by the event they event whose information they would like to edit. The user is directed to that event's sign up page, but with all the previously entered information already in the fields

The user is the able to both change their previously entered information and save it by clicking on “send”, or they can remove their registration for that event by clicking on “Remove Registration”.


Student Editing personal information

When the user clicks on the “Change Info” link on their personal page, they are directed to the register page with all their personal information displayed in the fields. The user can then change his/her personal information and save this information in the system again by pressing the “send” button.


Administrative Pages

Only administrative users can use these pages. There are two types of Administrative users: full administrative and read only administrative.

Administrative Login

The administrative users will have to log into the system in order to use it.


Forgot Password

If an administrative user was to forget his/her password, they will have to request a full administrative user to delete the admin from the system and register them again.

The full administrative users are able to change and edit information in the system. The read only users are only able to view certain information in the system. They are unable to edit any information in the system.

Full Administrative User Main Page

This provides the full administrative user with all the functions to add/edit/delete information in the system.


Read Only Administrative User Main Page

This provides the read only administrative user with functions to view information and not add/edit/delete information


Student Functions

1. Add/Edit/Delete student on the site

The full administrative user and the read only administrative user use this page.

Full Admin User


Add Student

The full administrative user can use this page to add students into the system. They must assign the student a username and password and enter in all of the other required fields in order to successfully register a new student. They then click the “save” button and are redirected to the Admin main page.

Edit Student

In order to edit the information of an already existing student, the admin user must perform a search. They simply enter fill in one of the fields, except password or retype password and hit search. This displays a list of the students found in the system who match the search criteria.

For example of search:


This page lists all students that match the search criteria. To edit the student’s information, select the student by clicking on the “edit” link. This returns the admin user to the add/edit/delete student page with all of that that student’s information already filled into the fields. The user is then able to edit the information and re-save it.

Delete Student

After searching for the student and returning to the add/edit/delete student page, the delete button becomes visible.


The user is then able to delete this student from the system by clicking the delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure about deletion before it actually occurs.

Read Only User

They are provided with the same add/edit/delete page, except the save and delete button are not visible.


This allows the read only user to be able to search for students and view their personal information in the same manner as the full admin user. They are however, unable to save any changes or delete the student from the system

2. Deleting all students past the deletion date

Only full administrative users use this page


When a student registers in the system, they are assigned a registration date and a deletion date that is set 2 years after they register. The full admin users are able to view all the students who are past their deletion date and decide whether they want to delete them from the system or extend their deletion date.

Delete Student

In order to delete the student from the system, the user simply checks the box next to the student and clicks the delete button.

Extend deletion date

To extend a student’s deletion date, the user selects the student(s) by clicking in the corresponding box, and then enters the number of days, months, or years that they want to extend the date by. They then click the extend button

View Student information

In order to get more information on a student, they can click on the username hyperlink of the student and a separate window opens displaying the student’s personal information.

2.1.3 Register a student for an event

Only full administrative users use this page.


Register student for an event

This page allows the admin user to be able to register a student for a particular event. The user can either enter the student’s username, or search for the student by clicking the “select student” link. This directs the user to the select student page where they can search for a student.

After selecting the student, the admin user must also provide the eventID for which they want to register the student or they can select an event by clicking on the “select event” link. This directs the user to the select/view page where they can select an event.

After the user has selected a student and an event, they click on the register button; this takes them to that events registration page. They are then required to fill in the necessary information in order to successfully register that student for that event.

After registering a student successfully the following page is displayed that confirms the registration.

NOTE: If the event becomes full or is full, the administrative user will be informed that the event is full and he/she will be requested to sign-up the student for another time.


Unregister student for an event

In order to unregister a student for an event, you would have to select the student and the eventID and click on unregister. This takes you to the registration page with all of that student’s event information already filled in the fields. The user can then simply click “Remove registration” in order to unregister that student for that event.

2.2 Event Functions

1. Add/Edit/Delete an Event

Only full administrative users use this page


Add an event

In order to add a new event into the system, the admin user must fill in all the required fields.

They are required to give the event a title. The user can then enter in either a single date or a range of date for that event. They are allowed to enter multiple numbers of dates or multiple ranges of date. However, for each one they must provide at least a start time.

As the user adds dates to the events, they will be listed above. The user can also check the days or holidays box so that the event will not be scheduled for that day or on that holiday.

After the user has entered all the dates, they then provide a brief description for the event. They also then provide a link to the web page where the students will be able to get more information about this event.


The admin user must also specify the capacity of this for this event and select what major it is associated with.

Finally the user can add special fields to the event.

For example, if the admin user wanted to know which food is preferred for lunch, they could specify the field name as Lunch and give the choices as chicken,steak. The user can choose the type of choice. If they choose single choice, these choices will be displayed with radial buttons. If they choose multiple choices, it will be displayed with check boxes, etc

The user can either click save to create this new event, or cancel to return to the main page without creating the new event.

