Direct Loan Query to find all eligible schools that have ...

Complex Queries

The information in this document provides basic instructions on how to perform complex queries on the Financial Partner’s query screens. There are other examples of complex queries that can be performed on the School query screens in Volume V. Also, many SQL commands have not been identified and will work in constructing a complex query in the PEPS system.

To query on lender’s portfolio, go to More/Financial Partners/Entity Maintenance/Lender Portfolio Detail.


Enter a year in CY and :qtr1 in the Origination CY Qtr 1 Amt and :qtr2 in the Origination CY Qtr 2 Amt. Select the Find button.

Query/Where: To get an origination amount that increased $1,000,000 in the second quarter enter the following information and click OK.

You can use a similar concept on the outstanding balances for each quarter by putting :qtr1 and :qtr2 in the appropriate blocks and identify a CY and select the Find button—see below


Query/Where: To get an outstanding balance that decreased $1,000,000 in the second quarter enter the following information and click OK.

You can also query the lender’s portfolio to get information on those lenders that have sold all or a portion of their portfolio.


Enter 2003 in the CY and in the Outstanding CY Qtr3 Amt enter :a and in the Outstanding CY Qtr4 Amt enter :b and select the Find button.

Query/Where: To find lenders that had a portfolio of greater than $2,000,000 and sold the entire portfolio in the next quarter enter the following data and select OK:

Deactive Lenders:

A lender is deactivated if it does not file a ED Form 799 for two consecutive quarters. The last update date determines which quarters to use to find out those lenders that are considered deactive. In this case the portfolio data was updated on 3/3/2004. Therefore, we will query on the previous two quarters which are CY Qtr 4 Amt (12/31/2003) and CY Qtr 3 Amt (9/30/2003).


Make sure you are in query mode with the magnifying glass. Enter 2003 in CY and zero in all CY Qtr3 and Qtr4 Amts. Press the Find button. You will get records of all lenders that have filed an ED Form 799 since 1995 and did not file in the last two quarters of 2003. These lenders are considered as deactive.


Please note that we were unable to load portfolio data for all years. Therefore, if a lender has not filed a bill since before the initial load (12/31/1994) there will be no records for that lender in the portfolio screens. If you query for such a lender you will get the following message:

To see who is entering data for your agency or another agency enter :ga in the GA field and :ud in the Last Updt Dt field.



Enter the following text in the Query Where screen and select the OK button.

This query will give you review records that have been entered or updated between 12/1/1998 and 11/3/1999 for the Arkansas and Texas guarantors.

To get a list of reviews where the report has been issued but the review has not been closed for a year or several, enter :y in the Year field, :id in the Report Issue Dt field, and :cd in the Report Closure Dt field.

Enter the following text in the Query Where screen and select the OK button.

To get a list of reviews where the review was conducted but the report has not been issued then enter the following query and press the OK button:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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