Table Of Contents

Image Everywhere Suite

Table Of Contents

Overview of Image Everywhere Suite

Upgrading from IMEV 3.19 or lower

Configuring Image Everywhere Server

Working with Imaging Folders

Working with Access Control Lists

Working with Users

Working with Global Indexes

Importing and Backing up Data

Restoring from a Backup

Setting up Image Everywhere Web Application

Technical Support

Overview of Image Everywhere Suite

Starting with version 3.50 of Image Everywhere Suite, Microsoft SQL Server is used for all database storage. For users of Image Everywhere 3.19 or lower, see the topic Upgrading from Imev 3.19 or Lower.

You may also use MSDE (Microsoft Desktop Engine), which is functionally equivalent to SQL Server, however it has some limitations. See Microsoft's web site for information on the differences between SQL server and MSDE.

If you would like to use MSDE, and don't have a copy please contact our Technical Support department. As a developer, we are licensed to distribute MSDE with our application.

Image Everywhere does not need to be running on the same machine as SQL Server.

Image Everywhere allows you to define folders to store images in. Within each folder, custom fields can be defined for imaging lookup and data entry.

Tiff images can be OCR'd to help assist the data entry or keying process. Image Everywhere also supports reading Code 39 (3 of 9) barcodes.

Image Everywhere Suite comes with a web application that runs in IIS to allow browser access to folders and images.

An upload utility is included which can be configured to scan a directory and upload files to the imaging server. This can very useful if you have a scanner that FTP's your images to a server.

An Active-X interface is included for uploading, downloading, retrieving, and editing records on the imaging server. You can use this tool to create custom programs that access the imaging server.

Also included with the client, is an AS/400 to Imaging linking program. If you are using Client Access, this program can be configured to watch for certain AS/400 screens and retrieve an image based on values on the screen when a hot key is hit.


Upgrading from IMEV 3.19 or Lower

If you are upgrading from Image Everywhere 3.19 or lower, you will need to run the Upgrade2SQL.exe program to migrate your database settings to SQL server.

In the directory where you installed ImevSuite, run the program Upgrade2SQL.exe


Click on the Database Settings button.


For the ImevPath: enter the path to where your older version of Image Everywhere was installed. Now, enter the SQL Server name, the username and password to logon with, and check the Use NT Authentication check box if your SQL server is configured to use Windows accounts. Be sure the user has permissions set to be able to create databases.

Enter the path on the SQL server machine where you want the SQL data and log files stored.

(Be sure this directory exists on the machine that is running SQL server)

Click test settings to make sure the program can actually log in to SQL server.

Click OK.

The next step is to click the Import Database Button. At this time your database configuration and data will be migrated to the SQL server. Your image files will be left as they were on the hard drive.

If you run into any errors or trouble do not hesitate to call Technical Support for help.


Configuring Image Everywhere

After installing Image Everywhere Suite, click on the Image Everywhere Management Console shortcut. This should be installed under start/programs/Image Everywhere Suite.

This will bring up the Management Console shown below.


Configuring Database Settings and Authorization:

Click on the System button. This will bring up the system configuration screen shown below.


Database Settings:

Server Name: Name of the SQL server that you want to store the imaging databases on.

User Name: Name of the user account that Image Everywhere will use to log into the SQL server.

Password: Password to use when logging into SQL server.

Use NT Authentication: Check this box if you have SQL server configured to use windows logon accounts.

Click the verify settings button to test the connection.

Next, click the Create/Update Database button to create the database on the server.


If this is your first time installing Image Everywhere, then you will need to get an Authorization Number from Electronic Storage Corp. To get an authorization, copy the System Serial Number into an e-mail along with your name, company name, and phone number. Send the request to register@. You may also call Technical Support to request this.

Click on the OK button to save changes. If the Imaging Server was running, you will need to stop and re-start it before the changes take effect.

Configuring Image Everywhere Server:

Image Everywhere Server handles client connections from IMEV Scan and IMEV Scan Pro.

To configure Image Everywhere Server, Click on the Manage button for IMEV Server.


This will bring up the IMEV Server management screen shown below.


This screen shows current connections to Image Everywhere Server and allows you to change the server configuration and view log files.

