How to draw easy animals for beginners


How to draw easy animals for beginners

Page 1 of 2Below are 11 step-by-step animal drawing tutorials for beginners. You can watch the video tutorial and follow along, pausing after each step to follow at your own pace. Or you can click through to the article, which has each step broken down into an individual image, with new pencil lines shown in red, and an explanation of what to draw.In this list of easy animal drawings for beginners, you'll find a lot of birds because they are shown from the side, so you don't need to worry about perspective, and you only need to draw one eye. And because birds only have two legs, they are immediately easier to draw than four-legged animals! But don't worry--there are a few mammals and a fish sprinkled throughout this list too.There are a few things to note before you begin:If these drawing tutorials are still too advanced for you, you can practice drawing cartoon animals and try these again once you're more comfortable. Keep practicing!Make sure you can draw a pretty good circle so you can create good guidelines. Here is an article showing four different techniques for drawing a perfect circle.Try out these shading exercises if you're not familiar with how to shade yet.Finally, HAVE FUN! Even if your drawing doesn't turn out perfect, you should still have fun drawing.Grab your pencil and paper, and let's get drawing! If you're curious, check out what art supplies I use for drawing.1. How to Draw a Mallard DuckFun fact: Mallards can fly up to 55 miles per hour!Find the duck's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here.2. How to Draw a Polar BearFun fact: Unlike black and brown bears, polar bears do not hibernate.Find the polar bear's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here. 3. How to Draw a Cardinal BirdFun fact: The cardinal is the official bird of seven U.S. states.Find the cardinal's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here. There is also a cartoon cardinal drawing tutorial!4. How to Draw a PigFun fact: Scientists believe pigs are the smartest domesticated animal--even smarter than dogs!Find the pig's written step-by-step drawing tutorial here. You can also draw a cartoon pig if you'd like.5. How to Draw a Guinea PigFun fact: When a guinea pig is happy, it will jump straight up in the air. This is called "popcorning."Find the guinea pig written step-by-step drawing tutorial here. If you've never sketched before but have been interested in it, it can seem somewhat intimidating to jump right in. The good news is sketching is a skill that can be learned. Check out the low for tips and how to become a successful beginner's sketcher.Pick the Right Pencils for the JobDifferent sketching pencils have different weights. If you look on the side of a pencil and you see the letter "B," you'll have a softer pencil. Pencils with the letter "H" on the side have a heavier, harder weight. Pencils with "HB" on the side have medium weight. The different pencil weights create the depth that you see in sketches. You may also want to consider using mechanical pencils because those are great for detailed, complex sketching. Traditional pencils are best for laying down large swaths of texture.Learn How to Hold Your PencilHow you hold your pencil will determine what your sketch looks like. Holding your hand closer to the end of the pencil allows you to have more control of what you're drawing, allowing you to make intricate, precise details easier. You'll also wind up with heavier strokes, resulting in darker markings. If you hold the pencil up your hand further, you'll have less control of the pencil, but you'll be able to create lighter marks.Learn How to Control Your EdgesHow you create an edge for an object will determine how realistic it looks. There are different types of edges, including thin, lost, hard and undefined versions. For instance, when you're working with thin edges, you're giving an object a solid, firm border. When you're creating a lost edge, you're trying to create a scene where the main object you're drawing, and the background starts to blend into each other a little. In this case, you're implying an edge versus drawing a hard version of one.Use a Blending Stick if You're Trying to Create Smooth ShadingSometimes, you may be trying to create a smooth, subtle area in your sketch like the look of a soft sky. Take a spare piece of paper and make a big marking of color using a charcoal pencil or a soft graphite pencil. Afterward, take a large blending stick and pick up the soft dust from the mark you just created. You can then apply that dust to your image, creating the hazy softness you were seeking.Create the Appropriate Amount of ContrastContrast, where the difference in value between light and dark is important in sketching because it allows the viewer to see depth, pulling out the lines of the image that you're creating. Even though contrast is ideal for drawing of yours I to certain areas of your image, you don't want to use it everywhere. Lower value areas help create depth in an image as well, allowing the eye to wander. For some images, this is more important. MORE FROM Animation is an extremely fun art medium, capturing the imaginations of budding artists everywhere. With tons of animation programs out there, it's probably tempting to jump right into the mix. Before you do, check out this beginner's guide for tips that will help you start e Up With Your StoryBefore you start animating, come up with the story that you're trying to tell. Creating a story structure will enable you to build an outline, making it easy for you to come up with your first full scene. Once you make your first scene, the rest will follow easily. When writing your outline, remember that you're creating a script, so in addition to the dialogue, you're going to have to write down what the viewer will be seeing