University of California, Davis

University of California, Davis

Chinese Language Tutor Application

(updated May 2018)

Attention: Chinese tutoring is NOT a job with payments. It is NOT an opportunity for practicing English either. It’s a course (Chn 197T) or volunteering opportunity for UCD students and beyond to develop multiple career competences through helping others in Chinese learning. A Chinese tutor shall:

1) be highly responsible, reliable, and self-motivated to help others

2) speak standard Mandarin Chinese,

3) have the ability to read simple articles in Chinese newspapers,

4) be able to write Chinese characters neatly,

5) be willing to learn new knowledge and skills,

6) be a team-player and cooperative with others,

7) attend the scheduled orientation (first-time applicants shall also attend the

screening interview),

8) have no problem to strictly follow the tutoring schedule; for the assigned

tutoring hours, must not be absent, or come late or leave early, and

9) submit a reflection report at the end of the quarter before the final exam starts.

If you think you are such a person and would like to be a Chinese tutor this quarter, please complete this form and send as an email attachment to the professor in charge. Returning tutors shall also complete and submit the form. The professor will contact you with his/her decision after reviewing your application.

Volunteer tutors shall also complete a Volunteer Form (download at ).

( Date: _____/_____/ ___ )

Please read the following reminder and sign before completing the form:

The U Davis Code of Academic Conduct and University of California Standards of Conduct require that students be honest and act fairly at all times.  Any dishonesty in completing academic work or when providing information to the University may be referred to Student Judicial Affairs for disciplinary action.  Repeated acts of dishonesty can result in Suspension or Dismissal from the University.

I have read and fully understand the above statement. Signature: ____________________


1. Personal information:

Name: _____________________ (English) _________________ (Chinese, if any)

Student ID #: ______________________ Major/Department: __________________

School Standing: _________________________________(Freshman, Sophomore, etc., or a visiting scholar or a volunteer not affiliated with UCD)

Tel: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________

2. Have you been a Chinese Tutor before? If yes, when?


3. List the last three courses of Chinese language you took most recently (such as Chn 120 at UCD, or 10th

year high school in Guangzhou etc.):

School Course Hour/week Instructor Quarter/ Year Grade Received


4. Language competence:

Native language/dialect: ___________________

Other language(s) /dialect(s) you can speak fluently: ____________________________

5. The Chinese characters you have studied before are

Traditional characters / Simplified characters / Both forms

6. Have you studied pinyin before? If yes, how well?

Yes, my pinyin is excellent / good / fair / No, I did not study pinyin before.

7. Have you registered in any Chinese course this quarter?

Yes, the course is _________________ / No, but I intend to enroll in _____________

8. How would you evaluate your Chinese competence?

Strong areas: ________________________________________________________________

Weak areas: __________________________________________________________________

9 Why do you want to be a Chinese tutor?

10. Other information concerning your qualification of being a Chinese tutor that you may want the professor in charge to know:

11. If you are accepted for being a Chinese tutor, what time can you come and do tutoring this quarter? Check ALL slots that will work for you.

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|10-10:50 | | | | | |

|11-11:50 | | | | | |

|12:10-1:00 | | | | | |

|1:10-2:00 | | | | | |

|2:10-3:00 | | | | | |

|3:10-4:100 | | | | | N/A |

|4:10-5:00 | | | | | N/A |


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