Click the Configuration button.


IMEV Server listens on port 3000 by default. You can change this port. If you do, you must change the port on IMEV Scan and IMEV Scan Pro in order to connect to the server.

The Keep Logs option specifies how many days to keep log files.

Configuring Image Everywhere Spooler.

Image Everywhere Spooler handles e-mail requests from the Image Everywhere Web Client.

To configure the Image Everywhere Spooler, click on the Manage Button for IMEV Spooler.


The Image Everywhere Spooler Management screen will be displayed.


Click the Configuration button.


Enter the IP or DNS name for your SMTP Server and the SMTP Port (default is 25).

For the Keep Logs field, enter the number of days you wish to keep IMEV Spooler Logs.


Working with Imaging Folders

The next step in configuring your Image Everywhere Server is setting up folders to store the scanned documents (or other files).

Each folder can have a set of fields for data associated with each document. In most cases you will store one type of document in a folder.

From the main Management Console screen, click the Folders button.


This will bring up the Folder Config screen shown below.


Adding a Folder Entry:

Click the Add Folder button to add a new folder.

The Folder Properties dialog will be displayed.


Enter a folder name and a folder description. The description is what the end user will see in their list of folders.

For the image backup path field, enter the path were the images for the folder should be backed up to. You can leave it blank if you don't yet know. Keep in mind that this must be a path on the machine where Image Everywhere is running.

In the database backup path field, enter the path where you want the SQL server backup files to be stored for this folder. Keep in mind that this must be a path on the machine that is running SQL server. Make sure this path exists on the SQL server machine.

Each folder is stored in it's own database on the SQL server. All the databases that Image Everywhere creates are prefixed with "IMEV_". The configuration database is "IMEV_Master" all folder databases are named "IMEV_[Folder Name]"

When a new folder is added, the physical database file and the log file are added in the SQL Datapath defined in the System Config screen. The files are named IMEV_[folder name].SQLDataFile and IMEV_[folder name].SQLLogFile

Click on OK to add the new folder.

Editing a Folder:

To edit a folder, simply select the folder in the list and click on the Edit Folder button.

Note: If you change the Folder Name, the database name in SQL server will change to IMEV_[new folder name] however the SQL data file and SQL log file name will not be changed.

Deleting A Folder:

To delete a folder, simply select the folder from the list and click the delete button. You will be prompted to confirm this action. You will also be asked if you wish to delete the images from the image paths. Answering yes to this prompt will delete all images from all image paths defined for the selected folder.

Configuring Allowed File Types:

After creating a folder, you will need to specify what kinds of files can be stored in the folder.

Click the Allowed File Types button to bring up the dialog below.


Select a file extension from the list, or type one in manually and enter the description. If you would like to have the file stored in a compressed format, check the compress option. Click on add to add the new file type. Selecting the compress option will cause files of that type to be stored in a proprietary compression format when IMEV Server writes the file to the disk. IMEV Server will automatically decompress the file on the fly when sending it back to the client.

If a user is going to be scanning images in from a scanner, then you will need to add the TIF file type.

Adding an Image Path:

The next step is to define the path where the images for the folder will be stored.

Click on the Add Image Path button to add an image path.


For each folder there is only one write path. This is the path where new images are stored.

There can be multiple read paths defined per folder. No new images are written to a read path.

This is useful if you want to store images on CD-Rom, or your disk fills up and you want to add another disk or specify a new write path for the folder.

Editing an Image Path:

You can edit an image path by simply clicking on the Edit Image Path button and typing in a new path.

This will only change the path, if you have images in the old path, you will need to use windows and either rename the folder they are in or copy them to the new image path.

For example if you had an image path of C:\Images\Folder1\Path1 and you change the image path to D:\Images\Folder1\Path1, you would need to then copy the images from C:\Images\Folder1\Path1 to D:\Images\Folder1\Path1

Deleting an Image Path:

To delete an image path, simply select the path you wish to delete and click the Delete Image Path button. You will be asked if you want to also delete the images from the path. Answering yes will remove all images in that path. Answering no will leave the images on the disk and only remove the path definition from the database.

Adding Fields:

To add a field to the selected folder, click on the Add Field button. The field properties dialog will be displayed.


