Sample Reference Check Questions (http://jobsearch

Sample Reference Check Questions for ___________________________________ of __________________________________________ Church(Position)Reference of: ____________________________________________________________________ Form Completed by:______________________________________________________________Please assist our search team by answering the following as fully and openly as possible. Your answers will be held in strictest confidence.Questions for a Reference from a church/Christian perspective (choose the ones you like, or revise to fit your situation)How long have you known the candidate and under what circumstances?What do you consider the candidate’s strengths in ministry?What do you consider the candidate’s weaknesses in ministry?What can you tell us about the candidate’s family? How does the family contribute to their ministry?Have they developed close friendships with other people in the church and community? How so?What can you share with us about the candidate’s moral conduct, character and ethics?What are the character qualities that you appreciate most about the candidate?How does their personality affect most people?How do you rate this person’s decision-making abilities?How well does the candidate accept suggestions or advice?If a church became dissatisfied with this person’s ministry over time, in what area would you suspect that dissatisfaction might arise?What do you assume will be the greatest challenge for the candidate in this position?In what capacity of the church have you particularly worked with this person? (i.e. Sunday School, Discipleship Training, Deacon, choir, committee, MIBC, Convention, other)How did this person relate to you and your group in the area of your involvement as mentioned above? Describe the candidate’s relational and interpersonal skills with those in authority, community and church peers, and staff.Do this prospect's sermons have substance? Are the sermons delivered in a manner which holds the attention of the congregation?How do you think the average listener would describe this person’s preaching presence, style, and effectiveness?Do they exhibit a vision for doing God's work? Can they share their vision enthusiastically?Does the prospect organize and challenge others and communicate well with committees and offices of the church?Describe the prospect’s involvement in ongoing mission activities.Describe their written and verbal communication skills, and which one is his strongest suit?Describe a time when the candidate was unsuccessful or a major decision went against him – how was this situation handled?Describe the candidate’s sensitivity and effectiveness in ministering across age groups, an educational and economic diverse congregation, mature and young Christians, a seeker community, and cross-cultural community.Define or articulate the candidate’s core theology? What is not in his core?In what ways do you think the candidate can help our church accomplish our purposes?Please describe this person’s congregational and staff leadership abilities?Is this candidate a team player? Can you illustrate?Comment on the flexibility of this candidateWhat evidence have you seen that the candidate seeks God’s direction and help in all of his ministry decisions?If you were on the selection committee, is there anything about the candidate that we have not discussed that you would want to know?If you were looking for a Lead Pastor for your church, would you consider this person as a prime prospect? Why or why not?Questions for a Reference from an employer perspective:When did the candidate work for your company? Could you confirm starting and ending employment dates? When did they leave the company?Why did they leave the company?What was the candidate’s starting and ending salary?What was the candidate’s position? Can you describe the job responsibilities?Could I briefly review _____________ resume? Does the job title and job description match the position that they held?Did the candidate miss a lot of work? Were they frequently late? Were there any issues you are aware of that impacted their job performance?Did the candidate get along well with management and co-workers?Were they promoted while with your company?Did they supervise other employees? How effectively? If I spoke to those employees, how do you think they would describe the candidate’s management style?How did they handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress?Did you evaluate the candidate’s performance? Can you speak to their strong and weak points? What was noted as needing improvement during this performance review?What was their biggest accomplishment while working for your company? Would you rehire the candidate if the opportunity arose? If I describe the position we are hiring for to you, could you describe how good a fit you think they would be for the position? Can you describe this person's experience working as a member of a team? Would you describe this person to be of high moral character? Please explain.Did this person display any characteristics that caused you concern?Is there anything I haven't asked that you would like to share with me? ................

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