Coach Lawrence's Level 1/Level 2 Weights Courses

NAME _________________________ HOUR __________NUTRITIONAL SELF-STUDYThe purpose of this worksheet is to allow you to evaluate your own diet and make recommendations for change. In addition, you will be able to calculate your ideal body weight and estimate the needed number of calories per day to maintain, gain or lose weight. Step 1. List your current body weight __________Step 2. Determine Daily Calorie NeedsChange present weight in pounds to kilograms. (your weight divided by 2.2) (1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds) _______________ kgsMultiply Answer A by the Basal Metabolic Rate factor of .9 (the answer represents the calories used in one hour) _______________Multiply Answer B by 24 (to calculate the number of calories used in a day) Basal Metabolic Rate = _______________Estimate the amount of calories (energy) needed for physical activities by taking a percentage of Answer CIf you are Sedentaryx 20% of the answer C Lightx 30% of the answer C Moderate x 40% of the answer C Heavyx 50% of the answer CCalories needed for physical activities = ______________Add Answers C and D to obtain a subtotal of energy needs (BMR + Physical Needs = Subtotal) _______________Multiply Answer E by 6%, this gives the calories needed for the Specific Dynamic Effect or the energy needed to metabolize the food you eat each day Specific Dynamic Effect = _______________Add Answer F to subtotal E to get: Total Energy (Calories) Needed for 1 Day _______________If you are presently at or near your Ideal Body Weight, this is an approximation of the number of calories you should eat to maintain your weight.To lose 1 pound per week, subtract 500 calories per day from answer G _________To lose 2 pounds per week, subtract 1000 calories per day from answer G _______To gain 1 pound per week, add 500 calories per day to answer G _______To gain 2 pounds per week, add 1000 calories per day to answer G _____Step 3. Determine Distribution of CaloriesProtein15%Carbohydrate 55%Fat30%To determine your personalized “Recommended Daily Allowance” of the above nutrients in comparison to your calorie needs per day:Multiply 15% (protein) x your daily calorie needs (Answer G) per day to determine needed amount of protein calories per day _______________Multiply 55% (carbohydrate) x your daily calorie needs (Answer G) per day to determine needed amount of carbohydrate calories per day ____________Multiply 30% (fat) x your daily calorie needs (Answer G) per day to determine needed amount of fat calories per day _______________Step 4. Convert Calories to GramsProtein = 4 calories / gramCarbohydrate = 4 calories / gramFat = 9 calories / gramAnswer A above / 4 = __________ grams of protein / dayAnswer B above / 4 = __________ grams of carbohydrate / dayAnswer C above / 9 = __________ grams of fat / day ................

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