Edit an event

When the user wants to edit an event, he/she is provided with this page:


If the user clicks cancel, it returns them to the admin main page. If the user wants to edit an event, she first must select an event from the drop down box, and then click edit.

This page displays that event’s information


It shows all the information on that event. The user is then able to enter in new date, change the description, and/or add new field or edit the already existing fields.

Once the user has made his/her changes, they can save these by pressing the save button.

Delete an event

The user has to select the event that he/she wants to delete from the drop down box. After selecting the event, they simply press delete and the event is deleted. This page also displays on the top which event was just deleted.

The user presses the cancel button to return to the admin main page.


2.2.2 Link Event Information Event page to the System

When the administrative user creates a new event, they provide the URL link to a more information page. In order to incorporate this page into the system, the ‘register’ link on the more information page must be named as follows:

Where, events_ID is the event ID for that particular event.

NOTE: An administrative user can retrieve the event ID for a particular event by clicking on the Edit Event link and looking up that particular event in the list provided.

2.2.3 Update student Attendance for an event

Only full administrative users use this page


The user first has to select the event for which he/she wants to update whether or not the students attended. They select the event from the drop down box and press submit.

After having down that, the next page displays all the students who are currently registered for that event and whether or not they have attended it. (by default, attended field is ‘No’)


The user can then update the students attended field by checking the student and pressing the “attended” button. This will change the attended field for those students to a ‘Yes’.

The user can also check students and press the “did not attend” button. This will in turn change all the attended fields for those students to a ‘No’.

The user can click on the cancel button to return to the previous page.

2.3 Reports

Both the Full admin users and the read only admin users view all of the report pages.

1. Count students by graduation date

This page is used to display the count students by their graduation date.


The user can click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.


2.3.2 Count students by Heard about how

This page displays the count of students by how they heard about the events.


The user can click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.


2.3.3 Event statistics

This page will display the statistics for a particular event. The user selects an event from the drop down box and clicks on the save report button.

The system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

Sample event statistics

Southern Illinois University


April 23, 2003

SUBJECT: Fireworks at SIUC Statistics

Here are the statistics gleaned from the Event Registration database:


