Email Address View - Howard University


Email Address View

Business Process Guide

? 2007 PeopleSoft, Inc., CedarCrestone, Inc. and Howard University All rights reserved. Published 2007 Restricted Rights Printed in the United States of America. The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to PeopleSoft, Inc., CedarCrestone, Inc. and Howard University. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of PeopleSoft, Inc., CedarCrestone, Inc. and Howard University. This Guide is subject to change without notice, and PeopleSoft does not warrant that the material contained in this Guide is error-free. If you find any problems with this Guide, please report them to the HU LEADS Training Team. PeopleSoft, the PeopleSoft logo, PeopleTools, PS/nVision, PeopleCode, PeopleBooks, and Red Pepper are registered trademarks, and PeopleTalk and "We work in your world." are trademarks of PeopleSoft, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright ? 2007 PeopleSoft, Inc., CedarCrestone, Inc. and Howard University. All rights reserved.

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Email Address View

Table of Contents

Email Address View .....................................................................................................2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................2 Assumptions ................................................................................................................... 2 Required Fields ...............................................................................................................2 Output Results................................................................................................................2 Procedure ......................................................................................................................3

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Email Address View

Department Responsibility/Role File Name Version Document Generation Date Date Modified Last Changed by Status Navigation Path

All Departments All employees Email Address View 0 10/23/2007 10/29/2007 SMcFarland Approved - Final Home > Self Service > Personal Information > Personal Information Summary > Email Address View

Email Address View


Employees can view any email addresses captured in the PeopleSoft database. Employees cannot change their University email address. University email addresses can only be changed by Information Systems and Services at 8062940.


Employee is entered in PeopleSoft

Required Fields

Required Field(s) None

Output Results

Output ? Results None

Comments Comments

Page 2

Email Address View


This process describes how to view the campus email address.

Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to your personal information page. Click the Self Service link from the Menu.



Click the Personal Information link. 2.

Click the Personal Information Summary link. 3.

Page 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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