HALF YEARLY EXAM (2017-18)CLASS-VIIENGLISH (SET-A)Time: 3 hrs M.M.100Instructions:This paper consists of four sections: A,B,C & DAttempt all questions.Do not write anything in the question paper.All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.Ensure the questions of each section are answered together.Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.______________________________________________________________________________SECTION-A (READING) (20 Marks) Q1.Read the following passage carefully: 10 Turmeric, better known as ‘haldi’ in India, is an ancient cultivated plant of India. Today, it has both sacred as well as medicinal value. (1) Turmeric is a perennial plant. It grows to a height of about a metre. It is native to India, though it is now cultivated as a commercial crop to many hot countries. India is the largest producer of turmeric in the world. It is extensively grown in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. (2) Turmeric has aromatic odour and is bitter in taste. It is used all over India to give flavour to food. It stimulates the desire for food and aids digestion. A pinch of turmeric powder is often added to most traditional food to give it flavour and colour. (3) In olden days, turmeric was used for dyeing wool, silk and cotton. Nowadays, it is used in pharmacy, confectionary and food industry. Researchers have established that turmeric can be used for colouring paints and varnishes also. (4) In Ayurveda, turmeric is an essential ingredient of many medicinal oils, ointments and poultice. It is blood purifier and anti-septic. Boiled with warm milk and taken, it relieves sore throat, mouth blisters and common cold. The juice of the raw thick stems is used as medicine for many skin infections. (5) Turmeric preparations like kumkum serve the Hindu women as an inexpensive beauty aid. Young women cover their face with turmeric to get rid of unwanted body hair. Its anti-septic and healing properties are also effective against pimples. Recently turmeric has been found to be an effective treatment against cancer. (6)Answer the following questions briefly.Name any two areas where turmeric is extensively grown. 1Why do we add turmeric to food? 1List any two medicinal qualities of turmeric. 2Do you think turmeric has always been a useful product? If yes, Justify. 2 Complete the sentences. 1x2=2The common name of turmeric in India is_________________. _________ is the largest producer of turmeric.1.2 Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: 1×2=2Having a strong pleasant odour (para 3)Necessary (para 5)Q2. Read the following poem carefully:That placed it near his cot;There, woodman, let it stand,Thy axe shall harm it not!When but an idle boyI sought its grateful shadow;In all their gusting joyHere, too, my sisters played.My mother kissed me here.My father pressed my handForgive this foolish tear,But let that oak stand!My heart strings round thee clingClose as thy bark, old friend!Here shall the wild bird sing,And still thy branches bend.Old tree! The storm still brave!And woodman leave the spot;While I have a hand to saveThy axe shall harm it not.2.1Fill in the blanks with one word or phrase from the poem only to complete the passage given below. 1x5The poet urges the woodman not to (a)_____________ his oak tree. The poet recalls how he enjoyed the shadow of the tree and his (b)_______________ used to play under it. His mother would (c)_____________ him and father used to reassure him by (d) __________ his hand. The poet feels that his heart strings around the tree as it is his (e) _____________. The poet once again warns the woodman against cutting the tree.Q3. Read the following passage carefully:No one knows exactly where or when cricket began, but it is most likely that it began as a children’s game in England and was played only by children for many countries. It is believed that the game was invented by children who belonged to the farming families of south-east England. They would play in grass cleaning or areas grazed by sheep. A matted lump of sheep’s wool, or even a stone or lump of wood, would be used as a ball, or stick or some other farm tool would serve as the bat, and a gate or the tree would be used for wicket. The earliest written reference to the game was in 1598, where it was called ‘creekett’. In the 17th century, it slowly became a village game and adults began to take part in it. Today, cricket is one of the most popular sports of the world and is played and watched by millions.On the basis of your reading of the passage, attempt the following questions.Fill in the blanks:Cricket is believed to have started in_______________. 1In earlier time, cricket was called __________________. 1The children would play cricket in the _______________. 1Answer the following questions:Who were the initial inventors of cricket? 1Make a sentence with the word ‘popular’. 1SECTION-B (WRITING) (20 Marks)Q4. Imagine you are a student of St. Thomas School, Pune. Your school is planning a ‘Charity Show’ for the benefit of the students of a blind school in your area. Famous cine actors will perform at the function. As the Cultural Secretary of your school, write a notice asking students to volunteer for duties on the day of the show. The notice should be in not more than 50 words. Give all necessary details. 