Apply Now to Earn a Scholarship to EELC 2019

Apply Now to Earn a Scholarship to EELC 2019


If you'd like to join the Council for Professional Recognition at this year's Early Educators Leadership Conference (EELC) in Atlanta, we have great news for you! The Council is offering scholarships to attend our Oct. 8-11, 2019, gathering at the Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort in Stone Mountain, GA. WHO SHOULD APPLY: This scholarship is open to educators/teachers who work in a Career Technical Education (CTE) program or high school, and who exemplify the mission and vision of the Council. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: The 2019 EELC offers a series of concurrent workshops, general sessions and a town hall meeting with accomplished early childhood education professionals, all designed to Accelerate Your Leadership! The scholarship application period opens on Friday, March 1 and ends Friday, April 5, 2019. To apply, submit the information below to Kimberly Cephas at scholarships@.

? A completed application ? Essay Question (for more details about guidelines, please see below) ? Letter of recommendation (for more details about guidelines, please see below)

First Name: ______________________________ Last Name: ________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name of High School: ________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _____________ Work Phone: _____________________ Work Email: _______________________________________

Please provide your personal contact information as the Council might be contacting you over summer break. Phone: __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: _____________ Country: _____________________________________________________

What is the regional demographic of your school? ? Urban ? Suburban ? Rural Select all that apply: I am a ? Teacher ? Administrator ? CDA Holder ? PD Specialist ? ________ How many years in the field of Early Childhood Education _____? How many years with CTE/High school program _____?


? Essay Question: In 500 words or less briefly describe a) your interest and career goals in early child education and development; b) the CDA program currently being offered or the CDA program expected to be developed at your high school or CTE early child development program and c) what you expect to gain by attending EELC.

? Letter of Recommendation: Please provide a signed letter of recommendation, on letterhead, from your supervisor or a school administrator who is familiar with your work.

Expectations and Permissions Scholarship recipients of the Council's High School and CTE Teachers Scholarship will be asked to provide a short biography and a picture that will be posted on the Council's website. Scholarship recipients agree to attend the opening general session and keynote address, meet with key leaders of the Council and regularly attend events at the conference. Your signature on this application grants the Council permission to distribute your name and photograph worldwide through its website and other electronic media. You acknowledge that you will receive no payment, fees, remuneration or royalties for this promotion or other use of your image. You must be 18 years old or older to be eligible for this scholarship.

Questions Please contact Kimberly Cephas at scholarships@

Disclaimer: The Council for Professional Recognition (the Council) will independently review and approve all scholarship applications for award to ensure that such applications are consistent with the mission of the Council. Scholarships are awarded for one-time use for the annual conference. Ineligible for this award: former presenters, former scholarship recipients and individuals related to any employee of the Council.

REMINDER: The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 5, 2019, at 11:59 PM EST. All documents are required in order for your submission to be considered. Please note that only the Scholarship awardees will be contacted. Good Luck. Thanks for applying!

My electronic signature testifies that all information submitted on this application are true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Please indicate how you learned about this program (check one):

____ Council Promotion ____ Council Website 2 ____ NAEYC ____ School Administrator

____ Other (please list): __________________________________________________________


Frequently Asked Questions for EELC 2019 Scholarship

WHAT IS THE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS' SCHOLARSHIP? The Council for Professional Recognition established the High School Teachers' Scholarship to provide an opportunity for future leaders in early care and education (ECE) to attend the Council's Early Educators' Leadership Conference (EELC).

Two applicants will each receive a scholarship that covers their EELC conference registration, meals, and accommodations. Applicants will also receive a travel stipend (up to $400) towards their transportation costs to the conference.

HOW DO I APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP TO THE 2018 EARLY EDUCATORS' LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE? Applications can be downloaded by clicking the application link above. Completed applications along with your recommendation must be sent via email to scholarships@

WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR A SCHOLARSHIP? ? Current high school career and technical educators (CTE) working in a high school CDA program or high school early childhood/child development program.

Please note: Prior High School Teachers' Scholarship winners, Council employees and their immediate family members, as well as moderators and presenters participating in the Early Educators' Leadership Conference are ineligible.

WHAT ARE THE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS? The application requirements include:

? A completed application form. ? One recommendation from a professional reference.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION? Please submit one letter of recommendation written by a current or former supervisor, principal/administrator or professional colleague who has worked with you in the field of ECE. Applicants are encouraged to request the recommendation letter as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to complete and submit the form by, Friday, April 5, 2019. Completed applications along with your recommendation must be sent via email to scholarships@

WHEN IS THE DEADLINE? Your application and a letter of recommendation must be submitted by April 5, 2019, 11:59pm EST.

Applications that are incomplete, late, or missing a letter of recommendation will not be considered.


Frequently Asked Questions for EELC 2019 Scholarship

MUST I BE A U.S. CITIZEN TO BE ELIGIBLE? U.S. citizenship is not required for this scholarship.

HOW DO I KNOW IF MY APPLICATION WAS RECEIVED? Due to the large number of applications received, we cannot update individuals on the status of their submissions.

IF I AM AWARDED ONE OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS, WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME? By submitting an application, you agree to fully participate in the conference and attend the Opening general session at the conference (Scholarship recipients will be recognized during this session). Please note: any photos or videography taken at the conference by the Council (or agent of the Council) may be used in future conference collateral, appearing either in printed documents, video productions, or on the Council website. We appreciate your consent to use these photos for the purpose of sharing and promoting the conference.

IF I APPLIED FOR A SCHOLARSHIP, SHOULD I STILL REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE? Yes. If you plan to attend the conference whether or not you receive a scholarship, you are encouraged to register early. This will allow you to take advantage of Early Bird Registration rates. If you receive a scholarship, Council for Professional Recognition will reimburse you for registration costs.

WHEN WILL I FIND OUT IF I RECEIVED A SCHOLARSHIP? The Council will announce the names of those educators receiving the scholarships on June 3, 2019.

WHO DO I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS? If after reviewing the FAQs you have additional questions, please contact Kimberly Cephas scholarships@. Please allow 1 ? 2 business days to receive a response.



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