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Photoshop LessonBrushes/ PaintbrushHelpful Videos/ Sites Assignment 1:Tools Needed: Select-Color Range, PaintbrushTask 1: Download Abe LincolnTask 2: Select-Color Range the black parts of Abe LincolnTask 3: Set the foreground to white then delete the black part of Abe Lincoln so you have a selection of his faceTask 4: Use a basic paint brush with various colors to mimic the effect (Hint adjust opacity and flow on the top to desired effect)*Save all images in Google drive under Photoshop Folder- Your Period – First Name Last Name as file nameBrush Assignment 2:Tools Needed: Magic Wand Tool, Paintbrush, Overlay Mode ( On Top bar)Task 1: Download Abe LincolnTask 2: Using the magic wand tool select Lincoln’s jacketTask 3: Using the paintbrush set on Overlay paint the jacket violet, bow tie green, and hair yellow*Save all images in Google drive under Photoshop Folder- Your Period – First Name Last Name as file nameBrush Assignment 3:Tools Needed: Magnetic Lasso Tool, Paintbrush, All paintbrush modes Task 1: Download Abe LincolnTask 2: Magnetic Lasso Lincoln’s head and body then Select- InverseTask 3: The foreground to white then delete the backgroundTask 4: Use a basic paint brush with various colors and modes to “paint the background”*Save all images in Google drive under Photoshop Folder- Your Period – First Name Last Name as file nameBrush Assignment 4:Tools Needed: Select-Color Range, Paintbrush, Edit- Define Brush PresetTask 1: Download Abe LincolnTask 2: Use the Select-Color Range Tool to select the black part of the photo, try to get an accurate selection of all the black areasTask 3: Go to the top menu Edit-Define Brush Preset to create an Abe Lincoln brush Task 4: Go to File- New. Select the Preset U.S. PaperTask 5: Use various colors and the new Abe Lincoln brush to mimic the final version (For my final I used red + green, yellow + Purple, Orange + blue, purple + green)*Save all images in Google drive under Photoshop Folder- Your Period – First Name Last Name as file name ................

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