| | | | |

|Township |1 |SIUC |1 |

| | | | |

|No. of High Schools |1 |Total Registrations |1 |

| | |No Shows |1 |

| | |Total Attended |0 |

| | | | |


| | | | |


|Music |0 |Anthropology |0 |

| | |Art |0 |

|EDUCTATION |0 |Mathematics |0 |

| | | | |


|Computer Science |0 |Business |0 |

| | |Management Information Systems |0 |


|Accountancy |0 |SCHOOL OF NURSING |1 |

|Actuarial Science |0 |Nursing |1 |

|Art Education |0 | | |

|Biology, Ecology/Evolution/Environment |0 | | |

|Biology, Genetic Engineering |0 | | |

|Biology, Medical Science |0 | | |

|Biology, Medical Technology |0 | | |

|Business Admin, Economics |0 | | |

|Business Administration, General |0 | | |

|Business Economics & Finance |0 | | |

|Business, Comp. Mgmt Info Syst |0 | | |

|Business, Entrepreneurship |0 | | |

|Business, Finance |0 | | |

|Business, Human Resource Management |0 | | |

|Business, International |0 | | |

|Business, Management |0 | | |

|Business, Management Information Systems |0 | | |

|Business, Marketing |0 | | |

|Chemistry, General |0 | | |

|Chemistry, Medical Science |0 | | |

|Chiropractic |0 | | |

|Computer Science |0 | | |

|Criminal Justice |0 | | |

|Education |0 | | |

|Education, Early Childhood |0 | | |

|Education, Elementary |0 | | |

|Education, General Science |0 | | |

|Education, Health |0 | | |

|Education, Physical |0 | | |

|Engineering |0 | | |

|Engineering, Civil |0 | | |

|Engineering, Computer |0 | | |

|Engineering, Construction |0 | | |

|Engineering, Elec/Comp Engr |0 | | |

|Engineering, Electrical |0 | | |

|Engineering, Industrial |0 | | |

|Engineering, Mechanical |0 | | |

|English |0 | | |

|General Biology |0 | | |

|Geography |0 | | |

|German |0 | | |

|History |0 | | |

|Liberal Studies |0 | | |

|Management Information Systems |0 | | |

|Mass Communications |0 | | |

|Mathematical Studies |0 | | |

|Mathematical Studies/Math Studies |0 | | |

|Music Education |0 | | |

|Music Merchandising |0 | | |

|Music Performance |0 | | |

|Music Theory & Composition |0 | | |

|Music, Jazz Performance |0 | | |

|Nursing (Pre-Clinical) |0 | | |

|Nursing (Pre-Clinical) |0 | | |

|Nursing, RN Baccalaureate Completion |0 | | |

|Pharmacy |0 | | |

|Physics |0 | | |

|Political Science |0 | | |

|Pre-Dental |0 | | |

|Psychology |0 | | |

|Social Work |0 | | |

|Sociology |0 | | |

|Spanish |0 | | |

|Special Ed, Dual Certificate |0 | | |

|Special Ed., Learning Disabled |0 | | |

|Speech Communication |0 | | |

|Speech Pathology & Audiology |0 | | |

|Studio Art & Design |0 | | |

|Studio Art & Design |0 | | |

|Theater |0 | | |

|Theater Design/Technical |0 | | |

|Theater Performance |0 | | |

|Theater, Dance |0 | | |

|Undecided |0 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|1979 |1 | | |

| | | | |

|HEARD ABOUT Fireworks at SIUC | | | |

|friends |1 | | |

2.3.4 List all students

This page lists all the students that are currently registered in the system. They are separated according to the first letter of their last name. The default is set to ‘A’. In order to view other students, click on the letter links above to view student whose last name begin with that letter.

In order to view all the students at once, click on the “show all” link. This will display all the students in the system on one page.


The user can click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

5. Mailing labels

When the Admin user wants to generate mailing labels, they first have to select whether they want to create the mailing labels for all students in the system, or want to create it by event.

If they select by an event, they also have the possibility of choosing all students registered for that event or only the ones who did/did not attend the event.


After the user has made his/her decision, they click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

Sample mailing labels

|Ashley L. Aaron | |Zach I. Anderson | |

|407 E. Matthew St. | |1605 Cloverdale | |

|Sesser, IL 62884 | |Newton, IL 62448 | |

|Angela M. Barbeau | |Colin H. Barlow | |

|2427 West Main St. | |10 Parkrose Ct. | |

|Belleville, IL 62226 | |Ballwin, MO 63011 | |

2.3.6 Personalized letters

The user first has to create a template .rtf document with certain flags. This document is then saved and is used to create the personalized letter.

List all flags that can be used!

State that letter must be in

Sample template


After the user has created the template letter and saved it, he can then click on the “browse…” button so that he can let the system know where the template letter is. After locating the letter and clicking on “submit”, the user is then sent to the next page where he/she has to select whether they want to create the personalized letters for all students in the system, or want to create it by event.

If they select by an event, they also have the possibility of choosing all students registered for that event or only the ones who did/did not attend the event.


After the user has made his/her decision, they click on the submit button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

Sample personalized letters

SIUE Admissions Marketing

Southern IL University – Edwardsville

Edwardsville, IL 62242

John Smith

Edwardsville, IL 62026

Ms. Smith:

This is a letter for you! You went to high school and graduated on . You went to college. Your preferred majors are Business, Marketing and Computer Science. We will contact you by your email, john@hotmail, or by phone, .



-----------------------------------------------------page break--------------------------------------------------

SIUE Admissions Marketing

Southern IL University – Edwardsville

Edwardsville, IL 62242

Amber Jansen

15080 Hollow Hills Drive

Bartelso, IL 62218

Ms. Jansen:

This is a letter for you! You went to high school and graduated on 5/1/2003. You went to college. Your preferred majors are Nursing and Music. We will contact you by your email, , or by phone, .



NOTE: Along with the personalized letter, the original template that was used to create the personalized letter will also be displayed at the end of the document.

2.3.7 Registrations by majors

The user is displayed a page that contains all the majors.


If the user was to select a certain major, the page displays all the students who selected that major when registering.


The user can then click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

This file shows all the students in the system that had selected a major, and shows each major on a separate page.

2.3.8 Registrations by schools

The user is displayed a page that contains all the schools.


If the user was to select a certain school, the page displays all the students who selected majors that correspond to that school.


The user can click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

This file shows all the students in the system who belong to a certain school, and shows each school on a separate page.

2.3.9 Student List for event

This allows the user to get a list of all the students who are registered for a certain event.

The user must first select an event from the list and click on “get list”.


After this, the page displays all the students who had registered for that event. They are separated according to the first letter of their last name. The default is set to ‘A’. In order to view other students, click on the letter links above to view student whose last name begin with that letter.


In order to view all the students at once, click on the “show all” link. This will display all the students in the system on one page.

The user can click on the save button, the system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

This file shows all the students in the system, who are registered for that event.

10. Weekly event report

This page will display the weekly report for a particular event. They user selects an event from the drop down box and click on the save report button.

The system generates an RTF document with this information and the file download window will open allowing the user to either open the file or save it in a particular location.

