SIBI Legacy 1 Video .au

TranscriptTranscript3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth Western Australia 6151Telephone: +61 (0)8 9368 3333 Fax: +61 (0)8 9474 2405Email: enquiries@dpird..auSIBI Legacy 1 Video In the video are:Clayton South, Farmer and Sheep Industry Business Innovation (SIBI) project participantPeter Rowe, Agricultural Economist TranscriptClayton:I’ve been involved in the SIBI project for the last two years. I feel it’s been very helpful personally, and for my business, to see some of the new technologies that are around for the sheep industry and have the opportunity to trial some of those, or see them demonstrated on other people’s farms.Peter:?I was asked by SIBI to look at the benefit cost analysis of a few technologies that are emerging in the sheep industry at the moment. It’s very clear that these technologies are profitable for farmers to adopt, so it’s [looking at] how do we go and take from what’s at the moment the leading edge and really extend it out into that next group of farmers. The good thing about the project that I’ve been involved with has been that while a lot of farmers have the skills to do it, they don’t have the time to sit down and really work out “is this [technology] going to be profitable on my farm?”. It’s just about putting some real numbers together so that farmers can look at them and go “hold on, it is actually worth me investing in this” or “no, it’s not really worth me investing in that”.Clayton:The networking with the other producers involved with the SIBI project has been very helpful – bouncing idea off each other and catching up and seeing what everyone’s up to on their place. I’ve picked up some other ideas from some other farmers through that as well. End of transcript ................

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