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MATH-MAGIC-1CHAPTER-1SHAPES AND SPACE57150309880OBJECTIVE: UNDERTAKING SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT THROUGH Expression by drawing objects as per the instructions givenObservation of self and surroundings. Picture reading.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual / whole class.VOCABULARY FOCUS: Inside-outside , above-below /under, near-far. LEVEL: ONESKILLS: Drawing, picture reading, and observation.TIME: 2 PERIODS.MATERIALS: Drawing sheets, pencil, colours00OBJECTIVE: UNDERTAKING SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT THROUGH Expression by drawing objects as per the instructions givenObservation of self and surroundings. Picture reading.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual / whole class.VOCABULARY FOCUS: Inside-outside , above-below /under, near-far. LEVEL: ONESKILLS: Drawing, picture reading, and observation.TIME: 2 PERIODS.MATERIALS: Drawing sheets, pencil, coloursTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: WHAT IS YOUR POSITION?. Tell children to draw in their notebook as you may call out:A tree in the centre of the page.A bird above the tree.A butterfly below the tree.A pond near the tree.A fish inside the pond.A house under the tree.A cat far from the tree.A girl outside the house.A boy inside the house.Easy to draw objects to be given. Accuracy not expected.Reinforce spatial words through conversations likeWho is sitting near you?Who is sitting far from you? & so on. : Observe the picture and answer the following:1) The horse is (inside / outside) the stable.2) The hen is (on / under) the hay.3) The man is sitting (near / far ) the cow. 4) The bucket is (above / under ) the cow.5) The duck is ( in / out ) the pond.NOTE: Encourage children to frame similar questions observing the picture.CHAPTER-2NUMBERS FROM ONE TO NINE28575281305OBJECTIVE: To count and order them. ACTIVITY TYPE: Group of 10 children.VOCABULARY FOCUS: More /less/order LEVEL: ONESKILLS: Grouping, counting and orderingTIME: 1 PERIOD.MATERIALS: Beads, pencil, colours,pebbles,straws,sticks,leaves ,chalks ,etc.00OBJECTIVE: To count and order them. ACTIVITY TYPE: Group of 10 children.VOCABULARY FOCUS: More /less/order LEVEL: ONESKILLS: Grouping, counting and orderingTIME: 1 PERIOD.MATERIALS: Beads, pencil, colours,pebbles,straws,sticks,leaves ,chalks ,etc.TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: ORDERING OF NUMBERS. ACTIVITY A kit of different objects given to each group. They are asked to groupto group similar to group same objects,count and arrange the groups from small to big. RHYME:1)One little two little three little IndiansFour little five little six little Indians,Seven little eight little nine little IndiansTen little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little IndiansSeven little six little five little IndiansFour little three little two little Indians One little Indian boy.2)One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right.CHAPTER- 3ADDITION142875247650OBJECTIVE:To add the given dominos , find the sum and match. ACTIVITY TYPE : group of 5VOCABULARY FOCUS: add , sum , matchLevel :1SKILLS : to count and addTIME : 1 PERIODMaterials:flash cards of dominos and numbers , markers00OBJECTIVE:To add the given dominos , find the sum and match. ACTIVITY TYPE : group of 5VOCABULARY FOCUS: add , sum , matchLevel :1SKILLS : to count and addTIME : 1 PERIODMaterials:flash cards of dominos and numbers , markersTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: ADD AND MATCH ACTIVITY Flash cards with dominos in two groups are given. Children should count add and match with the number flash cards kept in a group. Activity is repeated with different sets of flash cards. 4SUBTRACTIONTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: SUBTRACT AND MATCH-25717543180OBJECTIVE: To subtract the given numbers, find the difference and match. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5VOCABULARY FOCUS: subtract, difference, matchLevel: 1SKILLS: to count and subtractTIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of pictures and numbers, markers00OBJECTIVE: To subtract the given numbers, find the difference and match. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5VOCABULARY FOCUS: subtract, difference, matchLevel: 1SKILLS: to count and subtractTIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of pictures and numbers, markers ACTIVITY Flash cards with pictures in two groups are given. Children should count subtract and match with the number flash cards kept in a group. Activity is repeated with different sets of flash cards. HYPERLINK "kv%20maths%201.docx" 5NUMBERS FROM TEN TO TWENTYTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: ORDERING OF NUMBERS-457200157480OBJECTIVE: To find the biggest, smallest, before,after and between numbers. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5 VOCABULARY FOCUS: biggest, smallest, before,after and between numbers. Level: 1SKILLS: to compare and identify.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of pictures and numbers, markers and counting objects.00OBJECTIVE: To find the biggest, smallest, before,after and between numbers. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5 VOCABULARY FOCUS: biggest, smallest, before,after and between numbers. Level: 1SKILLS: to compare and identify.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of pictures and numbers, markers and counting objects. ACTIVITYIdentify the larger and the smaller group from the two given set of items.Fill in the missing numbers--- before, after, between from the given set of number flash cards. Arrange the set of numbers in given order. -1000CHAPTER- 6TIMECHAPTER- 6 TIMETITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: NUMBER THE ACTIVITIES IN SEQUENCE.