Enter a field name and select the data type it should hold. Enter a field size if it's a text field and then click OK.

You may also enter allowed values. Enter one value on each line. When the end user is entering data into this field, a drop down list will be displayed.

If you check the "Lock Allowed Values" option, then the end user can only select from values that are entered in the allowed values text box.

If you wish to build and index on this field, click the Indexed button. This will create a standard SQL server index on the field.

Editing a Field:

To edit a field, click on the field you want to edit and click the Edit Field button.

The field properties dialog will be displayed.

Make any changes you wish and then click on OK.

If you change the data type of a field or the field name, the system will copy the existing fields to a temporary field, make the changes, then copy the data back into the newly changed field.

If you change the name of a field, you will need to update any ACL that references that field.

Deleting a Field:

To delete a field, select the field from the list and click the Delete Field button.


Working With Access Control Lists (ACL’s)

Access Control Lists define which users can access which folders and what they can do in those folders. Multiple users can use the same ACL which allows you to create group style ACL's. For example everyone in the accounting department could have the same ACL.

To manage ACL’s, click the ACL button on the Management Console.


This will display the Access control list management screen.


On the right side of the screen, you will see all defined folders. Below each folder are options for what a user can do with images in the folder as well as what fields the user can view and or edit.

Start by dragging and dropping a folder over to the left side of the screen.

Now drag and drop the image options you want the user or group of users to have.

Next drag the fields you want the use to be able to see.

On the left side, below each field is an option to allow the user to edit. Double click the edit option to change it from yes to no.

The constraints option allows you to limit what records a user can view based on values in the records. To define record constraints, double click the Constraints Icon and the following dialog box will be displayed.


In the above example, any user who has this acl assigned to them would only be able to see records where the Customer_Name field is equal to the value "John Smith".

Click on OK to save the constraint.

After you are finished defining an ACL, click on the Save or Save As button to save the ACL.

Click the Exit button when you are done defining ACLS. When working with users, you will be able to choose an ACL.


Working With Users

Click the Users button on the Management Console to work with users.


The user configuration dialog will be displayed.


To add a new user account, click the New User button. The user properties screen will be displayed.


Enter the user name, password and e-mail address. Select the ACL for this user.

If you would like to authenticate the user against your Windows NT/2000 domain, enter the domain name and check the “Use NT Authentication” check box.

If using the NT auth option, you do not need to enter a password.

Note: When authenticating against the NT domain, the user’s password is case sensitive.

Click OK to save the changes.

To edit a user, select the user from the list and click on the Edit User button.

To delete one or more users, select the user or users from the list, and click the Delete User button.

If you would like to update multiple user accounts at once, select one ore more users from the list and click the Batch Update button.


Enter the field values, and check the update option for each field you wish to change. Click OK to make the changes to the selected user accounts.


Working with Global Indexes

Global indexes can be defined to allow a user to search on a field that occurs in more than one folder. For example if you have several folders with the field Customer_Number, you could search for a customer number and see documents in several folders that were associated with that customer number

To define global indexes, click Global Index button on the Management Console.



To define a global index, the field that is common between one or more folders must have the same name.

To add a global index, select a folder and a field and click the Add button.

Next select another folder and field and click the Add button.


Each folder you add that has identical field names will be searched when a search is performed on that particular global index field.

If you are defining a link between LaserVault and Imaging, enter the LaserVault Key Name when adding or updating a global index entry. When the imaging button is clicked in LaserVault, LaserVault Client launches the imaging client and performs a global search.

To be able to link values from LaserVault Web Client to the Imaging Web Client, enter the URL to the Imaging Web Client. When the Link button is click in LaserVault Web Client, the Imaging web client will be launched and will perform a global index lookup on the current key value from LaserVault.

To remove a global index entry, click on the entry and then click the Remove button.

Click the OK button when you are finished.


Importing and Backing Up Data

Importing Data:

In the folder configuration screen. There is a button labeled Import Images. Click on this button if you wish to add a large number of images from the system

The import screen will be displayed.


To select more than one file at a time, use the shift or control key while clicking on the files to import.

Click the import button to import the images.

Backing Up a Folder:

To backup a folder, select the folder in the list and click the Backup Folder button.