4Q5. You are Sameer/Siya, a student of class VII. You have to prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic ‘Significance of Siblings in Our Life’. Write the speech in about 120-150 words. You can use ideas from the unit ‘Relationships’ of My English Reader along with your views. 8Q6. You are Rajesh/Radhika. Your friend has fallen into bad company. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her the value of choosing between right and wrong and suggest him/her to choose the righteous path. (120-150 words)8 SECTION-C (GRAMMAR) (25Marks)plete the following telephonic conversation using the appropriate modals. 1x4= 4Alok: Hello! (a)__________ I speak to Mr. Gupta? I am a friend of his son.Akash: Hello! He is not at home. I am Mr. Gupta’s younger brother. How (b) _______ I help you?Alok: Yes. His son has got a fracture in his leg. We (c) _________ take him to a hospital immediately.Akash : Is he in the playground?Alok: Yes uncle, please inform his father.Akash: Of course, I (d) _______. We will be there soon.Q8.The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of these lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. The first has been done for you as an example. ? x 8=4Incorrect CorrectNeha grew up to a small town to inin Kerala. She loves football and a. ___________ __________and dreamed about playing in the national b. ___________ __________level. His town had only one team c.___________ ___________but there wasn’t any girls in d.___________ ___________them. At the age of nine e. ____________ ___________Neha gather her courage f. ____________ ___________and tried on every way . g.____________ ___________She could finally lived her dream. h.____________ ____________Q9.Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them into meaningful sentences as given in the example. 1x4=4Should/all/adopt/healthy/a/we/lifestyleWe all should adopt a healthy lifestyle.a) is/ process/natural/a/ageingb) is a/with a/of benefit/turmeric/bright yellow/wealth/spice.c) tissue damage/other visible signs/turmeric/the body from/of ageing /protects/and prevents wrinkles/scars andd) degenerative diseases/has the ability/it also/ward off/to potentially.Q10.Fill in the blanks with suitable articles 1x4=4 Lyricist Prasoon Joshi believes that (a)________ journey undertaken in monsoon teaches him about (b)__________ power of life . He says, “I love greenery. Its (c)________ amazing sight, the road lined with pine trees reviving themselves in (d)________ rain.Q11. Read the instructions below and complete the paragraph that follows. 1X4= 4 a. Take two cups of milk in a vessel.b. Add one teaspoon of custard powder.c. Stir it taking care that no lumps are formed.d. Keep the vessel on the gas stove and keep stirring it till the mixture is thick.e. Add sugar to it.f. Allow it to cool.Two cups of milk (a) __________. A teaspoon of custard powder (b) ___________ and the mixture (c) ____________taking care that no lumps are formed. Then, the sugar is added to it. It (d) __________ to cool.Q12. (i) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs to complete the following passage: (1x3=3)My grandmother (a) ----------- (be) the most influencing person in my life. Born in a well off family, she was a rebel since the day she was born. She (b) __________ (support) my endeavours when I was young. I always felt that she (c) _________ (master) the art of storytelling.(ii) Do as directed. (1x2=2)Help me clean up the kitchen or I’ll tell mom you made the mess. (Punctuate the sentence with a comma) I returned his pen yesterday. ( Make a sentence with intransitive form of the verb)SECTION D (LITERATURE)(35 Marks)Q13. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow 5Can running water be drunk from gold?Can a silver dish the forest hold?A rocking twig is the finest chairAnd the softest path lie through the air- Mention the rhyme scheme of the extract. 1 Why does the speaker find a rocking twig as the finest chair? 2 Name the poem and the poet 2Q14.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 5 Where wretchedness will hang its headAnd joy like a pearlAttend the needs of all mankindOf such I dream-Our world Identify the figure of speech. (line 1) 1What is the dream of the poet? 2 Discuss the significance of the comparison between joy and a pearl. 2Q15. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. 20a) Describe the new pet in grandmother’s house. 3b) How did Swami receive the challenge given to him by his father? 3c) Why did Manjula tear her painting into pieces?3d) Which sentence was underlined in red in the newspaper cutting? Why? 3e) Do you think Swami’s father was really cruel? Give reasons for your answer.3 f) If given a chance, would you like to keep Tutu as a pet? Elaborate.3g) What did Tutu do with the necklace? How was it restored to the shopkeeper? 2Q16. Imagine yourself to be Swami. Write a diary page describing your feelings when your classmates and class teacher congratulated you on your courageous act. 5 (A Hero) (80-90 words) ORYou are Manjula’s brother. You put a newspaper cutting on Manjula’s table which instilled new courage in her. Write a letter to your friend describing Manjula’s success story.(Fight Manju Fight) (80-90 words)HALF YEARLY EXAM (2017-18)CLASS-VIIENGLISH (SET-B)Time: 3 hrs M.M.100Instructions:This paper consists of four sections: A,B,C & DAttempt all questions.Do not write anything in the question paper.All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.Ensure the questions of each section are answered together.Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.______________________________________________________________________________SECTION-A (READING) (20 Marks) Q 1. Read the following passage carefully: 10Polythene bags and wrappers are a potential threat to urban environment. Once you have discarded them after use, you don’t lose your link with them. They return to you in a variety of ways, though you do not realize it. For ex, they choke your drains and provide breeding facilities to deadly germs. (1) A recent study has shown that about 250 tonnes of plastic wastes come out of various colonies of major cities alone everyday. This disrupts the sewer system, the essential arteries of city life, choke the land mass and clog the pores of the wetlands. (2) Unfortunately, even the villages and small towns are not free from this danger. Millions of people returning to their home towns every day carry their shopping in colourful bags. This pleases their family and children, who after preserving them for a time, dispose them in wells, rivers and drains. They do it with a sense of pride, to show off to their neighbours. (3) In Delhi, the worst offenders are the upper income groups of the so called posh colonies. Though educated, the residents of these areas are unaware of the damage done by the plastic bags. Nearly, a million children in Delhi schools carry their lunch boxes in plastic bags. They callously throw them away and cause an unhealthy environment. (4) Answer the following questions briefly.What is considered as the greatest potential threat to our environment? 1How are school children responsible for polluting the environment? 1How are polythene bags harmful to us? 2Would you consider the upper income group as the worst offenders of plastic bags in Delhi? Why/why not?2Complete the sentence. 1x2=2 An essential artery of city life is _______________.______________ is the reason for the disruption of the sewer system in cities. 1.2 Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: 1×2=2Protecting from harm (para 3)Upper class (para 4)Q2. Read the following poem carefully: Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world, With the wonderful water round you curled, And the wonderful grass upon your breast- World, you are beautifully drest. The wonderful air is over me, And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree, It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, And talks to itself on the top of the hills.You friendly Earth: how far do you go,With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that flow,With cities and gardens, and cliffs and isles, And people upon you for thousands of miles? Ah, you are so great and I am too small, I tremble to think of you, world, at all; And yet, when I said my prayers today, A whisper inside me seemed to say, ‘You are more than the Earth, Though you are such a dot; You can love and think, And the Earth cannot. 2.1Fill in the blanks with one word or phrase from the poem only to complete the passage given below. 1×5The poet is an admirer of (a) _______________ of the world. He says that the (b)__________ is wonderful with (c) ______________ around it. The world is beautifully (d) ___________. He realizes that he is too small in comparison to the world. But he also believes that man is much more important than world because man can (e)_________ and Earth cannot.Q3. Read the following passage carefully:Climate change will have serious implications as numerous adverse impacts are expected in terms of access to clean water, food and ecosystem resources. By 2020, it is feared that in some African countries yields from rain fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%. Climate change is also likely to lead to some irreversible impacts on bio-diversity. However, it is within the reach of human society to meet these threats. We have to adapt to the climate change. It requires investment in storm protection and water supply infrastructures as well as community health services. Bringing changes in lifestyle is an important part of mitigation measures. Greater co-operative efforts are required by both developed and developing nations to stop emission of greenhouse gases. The youth of today have a huge responsibility towards creating a bright future and they obviously have to stake in it. They must pursue knowledge by which economic progress can take place without changing the environment.On the basis of your reading of the passage, attempt the following questions.Fill in the blank: Numerous adverse impacts are expected due to ____________.1Answer the following questions:What is an important part of mitigation measures? 1How can today’s youth fulfill its responsibility towards creating a bright future? 1 Discuss the ways we can adopt to adapt to the climate change. 1Make a sentence with ‘effort’. 1SECTION-B (WRITING) (20 Marks)Q4. Read the given telephonic conversation between Mrs. Sheena and Aman:Aman: Hello, May I know who’s on the line?Mrs. Sheena: Yes Aman, it’s me Sheena aunty.Aman: Good evening aunty. Mummy is not at home right now. Can I have your message?Mrs. Sheena: Yes, it’s urgent. Please tell her that today’s kitty party at Mrs. Bhatia’s house has been cancelled as she is not well. Today, I am going to the Trade Fair at the same time. If she wants to go, she can inform me. I’ll pick her up.Aman: Ok aunty, I’ll give your message.Mrs.Sheena: Thank you son.As Aman has to leave for his tuition class, he writes a message for his mother. Write the message on behalf of Aman in not more than 50 words. 