Lesson Plan - Study Island


|Lesson Title: Plot |Date: |

|Subject: Reading |Grade Level(s): 6-7 |

|Teacher: |Time Frame: 60 minutes |

|Lesson Summary: |

|Students will be able to identify the basic elements of a plot and their relationship. |

|Lesson Objectives |

| The students will know… |

|How to determine the sequence of events in a story. |

|How to map a plot line. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|Understand the essential parts of a story’s plot. |

|Lesson Plan |

|Time: |Procedure: |Materials Needed: |

|10 minutes |Warm-up Exercise: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slide 2 |

| |Display slide 2. With students, read the passage and the question | |

| |that follows. Have students discuss what they think is missing | |

| |from the story. Discuss ways that you could revise the story to | |

| |make it better. | |

| | | |

| |Ask students what elements are important to a story and write their| |

| |ideas on the board. (for example, climax, something changes, the | |

| |characters learn something) | |

|5 minutes |Motivation (Real-world Applications): | |

| |Tell students that when they tell a friend a story about what | |

| |happened on a field trip or at summer camp, they are telling the | |

| |plot. The plot consists of the events make a story a story. | |

| | | |

| |Explain that thinking about the important elements of plot will | |

| |help them to craft better stories. Understanding plot will also | |

| |help them analyze stories they read. | |

|15 minutes |Presentation of New Material/Guided Practice: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides 3–7|

| |Display slide 3. Remind students that stories include a series of | |

| |events, or plot. Usually there is a main problem, or conflict in | |

| |the story that helps drive the plot. The problem continues to build| |

| |tension in a story until a big event, or climax, occurs. After the | |

| |climax, the problem in the story is usually resolved. | |

| | | |

| |Together, read the story “Raven Steals the Light” on slides 4-5 and| |

| |identify the plot elements: character, problem, climax, and | |

| |resolution. Have students work in partners to answer the questions | |

| |on slide 6. Reference the answers on slide 7 as needed. | |

|30 minutes |Closing Activity: | |

| |Work with the whole class to write a story. Write the first line of| |

| |a story on the board, then go around the room and have each student| |

| |develop a line of the story. Go around the room as many times as | |

| |needed to complete the story. When the story is complete, discuss | |

| |the plot of the story and how the plot developed. | |

|Homework: If your day today were a story, write its plot. |

|Differentiation: Have students needing extra support work in small groups to draw a comic strip. Explain that the comic strip shows the events, or the plot, of a |

|story. Ask students who need an extra challenge to read a short story and then work individually to change the events and thus the plot. For example, if two people|

|met and becomes friends, students would rewrite the story so that the two people don’t met or meet at a different time. Have them share their stories with other |

|students. |

|Teacher Reflection: |

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