Converting to and Laying out drawing sheets in …

DataCAD “MSP” to AutoCAD “Paper Space”


- save copy of DC5

- rename layers if needed

- if there are two of more sheets in one file choose one to be the Base Drawing

ie.: Base Floor Plan w/ NO notes or dims ( it will be XREF’d into each of the other drawings)

- Turn on only the layers needed for that particular drawing sheet

Ex.: for Base Plan – ex-wall, int-wall, doors, windows, etc. ( no notes or dims)

For First Floor Plan – 1-notes, 1-dims, 1-misc, etc

- Then export by “ON LAYERS” ( save DWG version as appropriate)


- Open drawing in AutoCAD

- Type “Z” (or Zoom) – enter

- Type “E” (or extents) – enter

- Check text to be sure it did not enlarge


- If needed XREF in base drawing by:

- type “XREF” – enter

- “attach” should be pre-selected, if so – enter ( go and find drawing)

- Place on pre-determined snap point ( XREF’s are read in as one entity and can be moved as a group)

Paper Space

- To get into Paper Space (few ways)

- Pull down menu – “View” – “Floating Model Space

- At bottom of drawing screen, double click on “Model”

- Type “Tilemode” – enter, change to “1”

- First thing to do is XREF in a Titleblock

- Place at 0,0,0 ( type in location)

Create Viewports

- Type “mview” – enter

- Draw a box, all layer that are on in the drawing will be in the viewport.

- To toggle between Paper Space and Model Space, double click on “Paper” at the bottom of the screen, “Model” will then appear in place of “Paper” and you will be in the viewport. If there are more than one viewports just click on the viewport you want to be in and you will enter it.

Turning on the layers you want for that viewport

- First type “Visretain” and change to “1” ( if not done layer freezing will not keep)

- Go to layer, “Select All” and in the middle of the right side click on “Frz” (freeze) next to the “Cur VP:” (current viewport) Do Not use large buttons at top right they will affect the whole drawing.

- To scale VP to correct scale you must be in Paper Space, not in viewports (model space)

- From drop down menu, “View” – Floating Viewports” – “MV Setup”. Type “S” (scale). Choose VP you want to scale in – enter. If titleblock is at real scale use the “1” prompted for the “Number of Paper Space Units”.

The next factor will depend on the scale of the detail: A few common factors

3” = 1’-0” is 4

1 ½” = 1’-0” is 8

¾” = 1’-0” is 16

½” = 1’-0” is 24

¼” = 1’-0” is 48

1/8” = 1’-0” is 96

- To enlarge or reduce the VP use “stretch”

- To move the VP use “move”

- To get rid of VP boxes create a new layer called “viewports”. Then type “change” – enter, select all the viewports – enter, type “P” (properties)- enter, type “LA” (layers) – enter, then type “viewports” ( for layer name to change to) – hit enter twice. Then go to layer tablet and turn off “viewports” layer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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