4Q5. You are Sarthak/Supriya, a student of class VII. You have to prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic ‘True happiness lies in making others happy’. Write the speech in about 120-150 words. You can use ideas from the unit ‘Attitude’ of My English Reader along with your views. 8Q6. You are Pulkit/Nisha. Your cousin, Amar, lives in Bangalore. An International Book Fair is going on in your city. Write a letter inviting him to come and stay with you and visit the book fair. (120-150 words) 8SECTION C (GRAMMAR) (25 MARKS)Q7. Complete the following telephonic conversation using the appropriate modals:1x4=4Ayush:Hello! (a) _______ I talk to Seema?Rohan: Hi, I am her brother. She has gone to meet her friend. (b) _______ I take your message?Ayush: Okay, I called to ask her if she (c) _________ come with me tomorrow to meet our teacher. (d) ___________ you please inform her and also ask her to call me once she’s back.Rohan: Yes. Sure.Q8. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word and the word that come before and after it. The first one has been done as an example for you.? x 8 = 4 Before word AfterI believe that every culture its culture has itsown beauty has evolved a_______________ ________because certain special circumstances. The b. ________________ ________ differences need be respected. In c.________________ ________a globalized world it necessary to d.________________ ________be aware our rich cultural heritage. e.________________ ________India known for its f.________ ________ ________unity diversity. Therefore, g.________ ________ ________Indians should proud of their country. h.________ ________ ________Q9. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them into meaningful sentences as given in the example. 1x4=4Spices/have/medicinal/are/there/which/many/valueThere are many spices which have medicinal value.Celery seeds/use /Ayurvedic /extensively/practitionersArthritis/studies/celery seeds /reveal / prevent /that/ and goutCup of/twice a day /add / whole seeds / a teaspoon/ in a / of/boiling water /and consumeProves/be/drink/to/a/healthy/it.Q10. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. 1x4=4a) __________ sound of thunder, the howling wind and the lashing rain is always (b)________ invitation to (c) __________ group of travellers who loves to go out in _________ (d) monsoon season.Q11. Read the instructions below and complete the paragraph that follows: 1x4=4a. Gently crush a green cardamom pod.b. Separate the seeds of the cardamom from the outer case.c. Mix the seeds in a jug with 100 ml of unsweetened curd.d. Add sugar, rose water and cold water.e. Blend the mixture into a smooth paste.f. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint.A cardamom pod (a) _________. The seeds of the cardamom (b)__________ from the outer case. The seeds (c)_________ in a jug with unsweetened curd. Sugar and rosewater are added. The mixture (d)___________ into smooth paste.Q12. (i) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb to complete the passage. 1x3=3A spiritual teacher (a) __________ (arrive) at a king’s palace. None of the guards tried to (b)________ (stop) him as he entered and made his way to the place where the king (c)_________ (seated).(ii) Do as directed 1x2=2(a)Sheena went to see the exhibition and Shilpa went to see the film. (Punctuate the sentence with a comma)(b) The old glass broke into pieces. (Make a sentence with the transitive form of the verb)SECTION D (LITERATURE)(35 Marks)Q13.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (5)I dream a world where manNo either will scornWhere love will bless the earthAnd peace its paths adornIdentify the figure of speech. 1How should a man behave in the poet’s dream world?2Name the poem and the poet.2Q14. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (5)O thanks for diamonds, and thanks for jetBut here is something daintier yet-A feather necklace round and roundThat I would not sell for a thousand pound!Mention the rhyme scheme of the extract?1What do you think are the priorities of the speaker in her life? 2What would you choose between money and freedom? Why?2Q15. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. 20a. What was unusual about grandfather’s habit?3b. Describe Swami’s feelings in the office room at night.3c. How did Rich Belanger’s story inspire Manjula?3d.Why did the narrator follow Aunt Ruby and Rocky secretly to the jeweller’s shop? What reason did Tutu have for following them?3e. Would you call Swami a hero? Why /why not?3f. The narrator secretly followed Aunt Ruby and her fiancé. Is he justified in doing that? 3g. Discuss the qualities of Manjula’s mother you admire the most?2Q16. ‘With those hands of hers she’ll never become an artist’, said Manjula’s father. Imagine yourself to be Manjula and write a diary page describing your feelings when you heard these words.(Fight Manju Fight) (80-90 words) 5ORAll the children in Swami’s class were narrated the story how Swami caught the burglar. You are Swami’s friend. Write a letter to Swami congratulating him on his courageous act. (A Hero) (80-90 words) ................

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