I would like to process a drop in sequence for:

____ Fall ____ Spring ____ Summer ______ Year


Student name (PRINTED)

____________________________ _______________________ ____________

Student signature PSU ID Date

Select a standard sequence (refer to the back for details)

□ Business □ Natural Science and Engineering

□ Engineering Technology □ Elementary Education


Course student is DROPPING:

_____________________ ____________________________ ________________

Schedule number Course abbrev & number Section

As the instructor for the above course, I recommend that the student drop the course and review the prerequisite topics. The student has made a fair attempt in the course by attending, taking quizzes, and completing the homework assignments.

_____________________________ ________________

Instructor signature Date


Course student is ADDING:

___________________ ____________________________ __________________

Schedule number Course abbrev & number Section

IF the course to be added has NOT begun, that instructor’s signature is not required.

IF the course to be added has begun, admitting the student is at that instructor’s discretion. Instructors are encouraged to admit students upon the recommendation of the prior course instructor, given that the student agrees to make up all missed material in a reasonable timeframe.

As the instructor for the above course, I am willing to accept the student into my section.

____________________________ ________________

Instructor signature Date

RETURN FORM TO THE REGISTRAR’S OFFICE IN PERSON. Be sure to bring your student ID with you to E130 Smith Building.

Standard Sequences

(If after reading through this information, you are uncertain, consult your adviser.)

The standard sequence for Business students (Math 110) is the following,

where a student's placement action may allow starting at various 

points in this sequence:

Math 3, Math 4, Math 21, Math 22, Math 110.

The standard sequence for Natural Science and Engineering students 

(Math 140 and beyond) is the following, where a student's placement action may 

allow starting at various points in this sequence:

Math 3, Math 4, Math 21, Math 41*, Math 140, Math 141.

*In place of Math 41, students sometimes take the combination of both

Math 22 and Math 26 together, but switching between these options does

not constitute a drop in sequence.

The standard sequence for Engineering Technology students (Math 83 and

beyond) is the following, where a student's placement action may allow

starting at various points in this sequence:

Math 81, Math 82, Math 83, Math 210, Math 211.

The standard sequence for Elementary Education students is:

Math 30,  Math 200.

If you are in one of the courses listed above, then you DO NOT need the Chair’s signature (below) to drop back within one of these sequences.

Attempting to do anything other than going back a step (or two) within a

standard sequence listed above requires the signature of the Chair of

Mathematics and Statistics.

____________________________________ ________________

Chair of Mathematics and Statistics signature Date

Revised 08/29/2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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