on screen. This attention to detail will make things easier in the long run.Create Your Signature CharacterEvery series revolves around a seminal character. Take your time and develop your character. Write down everything you can think about him, her or it. Write about their personality, their favorite foods, where they went to school, how much money they have, and so on. All of these characteristics will work together to form the whole character. Draw a sketch featuring what your character looks like when it's angry, sad, happy or hungry. Once you have this character built out, you'll be able to build up your cast of supporting players easily.Get Your Timing RightTiming is everything in animation. You're creating a series of images that will be run together to create movement. You're going to need to learn how many frames will be needed to create a specific movement. Check out YouTube videos by both budding and experienced animators to get an idea of how certain moves are made and how many frames it takes to make the movement. The best way to learn this skill is to simply do it.Check Out YouTube VideosYouTube is a veritable gold mine for beginning animators. There's a huge community of artists filled with members who are incredibly supportive of each other and who frequently collaborate with each other to learn new techniques. Many of them join projects called multi-animator projects (MAPS) where people of varying skill levels work together to create an animated short. Then, they publish these shorts to the wider YouTube community in order to get support and feedback.Check Out Beginners Animation ProgramsCheck out animation programs like Scratch and Flip-a-Clip. These fun programs are pretty intuitive, allowing people to get started on simple projects almost immediately. Flip-a-Clip has a free version, but you can upgrade the pro version when you are ready to take advantage of more advanced features. Scratch is completely free. It's more of a coding and game-making program, but since animation is a huge part of game creation, animators will be able to learn a lot here as well. MORE FROM Animals and wildlife are great models for art and drawing. Every kid loves animals. Children or even adults can learn to draw different animals with the help of Easy to Draw Animals ? Step by Step Tutorials. Animals are a fine subject matter for art. Capture the ways of animals in their environment in your drawing. Learn to draw these animals and also know more about them. Let the splendour of nature and wildlife be a catalyst to your imagination. These step by step drawings of animals are very easy to do. Easy to Draw Animals ? Step by Step Tutorials Learn easy to draw animals of the wild with the help of these step by step tutorials. Draw and color the animals of the wild with the help of these tutorials. Here are a few examples of animal drawings. 1. Step by Step Lion Draw this cute little lion using this step by step tutorial. Did you know that lions roar can be heard from 8 miles away! 2. Step by Step Duck Draw a duck in just six simple steps. Ducks are curious and friendly creatures. Draw and color this duck with the help of the tutorial. 3. Step by Step Alligator Draw a cartoon alligator step by step. Did you know? Alligators continue to grow throughout their lifetime. They have also been known to eat fruit. 4. Step by Step Snake Did you know- Snakes smell with their tongue! Draw this lovable snake using the step by step tutorial. 5. Step by Step Sheep Draw Shaun the Sheep with this tutorial. You can draw him using simple lines and curves. Did you know? Sheep have a great memory! 6. Step by Step Shark Draw this aquatic hunter in a few simple steps. Did you know? Sharks do not have bones! Draw this shark easily using the tutorial. 7. Step by Step Cat Draw a house cat with the help of the above tutorial. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping! House cats share 95.6 % of their DNA with tigers. 8. Step by Step Cow Draw a cow in 10 simple steps. Did you know? Cows are actually color blind! Sketch this cute cow using circles and ellipses. 9. Step by Step Bunny A rabbit's teeth never stop growing! Just five steps to draw a cute bunny. Begin drawing with a circle for the head a circle for the body. Draw two long ears on the head and a small, fluffy tail. 10. Step by Step Turtle Turtles have existed for about 215 million years! But many turtle species are endangered. Draw the shell of the turtle and the limbs and head peeking out of it. 11. Step by Step Bird This bird is easily drawn using simple lines and curves. Scientists believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs! The chicken is the most common species of bird in the world. 12. Step by Step Penguin Penguins have evolved to be able to drink seawater! Draw this sweet penguin using step by step tutorial in 10 simple steps. 13. Step by Step Dolphin Dolphins are extremely intelligent creatures. They are mammals, not fish! You can easily draw this dolphin with 4 simple steps. 14. Step by Step Bird This cartoon bird is extremely simple to draw. Start with a circle for the head. Draw the eyes. Draw the neck using two straight lines and then draw the body and wings as shown curving from the neck. 15. Step by Step Monkey Did you know? Apes are not monkeys. Draw this naughty monkey step by step with the tutorial. Get educated and take in knowledge as you draw animals with the help of the step by step tutorials. Have fun with your kids while learning easy draw animals. With the help of this tutorial, one can learn about basic animal drawing and have fun doing it. For more ideas, read related posts. Please visit our website again! Give us your feedback on the post by leaving your comment in the comments section below. Check the Amazing collection of Craft Ideas for Kids at K4 Craft. You'll Also Like

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