Blackhall Primary School | Reaching for the Stars

4713605-31940500Primary 3 HomeworkWeek beginning Monday 28th SeptemberReading: This week our reading skill is to use a thesaurus to extend our vocabulary. Choose some words from your book and look them up in a thesaurus or online to find synonyms of the words. Here are some websites you could use to find similar words:: Reading books need to be brought into school every day. We will hand them out on a Monday and gather them in after reading every Thursday for quarantine (book jail). Please read the given book at your leisure over the 3 nights it is at home, focussing on the weekly reading skill. Reading records will not be sent home. Literacy: Your child will have been given a slip indicating their spelling group and which spelling words they should practise. A spelling check up will take place on a Friday. Active task – using natural materials spell out your spelling words. Look, cover, say write and check is also a great way to practise your spelling words Publishers(final consonant blends: rk, nd, st, mp)Journalists a with magic eIllustrators Soft c and soft gEditors Words with 2 syllablesAuthors Adding ingbarkvesthandjumpfistcakebiteninecaregatecutetubeslidefriendanotherbouncegracericeglancewagehugefringechargepeopleeightspaceshipseafoodfireworkcupcakerailwayairmailburdenanswerusualknowcampingspending parking talking whisking gasping filmingyour called sentence Maths:We have been looking at tessellation as part of our 2D shape work. Look around your house and find 4 examples of tessellating shapes to share with the class.Have a go at these online activities: have been learning weather words in French. Draw and colour a picture for each weather type on the sheet.Every day ask: Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?Answer with one of the weather types on the sheet.Watch these two clips : information: Gym days for Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Emmerson are Monday and Thursday Gym days for Mrs Mitchell and Miss Baxter are Monday and Wednesdays. Gym days for Mrs Wren are a Monday and a Friday. Please follow us on Twitter @blackhallPS to see what we have been learning. ................

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