-457200157480OBJECTIVE: To identify the activities and arrange them in sequence. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5 VOCABULARY FOCUS: First,second,third,………. Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and arrange in sequence.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures and numbers.00OBJECTIVE: To identify the activities and arrange them in sequence. ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 5 VOCABULARY FOCUS: First,second,third,………. Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and arrange in sequence.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures and numbers. ACTIVITYSet of activity cards of different sets are given to different group of students and are guided to arrange/order them in correct sequence.(picture story charts can also be used)Identify the activities done during –morning,afternoon,evening,night. Clock?There's a neat little clock,?In the school??room it stands,And points to the time,?With its two??little hands?.And may we, like the clock,?Keep a face??clean and bright,With hands??ever ready,To do what is right.CLOCK? SONG(tune Wheels on the Bus)The hands on the clock go round and round,Round and round, round and round.The hands on the clock go round and round.To tell us the time.The short hand on the clockGoes from number to number,Number to number, number to number.The short hand on the clockGoes from number to number.To tell us the time.The long hand on the clockGoes around by fives,Around by fives, around by fives.The long hand on the clockGoes around by fives.To tell us the minutes.CHAPTER- 7 MEASUREMENTTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Compare with respect to length, size and weight.-457200157480OBJECTIVE: To identify objects with respect to length, size and weight.ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 10. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Long- short, Tall-short, Thick-thin, Heavy-light. Level: 1SKILLS: to compare and identify.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures and objects of varying size , clay.00OBJECTIVE: To identify objects with respect to length, size and weight.ACTIVITY TYPE: group of 10. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Long- short, Tall-short, Thick-thin, Heavy-light. Level: 1SKILLS: to compare and identify.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures and objects of varying size , clay. ACTIVITYSet of objects of different sizes are given to different group of students and are guided to identify the longest,shortest,thickest,heaviest,and so on. Making models using clay for the above concepts. 8 DATA HANDLINGTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Identifying shapes and letters.-457200157480OBJECTIVE: Identifying shapes and letters to answer the related questions.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Basic shapes, most, least, altogether, in all.Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and answer.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures00OBJECTIVE: Identifying shapes and letters to answer the related questions.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Basic shapes, most, least, altogether, in all.Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and answer.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of activity pictures ACTIVITYActivity picture cards with basic shapes are given for children to observe and answer the related questions.Activity cards with names of persons, places, things are given for children to observe and answer the related questions.CHAPTER- 9 PATTERNSTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Identifying patterns.-457200157480OBJECTIVE: Identifying patterns and extending the sequence.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Before, after, between. Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and answer.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of patterns with shapes, numbers and patterns.00OBJECTIVE: Identifying patterns and extending the sequence.ACTIVITY TYPE: Individual. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Before, after, between. Level: 1SKILLS: to identify and answer.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: flash cards of patterns with shapes, numbers and patterns. ACTIVITYActivity cards of patterns with shapes, numbers and alphabets are given and children are guided to observe and identify the patterns by specifying the rules and complete the sequence.CHAPTER- 10 MONEYTITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Make the given amount using different combination of notes and coins.-457200157480OBJECTIVE: To express the given amount using different notes and coins.ACTIVITY TYPE: group. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Coins, notes, currency, amount, cost, rupee, rupees, paisa, paise.Level: 1SKILLS: to make different combinations of currencies for the given amount.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: Specimen copies of notes and coins.00OBJECTIVE: To express the given amount using different notes and coins.ACTIVITY TYPE: group. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Coins, notes, currency, amount, cost, rupee, rupees, paisa, paise.Level: 1SKILLS: to make different combinations of currencies for the given amount.TIME: 1 PERIODMaterials: Specimen copies of notes and coins. ACTIVITY Mock market scene is created in the class and children are encouraged to buy and sell items using currency with them.MATH-MAGIC 1ABSTRACTS,NOTOPICREMARKS1SHAPES AND SPACECOMPLETED2NUMBERS FROM ONE TO NINECOMPLETED3ADDITIONCOMPLETED4SUBTRACTIONCOMPLETED5NUMBERS FROM TEN TO TWENTYCOMPLETED6TIMECOMPLETED7MEASUREMENTCOMPLETED8NUMBERS FROM TWENTY-ONE TO FIFTYCOMPLETED9DATA HANDLINGCOMPLETED10PATTERNSCOMPLETED11NUMBERS12MONEYCOMPLETED13HOW MANY ................

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