Sample weekly report

Southern Illinois University


April 23, 2003

SUBJECT: Fireworks at SIUC Registrations Weekly Report

|Registrations |1 |

|Male |0 |

|Female |1 |

|Total registrations from MO |0 |

|Total registrations from IL |0 |

|Total registrations in high school |0 |

|Total registrations in college |1 |

|Major (specify categories) | |

| | |

|0 sciences |0 health education |

|0 business |0 music performance |

|0 engineering |0 music merchandising |

|0 computer science/engineering |0 history |

|0 social sciences |0 education |

|0 dental |0 english |

|1 nursing |0 political science |

|0 mass communication |0 art |

|0 theatre |0 museum science |

|0 math studies |0 liberal studies |

|Total guests |0 |

|Last contact via: | |

| | |

|friends |1 |

2.4 Misc

Only full administrative users use this page

2.4.1 Add/Edit/Delete Administrative users

All fields are required on this page


Add new administrative user

When adding a new administrative user, you must provide a username and a password for the new user. Then select the level you want the new user to be: Full Administrative User, or a Read Only Administrative User.

Then press the Add button and the new user will be successfully added into the system.

Editing an existing user

The only change that can be made is to change an existing user’s level from full admin to read only admin or vice versa. Select the appropriate user from the list provided and change their level. Then press the save button to successfully save the change made for that user.

Deleting an administrative user

To delete an administrative user, select the appropriate user from the list provided and press the corresponding delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure that they want to delete this student, before the student is deleted from the system.

2.4.2 Add/Edit/Delete holidays

Full Administrative User

All fields on this page are required.


Add a new holiday

To add a new holiday, enter the holiday name and enter a range or a single date. For example, mm/dd/yyyy OR mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy.

In order to successfully enter the holiday into the system press the add button. The new holiday should appear in the list of existing holidays below.

Editing an existing holiday

To change the name or date of a particular holiday, select the appropriate holiday and either rename it or change the date for that holiday. After making the appropriate changes press the save button for that particular holiday. This will then save the change made to that holiday into the system.

Deleting a holiday

To delete a holiday, select the appropriate holiday from the holiday list and press the corresponding delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure that they want to delete this holiday, before the holiday is deleted from the system.

Read Only Administrative user


Read Only Administrative Users are only able to view all the holidays in the system. They are unable to add/edit/delete the holidays.

2.4.3 Add/Edit/Delete majors

Full Administrative User

All fields are required on this page


Add a new major

To add a new major into the system, first enter a major code, and the name of the major. Then you must select which school this major will belong to from the school list provided. Then press the add button and this new major will appear in the existing list below, indicating that it has been entered into the system.

Editing an existing major

To change a particular major, change the information for that major in the existing list below. After you are satisfied with the changes that you made to that particular major, press the corresponding save button for that major. This changes and saves the changes that you made to that major into the system.

Delete a major

To delete a major, select the appropriate major from the existing major list below and press the corresponding delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure that they want to delete this major, before the major is deleted from the system.

Read Only Administrative user


Read Only Administrative Users are only able to view all the majors in the system. They are unable to add/edit/delete the majors.

2.4.4 Add/Edit/Delete majorlinks

Full Administrative User

All fields on this page are required


Add a new majorlink

To add a new majorlink, first you must select a major from the major list provided, and then you must enter a link label and a URL to the link. Then press the add button to successfully enter this new majorlink into the system.

Editing an existing majorlink

To change a particular majorlink, change the information for that majorlink in the existing list below. After you are satisfied with the changes that you made to that particular majorlink, press the corresponding save button for that majorlink. This records the changes and saves them into the system.

Delete a majorlink

To delete a majorlink, select the appropriate majorlink from the existing majorlink list below and press the corresponding delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure that they want to delete this majorlink, before the majorlink is deleted from the system.

Read Only Administrative user


Read Only Administrative Users are only able to view all the major links in the system. They are unable to add/edit/delete the major links.

2.4.5 Add/Edit/Delete schools

Full Administrative User

All fields on this page are required


Add a new school

To add a new school into the system, you must first provide a school code and then enter in a school name. Then press the add button to successfully enter the new school into the system.

Editing an existing school

To change a particular school in the system, change the information for that school in the existing list of school below and press the corresponding save button for that school. This records the changes and save them into the system.

Delete a school

To delete a school, select the appropriate school from the existing school list below and press the corresponding delete button. The admin user has to confirm on the pop-up box that they are sure that they want to delete this school, before the school is deleted from the system.

Read Only Administrative user


Read Only Administrative Users are only able to view all the schools in the system. They are unable to add/edit/delete the schools.

2.4.6 Downloading the entire database

This enables the user to download the entire database. After clicking on the link, a file download window will appear asking whether you would like to open the file or save it. It is recommended that you save the database on your hard drive before opening it. Select the save button and indicate the destination where you would like to save this file.


It is recommended that back up of the database a kept on a regular bases. After downloading the entire database, the user is then able to open and view it. However, they are unable to upload the entire database.


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