UbD Lesson Plan Template - Sacramento State

The blue texts are the descriptions and the red texts are the examples

Section 1: Background Information and Context

A: The Basics

|Name | |Grade level(s) | |

|Date(s) taught | |Course/Subject | |

|Lesson Title | |Time Frame | |

|Co-teaching strategy |Yes θ no θ |If yes, which one | |

B: Central Focus

| |Big Ideas |

|Central Focus for the Unit |A description of the important understandings and core concepts that you want students to develop within the learning segment. The |

| |central focus should go beyond a list of facts and skills, align with content standards and learning objectives, and address the |

| |subject-specific components in the learning segment. For example, the subject-specific components for elementary mathematics are |

| |conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND mathematical reasoning or problem-solving skills. A central focus for the |

| |elementary mathematics learning segment might be equivalent fractions or equivalencies. The learning segment would focus on |

| |conceptual understanding and the associated computational/procedural understandings AND reasoning or problem-solving skills. |

|Central Focus for Today’s | |

|Lesson | |

|Essential Question(s) | |

C: Specific Standards and Objectives

|Content Standard(s) |CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.2 Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical questions has s distribution which can be |

| |described by its center, spread, and overall shape |

|Common Core Literacy Standards| |

|ELD Standards | |

|ABF Anchor Standards | |

| |Objectives |Assessment (Multiple means of expressions) |

| | | Tools for Assessment |Evaluation Criteria |

|Content Objective(s) |Student learning outcomes to be achieved by the| |Performance indicators or dimensions that |

| |end of the lesson | |are used to assess evidence of student |

| | | |learning. They indicate the qualities by |

| | | |which levels of performance can be |

| | | |differentiated and that anchor judgments |

| | | |about the learner’s degree of success on |

| | | |an assessment. Evaluation criteria can be |

| | | |represented in various ways, such as a |

| | | |rubric, a point system for different |

| | | |levels of performance, or rules for |

| | | |awarding full versus partial credit. |

| | | |Evaluation criteria may examine |

| | | |correctness/accuracy, cognitive |

| | | |complexity, sophistication or elaboration |

| | | |of responses, or quality of explanations. |

|Language and Literacy | | | |

|Objective(s) | | | |

|Racial and Social Justice | | | |

|Objective(s) | | | |

|(see ABF Outcomes) | | | |

|Social Skills Objective(s) | | | |

D: Academic Language Demands and Supports (language demands: Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary and/or symbols, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their disciplinary understanding.) Language supports: The scaffolds, representations, and pedagogical strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the concepts and language they need to learn within disciplines.

| |Identified Language Demands |Planned Language Supports |

|Content Specific Vocabulary |- Specific-words words and/or symbols defined for use in the |Instructional strategies, learning tasks and materials, and other|

| |discipline |resources deliberately designed to facilitate student learning of|

| |-General academic vocabulary used across disciplines; and |the central focus. |

| |- Words and phrases with subject-specific meanings that differ from | |

| |meanings used in everyday life | |

|Language Function |-What language function do you want students to develop in this | |

| |lesson? | |

| |-What must students understand in order to be intellectually engaged| |

| |in the lesson? | |

| |-Content and language focus of learning tasks often represented by | |

| |the active verbs within the learning outcomes. | |

| |-Functions are the purposes for which language is used. | |

|Syntax |The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases | |

| |together into Structures | |

|Discourse |Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as | |

| |well as how members of the discipline talk, write, and participate | |

| |in knowledge construction. | |

| |Discipline-specific discourse has distinctive features or ways of | |

| |structuring oral or written language (text structures). | |

E: Using Knowledge about Students (and that students already have) to Inform Teaching and Learning

| |Relevant Student Information |How will you use this information in this lesson plan? |

|Prior Knowledge and Learning |Includes students’ content knowledge and skills as well as |-How will you support students with gaps in the prior knowledge |

|Experiences |academic experiences developed prior to the learning segment. |that is necessary to be successful in this lesson? |

|Funds of Knowledge: Family/ | |-How will you provide students access to learning based on |