There are two types of backups that can be performed.

A full backup will backup all images in a folder.

An incremental backup will only backup images that have been added or have been modified since the last backup.

In both cases, the entire folder database as well as the configuration database are backed up to the database backup path and are stored as SQL backup files.

Note: The Image backup path is relative to the machine where Image Everywhere is running, the Database backup path is relative to the machine where SQL server is running.


Restoring From a Backup

In the event that you have a database become corrupted, or a system crash, you can restore from the last backup.

If you are already using a third party's backup software, then you should use that software to restore the system or databases.

If you are using the backup process built into Image Everywhere, then follow these steps:

During this process, do not hesitate to call Technical Support for help if you have any questions or get confused in any way.

(Note this assumes you are using SQL server. If you are using MSDE, then contact Technical Support for help on restoring your backup.)

Start Microsoft's SQL Enterprise Manager.

Select the SQL server, and select Databases. Right Click and Select All Tasks, then Restore Database. (You can also click on the Action menu, then All Tasks, then Restore Database.)


The Restore Dialog will be shown.


If you have not suffered a complete system crash, then you might see the backup in the list. If so, you can select the backup from the list and click on OK. Select the backup for IMEV_Master first. This is the master configuration database that holds the information for all folders, users, acls, etc. In the Restore as database field, enter IMEV_MASTER.

Next, restore the folder database.


The folder database will be named IMEV_[Folder name].

In the restore as database field, type the name IMEV_[folder name] be sure to include all underscore characters.

Click ok to restore the backup.

If your system crashed completely and you had to re-install SQL server, then the backups will not be displayed in the list.

You will need to select the Restore From Device option as shown below:


Click the Select Devices button:


Select the Disk device, then click the Add Button.


Select the File name option and click the browse button. Browse to the backup file. The backup file is named with the following convention: The master database backup is YYYYMMDD-IMEV_Master.SQLBackup.

Example: 20020830-IMEV_Master.SQLBackup.

After clicking ok to the dialog boxes, the database will be restored.

There is a backup file for each folder as well, go through the above steps and this time select the folder backup file. Click ok for each dialog. Be sure the proper folder database name is entered in the Restore As Database field.


Click OK to restore the database.

Once you have the databases restored, you may need to copy the images from the backup. If you did not have a complete system crash and the images were not lost, then you won't need to restore the images.

If you do need to restore the images, copy the images from the backup folder to the image path.

Note: The images are stored in folders prefixed with the letter I and a number I0, I1, I2 etc. There are 500 images in each sub folder. Select all the "I" folders and copy them into the image path.

For example if you image backup path is D:\Imagebackup\TestFolder1 and your Image path is C:\Images\TestFolder1, then you would need to select and copy all the I(number) folders from D:\ImageBackup\TestFolder1 and past them into C:\Images\TestFolder1


Setting Up Image Everywhere Web Application

If you wish to be able to lookup images from a web browser, then you will need to setup the Image Everywhere Web Application.

This application requires that you have IIS with ASP (Active Server Pages) enabled.

Start Internet Services Manager.


Select the web site under which you wish to add the ImevWeb application.

Then click Action and then New, Virtual Directory. (You can also right click on the web site and select New, then Virtual Directory)


The Virtual Directory (web application) wizard will start.

For the alias, enter ImevWeb. (You can actually name this anything you like just remember what you name because to login from a web browser, you will need to specify )


Next, enter the path where the imev web files are installed. If you took the defaults they are located in Program files\ImevServer\ImevWeb


On the final screen, you will need to enabled Read Access and Script access. You should not need any other options.


Click the finish button to complete the operation.

After completing this step, you can access the Image Everywhere Web Client at:



http://[ip address]/imevweb/imevweb.asp

If you chose a different alias for the web application the address would be similar to:

http://[sitename or ip]/[alias]/imevweb.asp


Technical Support


Electronic Storage Corporation

9810 E 42nd Street, Suit 102

Tulsa, OK 74146

For information on our products please visit , or e-mail our sales staff at mailto:sales@.

For Technical Support, you can e-mail our support staff at mailto:support@

Main Phone: (800)444-6283

Technical Support: (877)825-2244

Fax Number: (918)663-8022


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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