Task One: Stop Smoking Medicines – Health Professionals

Task One: Stop Smoking Medicines – Health ProfessionalsYou need to provide some details to make sure you are able to assist your clients with Stop Smoking Medicines currently available in New Zealand. These include Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and three prescription only medicines. You can find information about all of these medicines in the online module or in NTS Handbook for Stop Smoking Medicines or numerous other online plete the chart below with the details requested.Your first and last name:Your email address:The date you did this assessment:1. You need to provide some brief comments about the characteristics of three different stop smoking medicines available in New Zealand. Write down some different facts and details for each. Bullet points are OK. They may be other characteristics or details of these medicines you are aware of too, so include these in your answers as you complete the chart below. You will see you need to discuss three different stop smoking medicines. Two are provided and the third one you can choose yourself. (27504 - 3.2)Varenicline (Champix)What type of medicine is this? What is the cost to the client for this treatment? What does a client need to do to get this treatment? What is the source? What doses are used in the treatment with this medicine? What actions are needed with the treatment?Describe the effectiveness of the treatment.Describe the side effects of the treatment.Add any other important details about this medicineBupropion (Zyban)What type of medicine is this?What is the cost to the client for this treatment?What does a client need to do to get this treatment? What is the source?What doses are used in the treatment with this medicine?What actions are needed with the treatment?Describe the effectiveness of the treatment.Describe the side effects of the treatment.Add any other important details about this medicineOne other stop smoking medicineWhich other medicine will you describe?What is the cost to the client for this treatment?What does a client need to do to get this treatment? What is the source?What doses are used in the treatment with this medicine?What actions are needed with the treatment?Describe the effectiveness of the treatment.Describe the side effects of the treatment.Add any other important details about this medicine2. Now you need to provide some brief comments about three different evidence-based treatments available in New Zealand. It is important to know about the different stop smoking treatment options that are available, other than the service you provide.This is so you can discuss with people wanting to quit the alternative evidence-based treatment programmes they can access that may be a better fit for their personal stop smoking journey. Bullet points are OK. (27504 - 3.2)Telephone Support (like Quitline)Cost of treatmentSource of treatmentNumber of contact times in the treatmentActions needed with the treatmentEffectiveness of the treatmentAdvantages of this treatmentDisadvantages of this treatmentOne to one SupportCost of treatmentSource of treatmentNumber of contact times in the treatmentActions needed with the treatmentEffectiveness of the treatmentAdvantages of this treatmentDisadvantages of this treatment3. Ka Pu te Ruha, ka Hao te Rangatahi - Good practice guidelines for Stop Smoking Services to work in more responsive ways with young wa?hine Ma?ori.Smoking remains a significant driver of Ma?ori:non-Ma?ori health inequity.The Ministry of Health requires ALL Stop Smoking Services to work in a way that reverses this inequity.The Ministry has developed the guidelines to improve stop smoking outcomes for wa?hine Ma?ori.The guidelines identify new insights and ways to make a positive impact on the rate of smoking among wa?hine Ma?ori so that the existing age and ethnicity disparities narrow and the transfer of smoking across generations is halted. You can view the guidelines here:Ka Pu te Ruha, ka Hao te Rangatahi - Good practice guidance for stop smoking servicesA.Ka Pu te Ruha, Ka Hao te RangatahiEquity1. How is health equity defined in this model?2. What is the main aim of this model?Your answers here:1.2.B.Ka Pu te Ruha, Ka Hao te RangatahiCore ValuesWhat are the 3 core values in this model?1.2.3.As a stop smoking practitioner, how will you put each of the core values into practice?Core Value 1 - Core Value 2 - Core Value 3 - C.Ka Pu te Ruha, Ka Hao te RangatahiRecruiting wa?hine Ma?ori to stop smoking services.In this model, what do the guidelines suggest for enrolling Wa?hine Ma?ori in stop smoking treatment? List two things the model suggests you could do. Your answers here:1.2.D.Ka Pu te Ruha, Ka Hao te RangatahiHow will you and your service include support to create a positive environment?In the model, what do the guidelines suggest for making the stop smoking experience fun and creative? List two things the model suggests you could do. Your answers here:1.2.E.Ka Pu te Ruha, Ka Hao te RangatahiHow will you and your service measure the changes wa?hine are making?In the model, what do the guidelines suggest for understanding what success looks like for wa?hine? List two things the model suggests you could do. Your answers here:1.2.You have now completed the task.The medications and treatment options are important for you to remember and use as a Stop Smoking Practitioner.SummaryPlease save the document using the following:FIRST NAME LAST NAME Task OneE.g. TUI BROWN Task OneThen email the file to: nts@.nz ................

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