|Community/ Cultural Assets | |individual and group needs? |

|Common Mistakes and/or | |-What strategies for responding to common errors and |

|Misconceptions | |misunderstanding, developmental approximations, misconceptions, |

| | |partial understandings, and/or misunderstandings will you use? |

|Social / Emotional | | |

|Consideration | | |

|(5 CASEL Core Competencies) | | |

F: Supporting Varied Student Learning Needs

|Materials, Resources, |Teacher Materials, Resource: |Students’ Materials: |

|Technology | | |

| | | |

| |Student Information |How will you support and/or accommodate the student(s) in this lesson? Include any |

| | |use of technology |

|Students with IEP or 504 | | |

|plans | | |

|Struggling / underperforming | | |

|Students | | |

|English Language Learners/ | | |


|Gifted and Talented Students |Identified or not | |

|Other |Social / Emotional Consideration | |

| |(5 CASEL Core Competencies) | |

| |Gifted and Talented Students | |

Section 2: Learning Task Implementation:

|Timing, materials, and other |Pacing |TEACHER DOES: |STUDENTS DO: |

|procedural notes including |(Approx.|Indicate instructional strategies that address individual |Indicate performance expectations (Refer to Section 1.F) |

|use of technology |times) |learning needs addressing the needs (Refer to Section 1.F) | |

|Launch (Multiple means of | |I will |Students will |

|engagement) | |CFU |CFU, Assessment |

| | |Anticipatory set | |

| | |-How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate |What kinds of experiences should the students have to help them|

| | |students in the learning? |learn these concepts |

| | |-What will you do to engage students in developing | |

| | |understanding of the lesson objectives? | |

| | |-What questions, texts, inquiry, modeling, and/or other | |

| | |techniques will you use to engage students? | |

| | |Social Objectives related activity | |

|Instruction/ | |I will |Students will |

|Application (Multiple means | | | |

|of representation) | | | |

| | |-How will you link the new content (skills and concepts) to| |

| | |students' prior academic learning and their | |

| | |personal/cultural and community assets? | |

| | |-What will you say and do? What questions will you ask? | |

| | |-How will you engage students to help them understand the | |

| | |concepts? -What will students do? | |

| | |-How will you give students the opportunity to practice so | |

| | |you can provide feedback? | |

| | |-How will students apply what they have learned? | |

| | |-How will you determine if students are meeting the | |

| | |intended learning objectives? | |

| | |-What activities win you use to engage students in | |

| | |learning...for individuals, small groups, or the whole | |

| | |class? How will you incorporate technology? How will you | |

| | |address the academic language demands? | |

| | |In these boxes in section 2, you can use any of the |Also in these boxes in section 2, in addition to the typical |

| | |“format” from other lesson plans. |procedures, if appropriate, use the sentence starters such as |

| | | |“for the conceptual understanding,…” “for the reasoning, …,” |

| | | |“for the problem solving,…” “for the whole class,…” “for the |

| | | |ELL students…,” and then describe the activities. |

|Closure /reflection | |I will |Students will |

| | |- How will you end the lesson In a way that promotes | |

| | |student teaming and retention?) | |

| | |-What type of assessment(s) will best determine if the | |

| | |learning objective has been met? (Informal or formal) | |

| | |-How will you differentiate the product of assessment based| |

| | |on the needs of diverse learners? -What are the | |

| | |modifications to the assessments for individual | |

| | |Closure | |

| | |-How will you extend this lesson? What will you do next? | |

| | | | |

Section 3: Teacher Reflection (after the lesson)

1. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students met or made progress toward the stated objectives? If you used technology was it an effective means for supporting your learning goals?

a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher’s) actions and/or strategies that contributed to and built on successful student learning?

2. What specific examples of student learning do you have that showed students struggled to meet or make progress toward the stated objectives?

a. Looking at this evidence, what were your (the teacher’s) actions and/or strategies that interfered with student learning? Describe any missed opportunities.

3. Using the evidence of student learning described and observed, what will be your next steps in future instruction with the class, small groups, and/or individual students?

4. Considering student learning, if you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?


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